Serverless Overviews from a Solution Architect Perspective Flashcards
What is Serverless?
What does Serverless mean in AWS?
What is AWS Lambda and why is it helpful?
What are the benefits of using AWS Lambda?
What programming languages are supported in AWS Lambda?
What are the main AWS services that integrate with Lambda?
Architecture Example: Serverless Thumbnail creation
Architecture Example: Serverless CRON Job
How does Lambda pricing work?
What are the Lambda service limits per region that are important to know?
What is Customization At The Edge in AWS?
What are some CloudFront Functions & Lambda@Edge use cases?
What are CloudFront Functions?
What is Lambda@Edge?
What are the differences between CloudFront Functions vs. Lambda@Edge?
What are the differences between CloudFront Functions vs. Lambda@Edge - use cases?
What are the networking default settings in Lambda?
How does Lambda work within a VPC?
How does Lambda work with the RDS Proxy?
How can you invoke Lambda from RDS & Aurora?
What are RDS Event Notifications?
What is Amazon DynamoDB?
What are the basics of DynamoDB?
What are the DynamoDB Read/Write Capacity Modes?
What is the DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)?
What are the differences between DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) vs. ElastiCache?
What is DynamoDB Stream Processing?
How does DynamoDB Stream Processing work?
What are DynamoDB Global Tables?
What is the DynamoDB Time To Live (TTL)?
What are DynamoDB Backups for disaster recovery?
How does DynamoDB Integration with Amazon S3 work?
Architecture Example: Building a Serverless API
What is AWS API Gateway?
What are the API Gateway Integrations at a high level?
Architecture Example: API Gateway – AWS Service Integration Kinesis Data Streams example
What are the API Gateway endpoint types?
How does security work in API Gateway?
What are AWS Step Functions?
What is Amazon Cognito?
What are the user features of Cognito User Pools (CUP)?
How can you do row level security in DynamoDB using Cognito Identity Pools?