Session 14, legal personnel Flashcards
What are the two types of lawyers?
- barrister
- solicitor
What are key facts about Barristers?
- “the bar” regulated by General council of the bar
- must be a member of 1/4 Inns of Court
- can be self employed, work for organisations like Crown prosecution service, civil service or local govt
How do you Enter the bar?
- law degree
- non degree followed by graduate diploma in law or common professional exam
- bar professional training course
- pupillige
What does the Bar Professional Training Course entail?
- case preparation
- legal research
- writing skills
- drafting documents
- negotiation
- client interviews
What is pupillage?
- 12 months shadowing barrister
What are the four Inns of Court?
- Lincoln’s inn
- Inner Temple
- Middle Temple
- Gray’s Inn
What is access to barristers like?
- accessed for civil cases
- not usually accessed for criminal or family law
- previously solicitor had to be instructed first
- must complete additional training for direct access services
What are key facts about Soliciters?
- controlled by Law Society
How to become a solicitor?
- degree in law or Common professional exam or Graduate Diploma in Law
- Legal Practice Course
- training contract
What does the Legal Practice Course entail?
- client interviews
- negotiation
- advocacy
- drafting documents
- legal research
Where do solicitors work?
- private practices, partnerships, govt and courts
Which roles of Barristers and Solicitors overlap?
- both can now present in court
- can both negotiate with clients
How do Barristers and Solicitors qualify for Queens Counsel?
- can apply after 10 years if they have advocacy qualifications
Key facts about Queens Counsel?
- “taking silk”
- QC take more high profile cases
- higher fees
What are Legal Executives?
- assistants in Soliciter firms
How do you become a Legal exacutive?
- Professional Diploma in Law and Professional higher DL
- work in firm for at least 5yrs
- becomes Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal executives
How does a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal executives become a solicitor?
- Law Societies Legal Practice Course
What do Legal Executives do?
- draft wills, advise people with matrimonial problems, advise people accused of crimes
- ## rights of audience ( to gain more rights course on advocacy)