Set 9 Flashcards
- Owner Communication Plan*
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Load Dispatcher Notifications
Owner QSE’s (NRG South Texas LP, City Public Service Board of San Antonio (CPS), and City of Austin (COA)) shall be notified by an EMS Website update of imminent, in-progress or completed power reductions of greater than 25 Mwe (non-peak)/ >5 Mwe (peak), unit/plant shutdowns, or other changes in scheduled power generation.
First notifications should be made via the EMS Website, then follow-up by telephone, as required, to Owner QSEs if needed for clarification.
- 0PGP03-ZT-0142, Shift Technical Advisor Training and Qualification Program*
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STA Responsibilities (when activated)
Provide advisory technical support to the Shift Manager.
Maintain cognizance of plant and equipment status.
Perform a review of planned activities and make appropriate recommendations to the Shift Manager, (including if special considerations or precautions are warranted).
Monitor Critical Safety Functions (CSF’s)
Monitor EOP progression to ensure transitions are correct.
Monitor Conditional Information Page
Immediately inform Unit/Shift Manager upon reaching an Orange or Red path condition.
Communicate CSF status during transition between EOP’s.
Make a qualitative assessment of plant parameters during and following plant events and transients to determine correct plant response and potential core damage.
- 0PGP03-ZT-0142, Shift Technical Advisor Training and Qualification Program*
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Requirements to be STA
One year of experience in the operation or engineering support of a nuclear power plant (i.e., Operations, Chemistry, Health Physics or Engineering), and six months at the STP site.
A Bachelor’s Degree in engineering, engineering technology, or physical science.
Active SRO License and maintain that license current IAW LOR training program.
Successfully complete a Simulator Evaluation as the on-shift STA
Participate in simulator training annually to maintain STA certification.
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012, Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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Action Level 1
Promptly identify & correct without power reduction
Parameter out-of-normal
CR, Take corrective actions
If not back to normal <21 days, go to Action Level 2
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012, Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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Action Level 2
Min. corrosion by reducing power & taking corrective action
Exceed level 2 value (where substantial damage may occur) or time in level 1
CR, <50% power w/in 24 hrs, restore to normal
If > AL1 or AL2, for >300 hrs, go to Action Level 3
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012, Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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Action Level 3
Correct condition that will result in rapid corrosion
Exceed level 3 value or time in lower levels
<5% power as quickly as safe operation permits, restore to normal
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012, Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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Action Level 1
Long term reliability may be afected
CR, restore w/in 7 days or engineering evaluation with formal corrective actions
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012, Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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Action Level 2
Significant damage in short term warrants prompt action
< AL2 limit w/in 24hrs or commence orderly shutdown to <250F
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012, Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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Action Level 3
Inadvisable to continue operation
Orderly shutdown IMMEDIATELY to <250F
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012, Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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Closed Cooling Water
Action Level 1
Outside normal, no discernable increase in corrosion if corrected w/in time limits
Increase monitoring
Return to normal < 90 days or go to Action Level 2
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012, Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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Closed Cooling Water
Action Level 2
Possible short term degradation
Increase monitoring
Return to normal < 30 days or En. Eval to determine long term effects
- 0PGP03-ZO-0012, Plant Systems Chemistry Control*
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Chemistry Transients Warranting Rx Trip
- CP fully bypassed (does not include partial bypass) AND Condensate Pump Discharge cation conductivity verified greater than 1.0 µS/cm
- Steam generator sodium, chloride or sulfate greater than 1000 ppb with a corresponding increase in steam generator cation conductivity.
- Steam generator cation conductivity greater than 15 µS/cm with a corresponding increase in steam generator sodium.