Roman vocabulary Flashcards
Augustus allowed sons to keep anything acquired during their military service
Peculium castrense
Rights and obligations for slave made contracts
Actio quod iussu; actio de peculio; actio tributa; actio institoria; actio exercitoria
Slave ‘marriage’
Things owned by no one (land; air…)
Res communes (J.2.1.1)
Things owned by all - the property of collectivity itself
G.2.11; res publicae (J.2.1.2)
Things belonging to societies
Res universitatis (J.2.1.6)
Things belonging to no one
Res nullius
Things belonging to the Gods
Res sacrae (J.2.1.8)
Things to do with religion (burial land…)
Res religiosae (J.2.1.9)
Things that are sanctified (gates; walls to city)
Res sanctae (J.2.1.10)
Action for the dominus
Ad exhibendum; Rei vindicatio
Defendant bonitary owner’s action in the Actio Publiciana
Exceptio venditae et traditae
Claimant bonitary owner’s action in the Actio Publiciana
Replicatio venditae et traditae to the dominus’ eccepito iusit dominii
Possessory interdicts
Quorom bonorum - acquisition
Utrubi (movables) and uti possidetis (land) - retainment
Utrubi (movables); unde vi (immovables) and unde vi armata (immovables with arms) - regaining
The first taker of a res nullius acquires dominium.
Abandoned property
Res derelictae
Wild animals
Ferae naturae
Tame animals
Domitae naturae
Mixing two objects where there is no principal and accessory (eg. wine)
Confusio (J.2.1.27) - actio communi dividundo
Mixing two objects together which are easily separable (eg. sheep)
Commixtio (J.2.1.28)
Attaching two objects together which are easily separable (eg. wheel to chariot)
Where silt builds up on land
Alluvio (G.2.70) - new owner
Where a torrent detaches land
Avulsio (G.2.71) - old owner until roots
Where an island appears
Insula nata
- in the sea: new owner by occupatio
- in the river: bank division
Where D builds on X’s land with his own materials
Bad faith: gift to X.
Good faith:
- in possession: D has exceptio doli for materials’ value.
- out of possession: no remedy until late Empire.
Where D builds on his own land with X’s materials
Bad faith: X has actio de tigno iniucto (double value)
Good faith:
- in possession: X has vindicatio when house collapses.
- out of possession: D has vindicatio but must pay value of materials or X can use exceptio doli.
Where D sows his seeds on X’s land
Bad faith: gift to X.
Good faith:
- in possession: D has exceptio doli.
- out of possession: no remedy.
Textura - thread accedes to garment.
Scriptura - writing accedes to parchment (G.2.77)
Pictura - tablets accede to painting (G.2.78)
Where D (owner of principal) attaches the two res
Bad faith: X has actio furti
Good faith:
- in possession: no remedy until late Empire.
- out of possession: X has exceptio doli.
Where D (owner of the accessory) attaches the two res
Bad faith: gift to X.
Good faith:
- in possession: D has exceptio doli.
- out of possession: no remedy.
The merging of two or more res to create a nova species
Where the creator of the nova species is the owner.
Bad faith: X has actio furti but D keeps res.
Good faith:
- in possession: no remedy.
- out of possession: X has exceptio doli.
Where the creator of the nova species is not the owner.
Bad faith: gift to X.
Good faith:
- in possession: D has exceptio doli.
- out of possession: D has no remedy.
The transfer of ownership through delivery.
“Pointing” delivery
Traditio longa manu
“Already delivered and keeping” delivery
Traditio brevu manu
“No delivery because seller keeps res” delivery
Constitutum possessiorum
“Metaphorical” delivery
Traditio symbolica
Errors in traditio
In corpore; in persona; in nomine…
A deposit where the owner cannot be traced
Thesauri inventio (D.
Imperial treasury
Ownership upon severance of the principal and accessory
Separatio - for bona fide possessor and emphyteuta
Ownership upon gathering of the accessory
Perceptio - for the colonus and the usufructuary
The transfer of res mancipi
Action where the transferor did not have title to transfer
Actio auctoritatis
Action where the size of the land was overstated
Actio de modo agri
The transfer of res mancipi before a magistrate
Cessio in iure (G.2.24)
The acquisition of ownership by continued possession
Usucapio (D.41.3.3)
The adding of time of possession
Accessio temporis
The tainting of property by theft or violence
Lengthy prescription of provincial land
Longi temporis praescriptio - 20 years/10 years
Very lengthy prescription of provincial land
Longissimi temporis praescriptio - 40 years
Division or adjustment of property
Adiudicatio - actio comuni dividendo; actio familia escirescunda; actio finium regundorum
The action for delimiting boundaries between neighbours
Actio finium regundorum
Acquisition of property through gifts
Anything acquired by the bona fide serviens through its labour belonged to the dominus
Ex re dominii
A false ‘slave’
Bona fide serviens
Rights a person had by virtue of owning land
Praedial servitudes
Praedial servitudes relating to land
Rustic praedial servitudes
- iter
- actus
- via
- aquae ductus
No force; no secrecy and no permission
Nec vi; nec clam; nec precario
The action to claim the existence of a servitude
Actio confessoria
The action to negate the existence of a servitude
Actio negatoria
Praedial servitudes relating to buildings
Urban praedial servitudes
Personal servitude allowing the use and enjoyment of the things of another
Usufructuary (D.7.1.1) - quasi-usufruct for perishables.
Personal servitude allowing the use of the property but not the taking of fruits
Personal servitude allowing the right to live in a house.
Tha actions for the receiver of the personal servitude
Actio confessoria; actio furti (for stolen property); actio utilis (for damaged property).
The actions for the dominus/the giver of the personal servitude
Actio negatoria; the actio on the contract of the cautio