Session 5- Communication and Interviewing Flashcards
Why is it difficult in an interview to reconcile individual differences with the goals of the organization?
This occurs simply because an appreciation of such goals has not been adequately instilled into the minds of the members.
What is the difference between interrogating and interviewing?
- Interrogating involves a process of questioning with the investigator assuming a dominant role in the relationship. 2. The interviewer must often exchange views with the person being interviewed, while an interrogator seldom gives information.
What are some functions of an interview?
- Obtain information about policies or practices, or about services, behavior, or employee relationships. 2. To motivate employees to improve. 3. To help solve problems through the consultation process. 4. To appraise the past, present or future situation of the employee.
What are the most common interviews?
- Informal nature involving day-to-day personal confrontations between the supervisor and subordinates. 2. Conducted to evaluate a candidate’s fitness for employment. 3. Utilized to inform the employee of his progress on the job. 4. Initiated by the worker who has a grievance. 5. Related to disciplinary actions or separation from the service.
How can a supervisor foster true communication with his workers?
- By using a friendly approach with genuine interest in the employee, his family, problems, and interests. 2. Any appearance of prying should be avoided!
What is perhaps one of the most productive sources of information which might be used by the police supervisor?
- The day-by-day, informal contact he has with his subordinates. 2. The adroit supervisor will employ the technique of listening as much as possible plus patient understanding. 3. He will allot some of his available field time to riding with the patrol officer engaged in performing his field duties, talking informally with him, and observing his work.
What should Sergeant Mullins realize is the keynote of employment interviews?
The keynote is patient listening coupled with the skillful use of suggestive questions to encourage the applicant to talk.
What is a common pitfall an interviewer can fall into?
To assume that if the applicant fits a given pattern in one trait, he will follow the same pattern in other similar traits.
This tendency is called halo effect judgment.
When conducting an employment interview, what should the interviewer be mindful of?
- Be alert for casual remarks made by the applicant after the interview. 2. Comments made in an unguarded moment often provide insight into an applicant’s character.
How can an employment interview be briefly described?
The functions of the employment interview are: – to get information, – to give information, and – to make a friend.
Should the unfavorable aspects of the position sought be disclosed?
Yes, the interview should include both favorable and unfavorable aspects.
What is the basic objective of a ‘progress’ interview?
To aid the employee to engage in self-appraisal.
Is it recommended to conduct progress interviews in rapid fashion?
No! Sufficient time should be allotted for each interview to avoid the impression that it is merely a formality.
What is a guiding principle of a progress interview?
The guiding principle is to provide the worker with a firm sense of direction for self-improvement.
When conducting progress interviews, is it desirable to compare the interviewee with other workers?
No, avoid comparing the interviewee with others to prevent bitterness and personal animosity.
How should a substandard employee’s progress be discussed?
The discussion should be based on careful analysis of specific factors reflecting performance and relationships.
In a progress interview, should the supervisor acknowledge causing some problems?
Yes, the fair supervisor should acknowledge any problem caused by his supervisory methods without apologizing for them.
How should a supervisor handle a grievance interview with an officer who has an ill-founded grievance?
- Allow the officer to talk out his problem. 2. Avoid recriminations to prevent hostility. 3. Explain the importance of the officer’s attitude for his future career.
How does a supervisor conduct a ‘problem-solving’ interview?
- Let the subordinate ventilate his problem. 2. Talking about the problem allows the employee to find his own solution.
Is it advisable for a supervisor to conduct a disciplinary interview immediately after becoming angry?
No! It is not advisable to interview a derelict employee until the cooling-off period has passed.
What procedure should a supervisor follow after an inquiry into a subordinate’s conduct has been concluded?
- Conduct an interview promptly. 2. Clear the air if the original complaint was unfounded. 3. Accept responsibility for informing the employee of any action to be taken.
Is a ‘separation interview’ helpful?
Yes! It helps determine useful or harmful hiring procedures.
Is developing a written outline recommended when preparing for an interview?
Yes, a written outline is often useful as a guide to cover important points.