Session 31 (PORT Study Questions) Flashcards
1.1 Name two instances when, according to the Supreme Court, execution is considered
cruel and unusual punishment under the Eight Amendment.
1.1 Explain the basic principles of due process. Which amendments guarantee due
process rights?
1.1 In which amendment is the equal protection clause found?
1.1 Which amendment guarantees the right a right to a speedy trial?
1.1 How does a criminal case the Supreme Court of the United States?
1.1 Explain the purpose and process of voir dire.
1.1 Explain the difference between probation and parole.
1.1 At which point is an inmate in Georgia considered for parole.
1.1 Which Georgia state law enforcement agency provides crime laboratory and CJIS
services to local agencies.
1.1 Explain the process of a case from entry into until exit out of the criminal justice
1.2 List five legal/regulatory sanctions an Officer may face if found guilty of
unprofessional or unethical conduct.
1.2 Describe how unethical conduct can affect an Officer’s personal life.
1.2 Explain the importance of law enforcement professionalism to community
1.2 Explain how the Six Pillars of Character as described by the Josephson Institute
affect the ability of a Law Enforcement Officer to be effective and efficient.
1.2 Discuss the minimum educational requirements of POST council for candidates
for Peace Officer certification.