Session 4: Health Screening, Risk Factors, & Risk Stratification Flashcards
- Design & administer an appropriate screening and health assessment for participants - Understand and identify major cardiovascular disease risk factors, as identified by the ACSM, as well as their impact on exercise performance - Perform an appropriate risk stratification for participants based on health history and risk factor profile
What are the 4 aspects of successful client relations?
- A strong relationship between client and facilitator
- Behaviors the exercise
professional should exhibit as a foundation for business development - The GEI can and should create a strong framework for attracting and retaining long-lasting relationships
What are the 5 components of customer service and hospitality?
- Be on time or early for scheduled classes
- Be 100% prepared for all sessions
- Respond to phone and email messages promptly and courteously
- Demonstrate organization, reliability, and always follow-up on what has been promised
- Provide classes that are based on science or credible resources
How should participant questions be answered?
Concisely and accurately within the scope of practice
What is meant by the scope of practice?
Refers to what our qualifications and/or certification say we can talk about
What should the GEI do when an issue is outside of the scope of practice?
Refer the client to the appropriate professional(s)
How should the GEI handle participant concerns?
Listen to concerns, respond with sincerity, and solicit feedback
How should the GEI speak to participants and of others?
Speak respectfully to participants and of others
How should the GEI dress?
Appropriately and professionally
What are the 5 traits of professionals who create a hospitality experience?
- Optimistic Warmth
- Intellegence
- Work Ethic
- Empathy
- Self-Awareness
What is the definition of optimistic warmth?
Genuine kindness, thoughtfullness, and a sense that the glass is always half full
What is the definition of intelligence?
Open-mindedness and an insatiable curiousity to learn
What is the definition of work ethic?
A natural tendency to do something as well as it can possibly be done
What is the definition of empathy?
An awareness of, care for, and connection to how others feel and how the individual’s actions affect others
What is the definition of self-awareness and integrity?
An understanding of what makes me tick and a natural inclination to be accountable for doing the right thing
Is watching noverbal cues believed to be more or less reliable and essential to understanding another person than listening to speech?
More reliable and essential
What must the GEI be aware of regarding his/her nonverbal communication?
Their nonverbal communication is being observed and has an impact equal to that of verbal communication
Why is it very important for the GEI to make sure that they understand what a person is trying to convey nonverbally?
Because, nonverbal communication is believed to be more reliable than verbal communication, and it is often misunderstood
What are the elements of improved nonverbal communication skills?
- Frequent eye contact, without staring
- Positive facial expressions: e.g. smiling often and appearing interested
- Head movements: keep the chin up and nod yes to show interest
- Gestures: be expressive with hands and body movements, without exaggeration
- Posture: Sit and stand erect and lean forward to show interest
- Appearance and physique: maintain good hygiene, along with a healty and fit appearance
- Clothing colors: can convey specific messages
What effect could staring for more than a few seconds have on a participant?
Could make the client uncomfortable and may be costrued as flirtatious
What could frequent blinking convey to a client?
Could convey a wandering mind or that one wants to interrupt
What facial expression could express interest and surprise to a participant?
Widening the eyes and raising the eyebrows
What could narrowing the eyes or lowering the eyebrows
Disgust, anger, or sadness
What color conveys power, danger, force, passion?
What does the color orange convey?
Excitement, encouragement
What color conveys happiness, energy, intelligence?
What does the color green convey?
Harmony, safety
What color conveys trust, confidence, peace?
What color conveys luxury, creativity?
What does the color white convey?
Safety, purity
What color conveys power, mystery, aggression, unsafe?
In the client-centered approach, what counseling skills are central to keeping the client’s perspective at the forefront?
- Rapport building
- Exhibiting empathy
- Active listening
What does the client-centered approach not encourage?
Unsolicited advice
What kind of questions should the GEI ask in an interaction with a client?
Open-ended questions
What are open-ended questions meant to do and what
are they not meant to do?
To gather information rather than to be an interrogation
in an interaction with a client, how much should the exercise professional be speaking and what should they be focused on?
10-15% of the time, focused on pacing the conversation, asking the client to elaborate, when necessary
How is rapport developed with a participant?
By building a trusting and respectful relationship with the client.
How is empathy exhibited?
By earnestly listening and expressing understanding
How is understanding expressed?
By repeating what was said and clarifying what was said in the form of a question.
What is active listening?
Attempting to understand the underlying meaning of what a client is saying.
Name 3 active listening strategies.
- Reflective statements
- Empathetic statements
- Open-ended questions
What are the things an effective initial consultation accomplishes?
- Establishes the foundation of a client relationship
- Establishes open communication
- Provides medical, exercise, and health histories
- Establishes procedures for safety (ACSM risk stratification)
- Determines goals and expectations
- Administers performance assessments (If applicable)
- Defines a client’s learning preferences (class selection)
- Shows instructor’s level of expertise and knowledge
- Educates client on evidence-based training process
- Documents understanding of policies/procedures, fees, and payment
Name 3 reasons for health screening?
- Exercise can increase the risk of sudden cardiac death and heart attack
- Cardiovascular events usually only occur in clients with pre-existing conditions
- Many clients are unaware of their risk
What are the purposes of screening?
To identify:
- Medical contraindications to exercise
- Need for medical evaluation and exercise testing
- Clinically significant disease and the need for medically supervised exercise
- Other special needs
What are the 3 components of the screening process?
- Risk stratification
- Health history evaluation and related assessments
- Medical clearance or referral
What are the components of risk stratification?
Determination of:
- Risk factors
- If client is at low, moderate, or high risk
- Need for medical evaluation or exercise testing
What are the steps in the medical clearance or referral process?
- Obtain medical clearance, if indicated
- Complete informed consent
- Conduct appropriate assessments
- Refer to physician or other health care provider, if warranted
What should a health history include?
- Medical history
- Medications
- Exercise history
- Nutrition
Name 8 tips for communicating with medical professionals?
- Be prepared with accurate information
- Include full name, D.O.B., and age
- Be clear, succinct, and to the point
- Set a response date or urgency request
- Provide options on forms that are easy to use
- Allow room for comments
- Faxing is easier and more effective than email, although somewhat less personal
- When requesting information, always include a release of information form signed by client
What is the mission of the Exercise is Medicine (EIM) initiative?
To make physical activity and exercise a standard part of a disease prevention and treatment paradigm in the United States.
What are the types of chronic disease risk factors?
Modifiable and non-modifiable
What are the non-modifiable chronic disease risk factors?
Age, gender, ethnicity, family history
What are modifiable chronic disease risk factors?
Risk factors that are manageable and effectively altered through pharmacological, medical, and /or behavioral intervention
What are the 4 risk factors for coronary heart disease?
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hypertension
- Cigarette smoking
- Diabetes
Why is it important to screen clients who have a clean bill of health?
Because often they will also have several risk factors with no symptoms
What are the top 5 causes of death in the U.S., in decending order?
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Stroke
- Diabetes
- Pulmonary disease
What is dyslipidemia?
Abnormal levels of lipoproteins in the blood; either too high or too low
What is hypertension?
Abnormally high blood pressure
What constitutes hypertension?
Systolic BP > 140mm Hg and/or
Diastolic BP > 90mm Hg
What constitutes dyslipidemia?
Total cholesterol > 200mg/dL and/or
HDL (good) cholesterol < 40mg/dL and/or
LDL (bad) cholesterol > 130mg/dL
What cholesterol level is a negative risk factor for coronary disease?
HDL > 60mg/dL
What is obesity?
Body weight that is greater than what is considered normal or healthy for a certain height.
What constitutes obesity?
- Body mass index (BMI) >30
- Body composition > 25% in males and >32 for
females - Waist-to-hip ratio > 1.0
What is the ACSM obesity threshold?
BMI > 30 and a waist circumference > 35” for males and 40” for females
What is the threshold for significant risk of cardiovascular disease mortality?
BMI > 32
What is Body Mass Index?
A ratio of body weight to height squared (kg/m2)
What is Pre-Diabetes?
The development of insulin resistance.
Fasting blood glucose 100 - 126 mg/dL
What denotes a sedentary lifestyle?
< 30min of moderate intensity exercise 3 days/week for 3 months
What is insulin?
A peptide hormone produced by beta cells of the pancreatic islets. It regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and protein by promoting the absorption of glucose from the blood into liver, fat and skeletal muscle cells.
What is insulin resistance?
When cells in the muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t use glucose from the blood for energy(ATP). To make up for it, the pancreas makes more insulin. Over time, blood sugar levels go up.
What is a MET?
Metabolic equivalent of task (MET). Ratio of the rate at which a person expends energy, relative to the mass of that person, while performing some specific physical activity compared to a reference, set by convention at 3.5 mL of oxygen per kilogram per minute, which is roughly equivalent to the energy expended when sitting quietly.
What is the MET threshold for a higher mortality group?
< 5 METS
What is the MET threshold for an excellent long-term prognosis group?
> 10 METS
What is informed consent in a group exercise setting?
Participant’s understanding of their option to choose to participate in program
What is assumption of risk and waiver in a group exercise setting?
Participant’s agreement to relinquish or waive their rights to legal remedy (damages)
Could a client sue an instructor or facility, even after signing an assumption of risk and/or waiver? If so, on what grounds?
Yes, a client could sue an instructor for malpractice, or the facility for unsafe environment.
What does the phrase “bounds of competence” refer to?
GEI’s responsibnility to stay current with research, methods, and exercise physiology
What law governs the handling of clients’ personal information and how so?
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) requires user’s personal information to be kept confidential.
What are the components of an emergency action plan?
- Facility procedures
- Administering CPR
- Administering AED
- Administering first aid
Name two keys to managing the class environment in the context of emergency response?
- Remove users from the class who are endangering
the safety of either themselves or other users - Clear the room so that the emergency response
team can have quick access to the victim - Rehearse my response
What are the signs and symptoms of cardiorespiratory or metabolic disease?
- Agina (chest pain/pressure or jaw pain, or terrible heartburn - Shortness of breath at rest - Dizziness/loss of motor control - Cyanosis (blue tinge to the nail beds, lips, or gums) - Heart palpitations - Unusual fatigue with normal activity - Confusion or loss of mentation
How should the GEI respond if a participant exhibits signs of cardiorespiratory or metabolic disease?
- Stop the class
- Get immediate help for the person affected
- Clear the room so that the emergency response
team can have quick access to the victim - Do not leave the victim
- Continue to monitor until help arrrives
- Begin CPR, if necessary
What are the risks of over training?
- Tenderness and soreness in muscles and joints
- Overuse injuries
- GI disturbances; diarrhea
- Loss of appetite and weight loss
Name some ways a GEI could modify an exercise or an exercise program to meet the needs of a participant(s)?
- Intensity levels
- Altering the choreography
- Simplifying the patterns
- Extending or shortening components of the class
- Tempo (speed of movement)
- Range of motion
- Leverage
- Body Position (seated vs. standing or lying)
- Load
- Resistance