Sex Discrimination Flashcards
Which Article of the TFEU directly applies to sex discrimination?
Article 157 TFEU
Which Article of TFEU has extended the equality principle to gender, ethnicity, religious belief, disability and age?
Article 19 TFEU
Which Article of TFEU allows MS to positively discriminate to further eliminate sex discrimination in employment?
Article 157(4) TFEU
Which directive would form the basis of a claim in sex discrimination?
Equal Treatment Directive 2006/54
Articles 2(a) and (b) of the Equal Treatment Directive 2006/54 define what?
Direct and indirect discrimination
In which case was a German law excluding sick pay from those that worked less than 10 hours pw illegal?
In Jenkins v (Kingsgate Clothing Productions) Ltd, the defendant was paying p/t workers less than f/t workers for the same amount of work. What did the CJ find?
The CJ said paying p/t workers a lower wage was not in itself illegal if there were objective justification for doing so in no way linked to sex discrimination. The Court also held it was up to the national courts to decide what was an objective justification.
In which case did the CJ revisit ‘objective justification’? What was the three stage test they came up with?
The three stage test in Bilka-Kaufaus v Karin Weber:
- Correspond to the real need of business
- Appropriate in relation to objective pursued
- Necessary to achieve those objectives
Which case tells us that you may not discriminate against transgenders?
P v S and Cornwall County Council
In Grant v South-West Trains non-married were couples were not allowed travel benefits and the Court upheld the defence. But what Directive and Article provision now excludes discrimination against sexual orientation?
Article 19 TFEU and Directive 2000/78
Which case gave direct effect to Article 157 TFEU?
Defrenne v SABENA (No 2)
How does Article 157 TFEU define pay?
Any type of consideration in respect of a person’s employment
What was considered pay in Garland v British Rail Engineering?
Travel facilities (even though they weren’t part of any formal contract and arose after retirement)
Which directive excludes statutory pensions from the definition of pay in Article 157 TFEU? Why?
Social Security Directive. Because a state pension is connected to a person’s legal rights not their contributions during employment.
Which case illustrates that sex discrimination cases are not always brought successfully by women?
Barber v Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance Group
What was held to constitute pay in the case of Tenoever?
Widow’s pension
What was pay in Worringham v Lloyds Bank?
Occupational pension contributions made by Lloyds for employees u25.
In which two ways does Directive 75/117 define ‘equal work’?
- Same actual work
2. Work of equal value
What dubious test did the CJ come up with in Angelstelten to deduce whether employees were undertaking the same work?
They would look at employee’s professional training.
How might a ‘job classification system’ help compare jobs?
A ‘job classification system’ brackets jobs into bands by objective criteria that enable you to deduce whether one job is equal to another in value.
What does Article 4 Directive 2006/54 make clear about ‘job classification systems’ for them to work properly?
The criteria upon which they grade jobs should be non-discriminatory.
What was contentious about the job classification system in Rummler v Dato-Druck GmbH? What did the CJ rule on it?
One of the criteria was physical strength. The CJ said it this criterion was not discriminatory in nature so long as it was objectively measurable amount of physical strength was required to perform the role.
Which case tells us that protection against victimisation extends to job references?
Coote v Granada Hospitality Ltd
There are three derogations to the equal treatment principle. What are they?
- Where sex is the determining factor in performing the role;
- Protection of women;
- Positive discrimination
Why did the CJ allow women to be excluded from the jobs in question in Sirdar v The Army Board but said they must be allowed in Kreil v Bundesrepublik Deutschland?
In Sirdar, the jobs were front-line marines, whereas in Kreil there was an outright ban of women from all military posts.
In Johnston v Chief Constable of Royal Ulster Constabulary, the CJ upheld that women could be excluded from police posts requiring them to hold firearms, which might make them vulnerable, however, how did the CJ limit their judgment?
- It should be considered whether it is proportionate to terminate a woman’s contract on the basis of safety;
- This judgment should be reviewed as society develops.
In which case were lump sum payments made by employers to their employees on maternity leave upheld as non-discriminatory?
Abdoulaye v Renault
In which case was a prohibition on night work for women held to be discriminatory?
In which case was it held that positive discrimination cannot justify selecting a woman for a job over a more highly qualified man?
Abrahammson and Anderson v Fogelqvist
Which case overturned the use of gender as a risk factor in calculating insurance premiums?