Session 1 - Introduction Flashcards
What is culture?
Definition: shared rules (values, behaviour)
-> implicit or explicit
-> formal (law) or informal (culture of a family)
Definiton of culture -> 3 main aspects
more than 1 person
by people in a group, organisation or society
based on human capacity to use one thing to present another
not inherited or biologically based
man made -> nature is not culture but it affects culture
Wheel of Culture - Social Categorization
- Age
- Family
- Gender
- Religion
- Ethnicity
- Social Economic Status
- Organization
- Professional
- Nationality
What is intelligence?
Intelligence is the capability to meet the demands of the enivronment effectively
-> to detect rules & make shared rules
Multiple Intelligence - Howard Gardner
- Bodily-kinesthetic -> capacity to manupulate objects and use a veriety of physical skills
- Interpersonal -> ability to unterstand and interact effectively with others
- Verbal-linguistic -> ability to unterstand and reason using cocepts framed in words
- Logical-mathematical
- Intrapersonal -> ability to unterstand and appreciate our innermost feelings
- Visual-spatial -> ability to tell where object are in space
- Musical
- Naturalistic
What is culture intelligence?
The capability of an individual, group or organziation to function effecitvely in an environment characterized by culutral diversity.
The capability of an individual, group or organization to detect rules and make shared rules.
4 factors of culutral intelligence
- CQ Drive (Motivation) -> Mental Functioning
- CQ Knowledge (Cognition) -> Mental Functioning
- CQ Strategy (meta-cognition) -> Mental Functioning
- CQ Action -> Behaviour
CQ vs Other Cultural Competence Models
Cultre intelligence
* Knowlege
* Skills
* Meta-cognitive capabilities
* Motivational capabilites
Other Cultural Comoetence Models
* Personality
* Attidudes / World Views
* Konwledge
* Skills
IQ: Cognitive Intelligence
* Knowledge & Work Competency
EQ: Emotional Intelligence - Complements IQ
* high quality interpersonal relationships
CQ: Cultural Intelligence - Complements IQ + EQ
* explains the variability in coping with diversity and functioning in new cultural settings.
Domestic Leadership Effectiveness
vs Global Leadership Effecitveness
CQ is a key differentiating factor for effective global leaders
For human survival,
Prejudice is hardwired in our brain
-> put stereotpyes aside and be curious, think about what you can learn from it
Neurological Basis
Prefrontal cortex:
takes a lot of effort to not react instinctive
mindfulness, present moment, bringing the focus back
-> decision making
Limbic System:
fight, instictive reaction
emotional control center
experienced delayed synergy
realization due to cultural
deals delayed, terminated or
purchase prices negatively
impacted by cultural issues
Return on Investment
- Leader Emergence
- Client Satisfaction
- Innovation
- Intercultural Negotiation
- Intercultural Trust
- Interculutral Adaptability
- Salary
- Social capital