PUT Flashcards
Criticar, difamar
Put down (trans) Criticise, defame, denigrate Don't put people down all the time! Build them up!
Atribuir a, dar como razón
Put down to (trans)
Give it as a reason
I put her success down to her sheer hard work
Solicitar, presentarse a
Put in for (trans)
Apply for, request
Why don’t you put in for this job? It sounds good
Aplazar, posponer
Put off (trans) Postpone, delay until later, defer People always try to put off doing unpleasant things
Disuadir a alguien de hacer algo
Put off (trans) Repel, persuade not to do, pour cold water on I put her off seeing that horror film
Extinguir, apagar
Put out (trans) Extinguish, douse The firemen couldn't put out the fire for ages
Ofender, enfadar, molestar
Put out (trans) Disturb, annoy I don't want to put you out, but can you help me?
Exponer, comunicar
Put over (trans)
Communicate, convey
Putting over your views in public can be tricky
Pasar a alguien al teléfono, poner con alguien
Put through (trans)
Connect (a telephone user)
Operator? Can you put me to this number?
Alojar, hospedar
Put up (trans)
Lodge, give a bed to, accomodate, board
When you come, I’ll put you at my flat
Tolerar, aguantar soportar
Put up with (trans)
Tolerate, bear, abide
I won’t put up with that sort of behaviour!