settlement and land use Flashcards
What is the size and function of small
- isolated farmstead
- hamlet
- village
- town
- city
- metropolice
What is the size and function of large
What is rural
single functional
What is urban
multi functional
what does single functional consists
Primary activity
- farming
- fishing
- fosetry
- mining
what does multiple functional consists
secondary activties
tersiary activites
What ubran settlement
every urban area develops certain functional areas or land use zones
What is a cbd
- accessible
- highest bluiding
- high order function
- low order function
What are industries
- light industries e.g. shops
- heavy industries function
What is retail
- isolated stores
- outlying business can
- shopping centre
what is residential
- high income
- low income
- informal settlement
what is a zone of decay
-edge of cbd
-old building
-fuctions mixed
urban renewable
what is rural urban fr
- between urban and rural
- golf,power stations cementeries airports
what settlement will be determined by the following factors
- water provision
- activities that people are involved with;
- cutural traditions
- physical shape of the land
- political
what is nucleated
bliuding close together
what is dispersed
bluildings far apart
what is aerial photo
- vertical aerial photo
- oblique aerial photo
- orthophoto
what is urbanisation
the process where by the number of people that live in cities increase
what is rural-urban migration
- people who move to cities from rural
- push and pull factors
what is push factors
- few jobs
- war
- famine
- natural disasters
what is pull factors
- better health care
- job oportunties
- education
- saftey