SESAP ICU - Cardiac Flashcards
Cardiac Arrest - What is TTM
Targeted temperature management. A management strategy for out of hospital cardiac arrest to improve short term and long term survival and neurologic recovery.
TTM Trial
TTM - benefits of 36 C is equivalent to 33 C. Cool to 33-36 C for 24 hours.
What is an inotrope?
Increases cardiac contraction –> increases cardiac output without a change in BP.
ex. dopamine, dobutamine, milrinone, epinephrine
what is a chronotrope?
Increases heart rate to increase cardiac contractility. Increase CO and increase HR
ex. Isoproperonol, dopamine, high level of dobutamine, atropine
What is dromotropy?
Increasing actual conduction between nodes
ex. phenytoin
Which act on heart?
Which act on periphery?
- epinephrine, dopamine, dobutamine, milrinone
2. norephinephrine, vasopressin, phenylephrine
Pressor to receptor
- Norepinephrine: primary alpha 1 agonists > dopamine, (inc SVR, inc BP)
- Epinephrine: A1 = B1 > B2 (inc svr, inc hr, inc cp
- Phenylephrine: only alpha –> can result in bradycardia when tone is lacking.
- Vasopressin: V1a receptor –> constrict arterioles.
First line sepsis treatment
Second line
- norephinephrine
2. dopamine
SEPSIS fluid rate?
per 2016 guidelines - at least 30 ml/kg for the first 3 hours. e.g. 100 kg patient –> 3000 mL of crystalloid.
goals of resuscitation - MAP > 60, maintain UO > 0.5 -1 ml/kg/hr. (source control, early antibiotics)
bonus - hetastarch not recommended for anything. increased risk of AKI and death.
ACLS review - treatment?
- Monomorphic ventricular tachycardiac w/ hypotension
- Monomorphinc ventricular ectopy, sustained
- Torsades de pointe ( wide complex)
- Symptomatic bradycardia w/ hypotension
- Narrow complex tachycardias
- Cardioversion
- fix electrolytes. If sustained, give Amiodarone
- Remove medication (haldol, methadone, levofloxacin). IV magnesium
- Atropine then transcutaneous pacing
- Blocker –> CCB (AV nodal block), BB
MTP - what does it mean?
- Massive transfusion protocol activated to deliver a 1:1:1 ratio.
- Decreases death from exsanguination and improves 24 hour survival (not 30 day mortality)
what is 1:1:1
6 U PRBC. 6 pack of Tb. 6 U FFP.
Sepsis - what is SOFA?
Sequential organ failure assessment - qSOFA (quick).
- Altered mental status
- RR > 22
- SBP < 100
Sepsis versus septic shock
Sepsis - SOFA of 2 with a suspicion for infection
Septic shock - sepsis with sustained hypotension requiring pressor support to maintain MAP > 65 and lactate of 2 mmol/L.
Fat embolus syndrome -
- Definition
- Clinical scenario
- Treatment
- mechanical theory of fat globules blocking the systemic circulation, biochemical theory of fats –> FFA and causing profound inflammatory state.
- young patient, long bone/pelvic fractures, hypoxic respiratory failure/distress with petechial rash over thorax/axilla.
- Supportive.