Session 4 - Economics Flashcards
Covered Interest Rate Parity
Holds when any forward premium or discount exactly offsets differences in interest rates, so that an investor would earn the same return investing in either currency.
= [1+interest rate A(days/360)]/[1+interest rate B(days/360)]*spot rate
Relative Purchasing Power Parity
Changes in exchange rates should exactly offset the price effects of any inflation differential between the two countries.
Spot @ T = Spot*[(1+inflation A)/(1+inflation B)]^T
Balance of Payments (BOP)
Method used to keep track of transactions between a country and its international trading partners:
current account
+ financial account
+ official reserve
= 0
Current Account
Measures the exchange of goods, services, investment income, and unilateral transfers (gifts).
It summarizes whether we are selling more goods and services to the world than we are buying from them.
Financial Account
Measures the flow of funds for debt and equity investments into and out of the country.
Official Reserve
Transactions made from the reserves held by the official monetary authorities of the country.
Real Exchange Rate (A/B)
= equilibrium real exchange rate
+ (real interest rate B - real interest rate A)
- (risk premium B - risk premium A)
FX Carry Trade
An investor invests in a higher yielding currency using funds borrowed in a lower yielding currency.
This is a bet against uncovered interest rate parity and works best during low volatility periods.
Growth Rate in Potential GDP
LT growth rate of technology
+ (alpha)(LT growth rate of capital)
+ (1-alpha)(LT growth rate of labor)
LT growth rate of labor force + LT growth rate in labor productivity.
Labor Supply Factors
- Demographics
- Labor force participation = labor force/working age population
- Immigration
- Average hours worked
Offer/bid spreads are often stated as “pips”
1 pip = 1/10,000
Classical Growth Theory
In the long-term, population growth increases whenever there are increases in per capita income above subsistence levels due to an increase in capital or technology progress.
This theory is not supported by empirical evidence.
Neoclassical Growth Theory
Sustainable growth of output per capita is equal to the growth rate in technology divided by the labor’s share of GDP
Endogenous Growth Theory
Technology growth emerges as a result of investment in both physical and human capital. Unlike the neoclassical model, there is no steady growth rate, so that increased investment can permanently increase the rate of growth.
Uncovered Interest Rate Parity
Not bound by arbitrage - this derives the expected future spot rate as opposed to the no-arbitrage forward rate (covered parity)
Expected spot at time T = [(1+interest rate A)/(1+interest rate B)]^T * spot price
International Fisher Relation
Nominal rate of return is the sum of the real rate and the expected rate of inflation.
(1+Rnominal) = [(1+Rreal) + (1 + Einflation)]