Ser vs. Estar Flashcards
Does ser or estar express location?
Do you use ser or estar with progressive forms?
Does ser or estar refer the condition/state of the subject
Do you use ser or estar to refer to a characteristic of the subject?
Do you use ser or estar to convey “to look, to feel, to seem, to act”
what does estar+ past participle refer to?
the state or condition resulting from a previous action
What is ser’s primary use?
to indicate “what” something is or “who” someone is
Is ser or estar used to indicate origin, ownership, material, or destination?
to take place/ happen
ser or estar?
think “took place” instead of “was”
ex: La celebracion fue en la casa de campo
- the celebration took place in the country house
Is ser/estar used to tell the time of day, season, month, etc.
Do you use ser or estar when trying to tell us something is an inherent characteristic of a person or thing?
Do you use ser or estar to indicate a social group that a subject belongs to?
Aburrido ser/estar
ser: boring
estar: bored
Borracho/a ser/estar
ser: a drunk(ard)
estar: drunk
Bueno/a ser/estar
ser: good
estar: good
Callado/a ser/estar
ser: quiet
estar: silent
Cansado/a ser/estar
ser: tiring
estar: tired
Completo/a ser/estar
ser: exhaustive, total
estar: not lacking anything
consciente ser/estar
ser: conscientious
estar: aware of, conscious of
despierto/a ser/estar
ser: alert, bright
estar: awake
divertido/a ser/estar
ser: amusing
estar: amused
entretenido/a ser/estar
ser: entertaining
estar: occupied (involved)
intersesado/a ser/estar
ser: (a) mercenary (person)
estar: interested
listo/a ser/estar
ser: witty, clever
estar: ready
malo/a ser/estar
ser: bad
estar: sick
nuevo/a ser/estar
ser: brand-new
estar: like new
seguro/a ser/estar
ser: sure to happen, safe (reliable)
estar: certain, sure (about something)
verde ser/estar
ser: green (in color)
estar: unripe
vivo/a ser/estar
ser: lively, witty, bright (color)
estar: alive
Do you use “asomado/a (a la ventana)” with ser or estar?
looking out (the window)
Do you use “arrodillado/a” with ser or estar?
Do you use “ausente” with ser or estar?