Session 2- Supervisor Role and Communication Flashcards
What should Sergeant Mullins keep in mind when reducing a lengthy report?
- Analyze the report to select the IMPORTANT IDEAS. Then, LIST them.
- Add collateral detail to provide a basis for understanding.
- Preserve the TRUE MEANING of the report - avoid any distortion of the author’s meaning - DO NOT TAKE EXCERPTS OUT OF CONTEXT.
Important ideas are the core concepts that need to be communicated clearly.
What are the 3 main reasons why written communications fail to achieve what is intended?
- The writer fails to discriminate between fact and nonfact and thus misinterprets the data.
- The writer fails to use the most specific and concrete words to make his meaning clear.
- The writer fails to support his conclusions by factual data.
These reasons highlight common pitfalls in effective written communication.
Why do written communications require more attention than oral ones?
Because the reader has NO OPPORTUNITY to clarify meanings intended by the writer by QUESTIONING him.
Oral communication allows for immediate feedback and clarification, which is not possible with written forms.
What is the distinction between being ‘an authority’ and being ‘a leader’?
A LEADER is able to get subordinates to do as he wishes because they want to do so. The LEADER stimulates, motivates, and inspires the group to follow WILLINGLY, even EAGERLY. The AUTHORITY pushes and drives his subordinates, who yield and obey because they fear the consequences of disobedience.
This distinction emphasizes the difference between influence and control in leadership.
Why is there resistance to leadership training?
Resistance often stems from supervisors’ inability to realistically apply leadership principles to their assignments, leading them to rely on traditional methods. They may also resist due to the intangible nature of refined supervisory practices and the military connotation of supervision.
Is leadership ability inherited?
No, few are ‘born leaders.’ Any intelligent person can earn leadership status through development and training. Leadership must be formally recognized and earned.
What are 3 types of leaders?
- The Autocrat: Makes decisions unilaterally, effective in emergencies but not long-term. 2. The Democratic Leader: Involves subordinates in decision-making, leading to better performance and satisfaction. 3. The Free-Rein Leader: Minimally controls subordinates, which may affect morale.
The selection of the right approach for the right situation is key to skillful leadership.
What does a command presence denote?
It indicates complete command of mental and physical faculties, encompassing dignity, self-assurance, and poise, showing the ability to take command of any situation.
What is perhaps the best mark of good organizational leadership?
A high level of discipline.
How must a leader conduct himself?
A leader must adhere to high standards of honor and integrity, avoiding all appearances of evil. His conduct is appraised in three frames: what it is, what he thinks it is, and what it appears to be to others.
Should a supervisor engage in self-appraisal?
Yes, he should evaluate his leadership qualities objectively to gain insight into his strengths and weaknesses.
Should a supervisor study the personal traits of successful leaders?
Yes, supervisors should observe and adapt desirable traits to refine their leadership techniques.
Should a supervisor consult with his workers when making a decision?
Generally yes, if practical. However, this does not mean taking a vote before every decision.
What is the ‘ideal’ of human efficiency?
To achieve the greatest production in the shortest time with minimum energy and maximum satisfaction for producers.
How may a supervisor quickly lose the confidence of his subordinates?
By making accusations before learning all the facts. Always try to get the facts first.
A leader is often judged by his language. What are some guidelines?
- Speech should be positive and direct. 2. Avoid vulgar or sarcastic language. 3. No inflammatory remarks. 4. Avoid ultimatums except as a last resort. 5. Do not talk down or over the heads of subordinates.
What is a frequent complaint of workers?
That criticism comes readily but praise seldom.
Praise should be given when merited, and it is effective when done publicly, while criticism should be private.
How should a supervisor reprimand a subordinate?
- Mean what he says. 2. Get the facts. 3. Stay calm. 4. Address unacceptable behavior directly. 5. Allow the worker to respond. 6. Have a plan for improvement. 7. Use a soft approach to reduce resistance.
Should a supervisor try to ‘know’ his subordinates?
Yes, he should learn about his subordinates individually and collectively.
A supervisor should avoid meddling in personal lives unless work is affected.
What are some common reasons for failures in order-giving?
Indistinct speech, poor word selection, haphazard order-giving, too many orders at once, or neglecting to follow up.
Persuasion is more effective than coercion.
When are direct orders most appropriate?
- In emergencies requiring prompt action. 2. When dealing with lazy or indifferent workers.
When are requests most appropriate?
Most orders should be framed as requests, as cooperation is more readily obtained this way.