Servitudes Flashcards
Servitudes - what?
Schulz - a “burden”
Marcian - a “benefit”
Servitudes must…
- not be over one’s own property
- be economically beneficial (D.8.1.15)
- not impose active duties (D.
- be used and exercised reasonably (D.8.1.9)
Purpose of servitudes
- effective use of land: economic efficiency
- allowance of complex arrangements: autonomy
Praedial servitudes
- rights a person had by virtue of owning land.
- attached to land (D.8.4.12)
Rustic praedial servitudes
- iter (walk)
- actus (drive)
- via (walk and drive)
- aquae ductus (channel water)
Creation of rustic praedial servitudes
- mancipatio
- cessio in iure
- usucapio (until lex Scribonia)
- pact/stipulation
- quasi-traditio and patienta (delivery and intention)
- long use (nec vi, nec clam, nec precario)
- long temporis prescriptio (nec vi, nec clam, nec precario)
- deductio
- by will
Extinction of rustic praedial servitudes
- legal/factual destruction
- merger
- non-use
- release
Protection of rustic praedial servitudes
- ownership level: actio confessoria and negatoria
- possessory level: possessory interdicts
Urban praedial servitudes
- right to non-obstruction of light; right to prevent this…
=> existed in both positive and negative form.
Creation of urban praedial servitudes
- adiudicatio
- mancipatio
- cessio in iure
- usucapio (until lex Scribonia)
- pact/stipulation
- quasi-traditio and patienta (delivery and intention)
- long use (nec vi, nec clam, nec precario)
- long temporis prescriptio (nec vi, nec clam, nec precario)
- deductio
- by will
Termination of urban praedial servitudes
- legal/factual destruction
- merger
- non-use
- release
Protection of urban praedial servitudes
- ownership level: actio confessoria and negatoria
- possessory level: possessory interdicts
Usufruct - what
“The right to use and enjoy the things of another without impairing their substances” (Paul, D.7.1.1.)
Usufruct - rights
- to use the property in authorised way (otherwise lex Aquilian action)
- to take its fruits
- sell/lease of the right
Usufruct - duties
- to take care as the reasonable person
- to return unchanged (allowing for wear and tear)
- property could be improved as long as this did not alter the character (D.
=> encompassed in the cautio