SET Flashcards
Ponerse con algo, emprender
Set about (trans) Take steps to deal with, undertake, engage in How do I set about claiming the money back?
Retrasar, entorpecer, complicar algo
Set back (trans) Cause difficulty to, delay, hold up, postpone The accident will set the experiment back some months
Poner por escrito
Set down (trans) Write down, explain, put down in writing He set down all the master said in a notebook
Establecerse, insertarse
Set in (intrans)
Become established, place in
What a pity! The bad weather seems to have set in
Ponerse en camino, salir (en un viaje)
Set off, set out (interns)
Start, leave, take off
What time do you want us to set off tomorrow?
They set out after a good night’s rest
Desencadenar (una reacción), hacer empezar
Set off (trans)
Initiate (chain reaction)
The attack set off a wave of protests in the world
Detonar, hacer explotar
Set off (trans)
Detonate, blow, trigger, activate
The bomb disposal unit has set off another bomb
Atacar, agredir
Set on (trans) Attack, cause to attack, assault Be careful they don't set their dog on you
Arreglar, disponer
Set out (trans) Display, arrange I saw her setting out a wonderful shopwindow display
Intentar hacer algo, proponerse
Set out (interns) To intend to do a thing Carl Lewis set out to win as many medals as possible
Establecer, disponer, presentar (normas…)
Set out (trans) Arrange, display The terms are clearly set out in the agreement
Empezar con entusiasmo
Set to (intrans)
Begin, undertake with enthusiasm
As soon as they were served, they set to with a will
Poner en pie, poner en vertical
Set up (trans)
Put upright
Can you set up the chess pieces while I get my glasses?
Establecer, montar (empresa, comisión…)
Set up (trans)
Establish, found, settle, build, fit
A commission was set up to find out the cause