sex Flashcards
What is sexual media content?
o Sexual media: any content that portrays or implies sexual behavior, interest, or motivation
o Literary or artistic works with themes of sex and romances
o Designed with exclusive goal of enhancing and eliciting the sexual arousal of viewers
What is most common
o Mainstream media with discussions of sex
- Sexually violent material
o Portrays rape and other instances of physical coercion and harm
Nonviolent sexual material
Depictions of degradation, domination, subordination, humiliation
Not degrading
No indication of violence or coercion
What adolescents prefer
Adolescents prefer to see
Less sex
More friendships
More platonic relationships
Trends in sexual media content
Increases in
Portrayal of casual premarital (before marriage) or extramarital (affairs) sexual encounters
Portrayals of LGBTQ sexual relationships
What is sexual arousal
o Drive that energizes or intensifies sexual behavior
Sexual arousal measured by
Physiological measures
Body temperature
Pupil dilation
What is the role of gender and sexual orientation
o Men more aroused than women
o Sexual orientation matters
Portrayals of casual sex for teens
o For teens
Difficult or complex decision
Consequences not depicted
Affirms traditional values
Portrayals of casual sex for adults
Non-issue, the norm
Role of identification
Identification with characters make modeling more likely
Portrayal of extramarital sex
Common in soap operas, dramas
Treated comically or seriously
More likely to believe it’s common
Attitudes in support of it
Portrayal of STI prevention and birth control
Rarely mentioned
Positive effects can happen too
* Learned that condoms could fail
* Effects lasted 6 months
Effects of sexual media on attitudes towards women
Greater endorsement of sexual stereotypes
Women are sex objects
Men are sex-driven
Sexual activity is casually recreational
Availability heuristic
o Judge frequency of occurrence by ease with which we can generate examples
Sexual scripts
o Schemata (mental representations) about sex
Sexual scripts tell us…
o What events should and shouldn’t be happening
o How people should behave in response
o What the outcomes of particular courses of action should be
Sexual media effects on behavior
Can teach new behaviors
Disinhibition of known behaviors
Among adolescents
Exposure greater likelihood of sexual activity
Both porn and mainstream media
Effect on criminal sexual behaviors
o Heavy consumption of sexually explicit media (especially sexual violence) associated with perpetration of sexual aggression and sex crimes
Does sexual media stimulate aggression
Mixed results
Violence of content matter
Individual differences
Confluence model
o Sex offenders, violent men aroused by portrayals of rape
o Dispositional violence depends on view of victim portrayed as being in pain or pleasure
Counteracting negative effects - reduce behavior
Reduce behavior
Social norms (parents and peers disapproving)
Restrictions on access
Countering negative effects - education
Pornography literacy: critical thinking about realism of porn