SET 5 Flashcards
Diverse cultures within a society. Different languages or cultural patterns. Offer opportunities for creativity and change such as the following:
Can reject prevailing values and norms.
Can promote alternatives to dominant culture.
Can act as force of change.
The process by which different cultures are absorbed into the mainstream culture.
Respecting cultural diversity and promoting equality of different sub-cultures within the culture.
Judging other cultures in terms of one’s own standards. Is the attitude that one’s own culture is superior to those of other peoples.
Judging a society by its own standards. Is the belief that culture must be understood on its own terms.
Cultural relativism
Common features of human behavior found in all societies.
Cultural Universals
Food-getting technology, Housing, Language, Marriage, Art, Incest taboos, Cooking, Medicine, Joking ect.
Examples of Cultural Universals
Increased global communications and economic interdependence represent more than the growth of world unity.
Global Culture
Television, unified global economy, global citizens, international organizations, electronic communications.
Forces for Global Culture