Ser Present Tense Flashcards
I am
You are
Tú eres
He/she is/you (formal) are
We are
They are
You (plural) are
That is Juan’s.
Eso es de Juan
Your not from this town.
No eres de this town.
The man and the woman are my relatives.
El man y la woman son my relatives.
I like to be a student.
I like ser a student.
Being a wooden boy was a unique experience.
Ser un boy de wood was a unique experience.
They are feeling the pride that comes with being a student.
Están feeling the pride que comes con ser a student.
They are good, but she isn’t.
Son good, but she no lo es.
The problem is that it’s John’s.
The problem es que es de John.
You’re not from Argentina!
¡No eres de Argentina!
They weren’t from Mexico!
¡No eran de Mexico!
You’re my teacher so that I can learn algebra.
Eres my teacher para que I can learn algebra.
It’s because of that.
Es por eso.
I promise I am a good student(f).
I promise que I soy una good student.
I’m a gal that found them(m).
I soy una gal que los found.
Yes, that’s why you’re my friend.
Yes, por eso eres my friend.
What is that? I can’t see it.
¿Qué es eso? I no lo can see.
You are nice and I am too.
Eres nice y I love soy too.
The problem is that we’re not well.
The problem es que no estamos well.
You are the woman that you wanted to be.
You eres la woman que you wanted ser.
He isn’t a thief, but I am.
He no es un thief, but I love soy.
…is that…
es que