Seronegative Spondyloarthritis Flashcards
What is the definition of Seroneg Spondyloarthritis?
- Arthritis often WITH HLA-B27 AND WITHOUT RF, ACPA, subQ nodules
- Asymmetric peripheral, sacroilitis, enthesitis (tendinojoint junction), spinal stiffness
What is the key difference between RA and SS?
SS»_space; inflammation starts at the enthuses
What is Ankylosis?
A stiffness of a joint due to abnormal adhesion and rigidity of the bones of the joint, which may be the result of injury or disease.
What is Dx for Anykylosing Spondylitis “stiff spine dz”?
- 1 clinical + 1 imaging
• Low insidious back pain > 3 months, that improves with exercise and is worst at 2 to 9 am, NSAIDs help
• ↓ lumbar flexion
• ↓ chest expansion
• Sacroillititis imaging uni or bilateral
• Acute anterior uveitis, enthesitis, peripheral arthritis
Note: < 40 y/o onset with HLA-B27
What are physical exam findings for Ankylosing Spondylitis?
Schober’s (less spinal flexion)
FABER flexion,abduction, ext rotation (contralateral hip pain
High head to wall test (should be 0)
What are imaging findings of Ankylosing Spondylitis?
- Syndesmophyte → “Shiny corners” osteitis due to inflammation at the site of insertion of the annulus fibrosus.
- BAMBOO spine → ossification of annulus fibrosis
- SI joint space narrowing (graded)
What are some extra-articular symptoms for AS?
< 20% association
- Acute anterior uveitis
- Aortitis, ↑ aortic root diameter
- IgA nephropathy and amyloidosis
- Pulm fibrosis
- Cauda equina
What is Tx for AS?
- Sulfasalizine ==> morning stiffness
- TNF ==> uveitis and bone
- Prednisone ==> uveits only
MTX and DMARDs are NOT helpful
What is the definition of Reactive Arthritis?
- sero-negative post-infectious (GI or GU) non-symmetrical arthritis in > Keratoderma Blenorrhagicum, Circinate Balinitis, and Uveitis
- Can’t see, Can’t Pee, Can’t Bend a Knee
What are the Tx for Reactive Arthritis?
- Antibiotics Only for chlamydia infections*
- Sulfasalazine
- Methotrexate
What are the Arthritic patterns in Reactive Arthritis?
o Predominantly affecting the LE o mono to oligoarticular o Enthesitis o Dactylitis (sausage fingers) o Spondylitis o SI up to 50%
What is Reiter Syndrome?
Reactive Arthritis with a specific triad of symptoms: inflammatory arthritis of large joints, inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis or uveitis), and urethritis in men or cervicitis in women. Can’t See, Can’t Pee, Can’t Climb a Tree.
What is the definition of Psoriatic Arthritis?
Inflammatory joint pain found in five patterns + psoriasis or psoriatic nails, dactylitis in patients < 50 y/o
What are the five patterns of inflammation in psoriatic arthritis?
DIP arthritis Asymmetric oligoarthritis Symmetric polyarthritis Arthritis mutilans Spondyloarthritis with asymmetric SI joint
What are the imaging patterns and common clinical findings of psoriatic arthritis?
Dactylitis Enthesitis Psoriatic nails Erosive arthritis Bulky Syndesmophytes Pencil in Cup phalanges
What is the Tx for psoriatic arthritis?
- Sulfasalazine, Methotrexate/leflunamide ==> skin and joint Tx
- TNF alpha antagonists
- Predinosone ==> can make psoriasis worse when stoping
What is the definition of IBD-related Arthritis?
Asymmetric oligo or poly arthritis and symmetric SI arthritis, combined with IBD, erythema nodosum, and pyoderma gangrenosum
What is erythema nodosum?
Erythema nodosum (EN) is an inflammatory condition characterised by inflammation of the fat cells under the skin, resulting in tender red nodules or lumps that are usually seen on both shins.
What is Tx for IBD arthritis?
Colectomy Tx IBD NSAIDs Sulfasalazine MTX/Leflunamide TNFa ant Adaliubumb
Which Seroneg Spondylitis have
Symmetrical SI
Asymmetrical SI
Sym»_space; Ank spond and IBD spond
Asym»_space; React Arth and Psoriatic Arth
What are the common ages of onset of Ank Spond React Arth Psoriatic Arth IBD Arth
Ank Spond < 40 y/o
React Arth < 40 y/o
Psoriatic Arth < 55 y/o
IBD Arth = any age