GIVE Flashcards
Regalar, obsequiar, donar
Give away (trans) Give to charity, donate, grant, present Give away what you don't want to people in need
Revelar, delatar, traicionar
Give away (trans)
Reveal (secrets), betray, disclose, divulge
She was found guilty of giving away state secrets
Devolver, retornar
Give back (trans) Return to owner, put back, hand back You can borrow it as long as you give it back tomorrow
Ceder, darse por vencido, rendirse
Give in (intrans) Surrender, submit, yield Just imagine! They gave in without a struggle!
Entregar, presentar (documentación)
Give in (trans) Hand in, deliver At the end of the test they gave in their papers
Someterse a, rendirse a
Give in to (intrans)
Surrender to
Governments must not give in to terrorism
Emitir (mal olor) emanar, desprender
Give off (trans)
Emit (bad smell)
Ugh! This meat is giving off an awful smell!
Distribuir, repartir
Give out (trans)
Distribute, hand out
The teacher gave out the examination papers
Give out (trans)
On the news they gave out that he was missing
Agotarse, acabarse, fallar
Give out (interns)
Be no more of, become exhausted, be off
Their water gave out after six days
At last her heart gave out
Give up (interns) Surrender, resign, yield, capitulate The hijackers gave up after police stormed the plane
Dejar, abandonar
Give up (trans) Stop, abandon, leave, quit It is difficult to give up old habits, like smoking