Session 1: Basic Concepts in MSK Flashcards
Give some functions of bone.
Support Protection Metabolic (storage and release of calcium and phosphate) Storage Movement Haematopoeisis
What do bones store?
They are store calcium and phosphate. But also store important growth factors and cytokines like insulin-like growth factors etc.
Give some functions of skeletal muscle.
Locomotion Posture Metabolic (fast twitch/slow twitch) Venous return Heat production Continence (muscles of the pelvic floor are responsible for the maintenance of urinary and faecal continence)
Give examples of connective tissue in the musculoskeletal system.
Tendons Ligaments Fascia Cartilage (Hyaline and fibrocartilage most commonly) Synovial membrane
Give functions of tendons.
They connect muscle to bone. Their role is force-transmission from the contracting the muscle to the bone to which they are attached.
Give functions of ligaments.
They connect bone to bone. They support joints and prevent and excessive range of movement.
Give functions of the fascia.
To envelop groups of muscles and divide body parts into anatomical compartments. They can also serve a protective function for the underlying structure.
What is the fascia called in the thigh?
It’s called fascia lata and it is very tough.
Give functions of the hyaline cartilage.
It’s found on the ends of bones contributing to the joints. It’s smooth and creates a near to frictionless motion at the joint.
Give functions of fibrocartilage.
Higher collagen content than hyaline cartilage. It plays an important role in shock absorption and also bony congruity. Menisci e.g.
What is congruity?
It’s creating a complementary shape of bony surfaces to improve stability.
Give functions of the synovial membrane.
Tissue found within joints, bursar and tendon sheaths. It produces synovial fluid to lubricate the joint and make it as close to frictionless as it gets.
What other cells than the most common are found in bone?
Fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells and adipocytes.
Briefly outline the ECM of bone.
In the ECM CaPO4 can be found also called calcium phosphate. It mineralises the extracellular matrix. In the ECM you can also collagen, not very much elastin, but also ground substance containing water and GAGs and proteoglycans.
What does the calcium phosphate do in terms of stability?
It gives great compressive strength.
What does the collagen do in terms of stability?
It gives great tensile strength.
How many bones can be found in the adult human?
206 bones.
How many vertebrae bones can be found?
26 vertebrae.
How many upper limb bones can be found?
64 in total. 32 on each side.
How many lower limb bones can be found?
62 in total. 31 on each side.
There are two divisions of skeleton, which?
The axial and appendicular skeleton.
Explain the axial skeleton.
It forms the longitudinal axis of the body.
Explain the appendicular skeleton.
Comprises the bones of the upper and lower limbs.
Where are long bones mostly found?
In the appendicular skeleton.
Give a function of a long bone.
They act as rigid levers and are position in space by the action of the muscles.
What is the medullary cavity lined with?
What do arteries enter the bones via?
Foramens also called nutrient foramen.
Where can the foramen usually be found?
Near the middle of the diaphysis.
Where can you find short bones?
Located in wrist and ankle joints so in the appendicular skeleton.
Give functions of short bones.
Provision of stability. Facilitating a great range of movement.
What are the functions of flat bones?
To provide protection of internal organs such as brain, heart and pelvic organs. Flat bones can also provide larges areas of attachment for muscles.
Where can you find irregular bones?
Vertebrae for protection of the spinal cord.
Where can you find sesamoid bone?
In patella for example embedded in tendon.
What are processes of bone?
Prominent projections of a bone. Something that sticks out of it and usually provides attachment for a tendon/muscle. They can also be called for example tubercle or protuberance.
Give example of articulating processes.
What is head?
A rounded articular projection supported by a neck. For example the head of humerus.
What is condyle?
A large knuckle-like articular projection. (e.g. medial condyle of the femur.) In the case of the femur the condyle is distal to the head.
What is facet?
A smooth flat surface like the superior and inferior articulating facets of the vertebrae.
Give examples of non-articulating processes. What are their functions?
They are usually the result of traction on the developing bone by muscles and ligaments etc. Epicondyle Trochanter Tubercle Tuberosity Crest Line Spine
How does force on bone relate to prominence of non-articulating processes?
The more force on a bone the more prominent a non-articulating process will become.
What is epicondyle?
Smaller projections above the condyle. These are usually attachment sites for muscles and ligaments.
What is trochanter?
A blunt projection that is only found on femur. Slightly below and lateral to the head.
What is tubercle?
Small knob-like rounded process. Found in e.g. humerus.
What is tuberosity?
Large, often rounded usually roughened process. These are usually an attachment site.
What is crest?
Prominent border or ridge like the iliac crest.
What is line?
A less prominent ridge than a crest.
What is spine?
Sharp slender process like the spinous process of a vertebra.
What are depressions of bone?
They can be indents in bone that proves a passage for blood vessels, nerves, lymph or other soft tissues.
Give example of depressions.
Fovea Sulcus/groove Fossa Cavity Notch
What is fovea?
A pit-like landmark like the fovea wapitis of femur.
What is sulcus/groove?
Furrow that accommodates soft tissue such as blood vessels, nerves or tendons.
What is fossa?
Basin-like depression
What is cavity?
A spacious open area.
What is a notch?
A C or U shaped depression providing passage for vessels and other soft tissues.
Explain openings.
Openings are found in the bone which allows passage of vessels and nerves primarily.
Give example of openings.
What are fissures?
Narrow slit-like openings between adjacent parts of bones though which blood vessels or nerves can pass.
What are foramen?
A hole or a window in the bone.
What are canals?
Not only a hole but tube-like passageways.
What are periosteal arteries and what do they do?
They are found in the periosteum and supply the periosteum and the outer third of the cortex of the bone.
If the periosteal arteries only supply a third of the cortex, what supplies the rest?
They are supplied by the nutrient artery.