Serology review pt.2 Flashcards
Combines soluble antigen with soluble antibody to produce Insoluble compact complexes
Produced against most proteins and some carbohydrates and carbohydrates-lipid complexes
It interferes with the migration of charged particles
Transparent, colorless, neutral gel
(True or False):
To see a visible reaction, relative concentrations of antigen and antibody must be equal
(True or False):
IgM is significant in saliva
False (IgA)
It makes use of serum wells
Radial Immunodiffusion
Antigen or Antibody is adsorbed on an inanimate particle (latex or gelatin)
Latex Agglutination / Gelatin Particle Agglutination Test
Uses a petridish
Double Gel Diffusion (Ouchterlony)
Swelling of the capsule surrounding a bacterium
Capsular Precipitation
To impregnate the capsule with a substance allowing it to become luminous by penetrating through the mucopolysaccharide complex
Neufeld / Quellung reaction
Process of separating proteins in a mixture using their different net electrical charges
(True or False):
Size and Shape in electrophoresis may cause frictional drag
If electricity is not yet introduced
Stationary phase
An adaptation of radial immunodiffusion but faster
Rocket immunoelectrophoresis
it means cancer cells are spreading
Antigen that caused the cancer have circulated from other parts of the human body to infect other organs
This is where we get our monoclonal antibodies
Two stages of Agglutination
Sensitization & Lattice formation
It is a very good screening and qualitative analysis of antigen or antibody present in human sera
These are insensitive and may give non-specific reactions
Haemagglutination / Haemagglutination inhibition tests
(True or False):
IgG is the one present in CRP in the first 2-3 weeks upon exposure to infectious material
False (IgM)
It utilizes fluorescin-labelled anti-humanantibdoy
Immunofluorescence test
Positive reaction of imunofluorescence test
Apple-green fluorescence
Best used for the detection of Syphilis because the motile movement of the organism is observed
Immunofluorescence test
Rapidly exploding field
Molecular techniques
Non-specific protein that appears in serum as response to an inflammatory condition
C-reactive protein
A direct and quantitative measure of the acute-phase reactions
C-reactive proteins
An extremely elevated CRP is suggestive of a possible _______ infection
Parameter for inflammatory activity
(True or False):
CRP is a screening test not a confirmatory test
Infection in the blood that undergoes replication and multiplication within a short period of time
Spirochete agent of Syphilis
Treponema pallidum
(True or False)
T. pallidum cannot be cultured
This method shows a transparent object against a black background
Darkfield Microscopy
T. pallidum moves in _____ pattern
Through this method, you will see formation of syphilitic antibodies
Fluorescent antibody
The gold standard for treponema detection
Venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL)
Artificial antigen made up of cardiolipin material
It is a modified VDRL w/ charcoal particles
Rapid plasma reagin (RPR)
___ & ____ enhances flocculation
Cholesterol & Lecithin
A confirmatory test that uses slides fixed with Nichols train of T. pallidum
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS)
A screening test that is not as sensitive as FTA
(True or False):
If a non-treponemal antibody screening test is negative, you must do a specific treponemal antibody test
Non-treponemal Ab test should be POSITIVE
Which test cannot be performed on CSF or cord blood
Rapid plasma reagin
Two types of antibodies found in serologic testing for syphilis
2 most widely used Non-treponemal serologic procedures
Positive result of VDRL and RPR
Aggregates / Clumps
What assessment should be made quarterly for 1 year after syphilis treatment
quantitative VDRL
Test that can be performed on unheated serum or plasma
It is used for easier detection of visible clumps / aggregates
2 Treponemal serologic procedures
Fluorescent treponema antibody absorption (FTA-ABS)
Microhemagglutination treponema pallidum (MHA-TP)
(True or False):
FTA-ABS and MHA-TP can be used as primary screening methods
It uses a killed suspension of T. pallidum as antigen
This method is obsolete and no longer used
Treponema pallidum immobilization test (TPI)
Why is serum inactivated?
To assure that there are no cold agglutinins or IgM
This test is read microscopically
Causative agent of Lyme disease
Borrelia burgdoferi
It is also known as “Bull’s eye rash”
Lyme disease
Most common confirmatory test for Lyme disease
Western blot
This organism is seen as cocci in chains
Streptococcus pyogenes
Leading cause of Oropharyngitis
Streptococcal infections
2 major sites of streptococcal infection
Upper RT
This test suggests recent streptococcal infection
Antistreptolysin O
Transient antibodies that appear in patients with M. pneumoniae
Cold agglutinins
A human antibody against the Fc portion of immunoglobulin
Rheumatoid factor
It is usually found in serum and joint fluid
Rheumatoid factor
VZV on adults
The causative agent of Infectious mononucleosis
This test uses horse RBCs
Symptoms of this virus resemble Infectious Mononucleosis
It causes lesions ABOVE waist
It causes lesions BELOW waist
It is the only one that can neutraliza VZV
Single stranded, enveloped RNA belonging to the family Togaviridae
MMR vaccine is given at __ months
(True or False:)
IgG declines by 4-5 weeks, but may persist for a year
False (IgM)
Rare mass that forms inside the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy
Hydatidiform mole / Teratoma