Session 7: Introduction and theories of Corporate Governance Flashcards
Definitions of corporate governance
Corporate governance is the process by which companies are directed and controlled.
The basic board processes (Matrix)
Outward looking , Inward looking vs. Past focused - Future focused
Corporate Governance theory - Principal(s) ↔ agent(s)
Whenever the owner of wealth (the principal) contracts with someone else (the agent) to manage his affairs the agency dilemma arises.
Solutions for agency problem
– Demands for reporting and transparency
– Requirements for accountability and audit
– Independent directors
Asymmetrical information
Directors know far more about the corporate situation than the shareholders.
Transaction cost economics
- However, as a firm grows, there comes a point at which the external market becomes cheaper.
- Transaction cost economics focuses on the cost of enforcement or check and balance mechanisms, such as audit, information disclosure, independent outside directors, and board committees.
Resource dependency theory
Die Direktoren sind als Grenzübergreifende Knoten der Netzwerke anzusehen und in der Lage das Geschäft zu seinem strategischen Umfeld zu verbinden.