Session 9 - Patients and Proffessionals Flashcards
Describe the functionalist approach to understanding the doctor-patient relationship
- Falling ill is a socio-cultural experience
- lay people do not have the technical competence to remedy the situation and so the sick person is placed in a state of helplessness
- Medicine and doctors restore health and therefore restores social equilibrium
Describe the rights and duties of a sick role in the functionalist approach to viewing the dr-pt relationship
- Sick person is freed of social responsibilities and obligations
- Become dependant upon medical care
- Should want to get well and not abuse exemption
- Expected to seek out help
Describe the rights and duties of the doctor role in the functionalist approach to viewing the dr-pt relationship
- Tend to the sick in society
- use skills for the benefits of patients
- act for the welfare of the patient
Describe some criticisms to the functionalist approach to viewing the dr-pt relationship
- Sick role may never end ie chronic illness/illegitimate occupants
- Assumes patient is incompetent and has a completely passive role
- Assumes rationality and beneficence
Outline the conflict approach of assessing the dr-pt relationship
- Doctor has bureaucratic power and can exploit definitions of health and illness
- Patient has to submit to institutionalised dominance of Dr
- Lay ideas are discounted and social life pathologised
- People become dependant of medicine and loose self reliance ie childbirth
Give some criticisms of the conflict approach of assessing dr-patient relationships
- Is the portrayal of Drs and pts in conflict inaccurate?
- Patients can exert control over their care eg non-adherence
- Patients seek to medicalise issues
Describe the interpretive/interactionalist approach to viewing the dr-pt relationship
- Focusses on the meaning to both parties give to the encounter
- Interested in patients and what features of care are good/hinder care?
Describe the patient-centred method to assessing the doctor-patient relationship
- Has an aspiration that the relationship could be less hierarchical and more cooperative
- Patients views should be taken seriously and consultations should explore patients reasons for visits -> ICE
- Holistic approach to medicine with a mutual agreement
Describe some challenges of shared decision making between doctors and patients
- Are the consequences of patient involvement always good?
- Under what circumstances should patient power be limited?
- Who has final responsibility?
- Time