Ser & Estar Flashcards
Estar present tense
“I am”
Ser present tense
“They are”
Estar present tense
“We are”
Estar past tense
“You were”
Estar present tense
“She is”
Estar past tense
“We were”
Estar past tense
“I was”
Ser present tense
“You are”
Estar past tense
“She was”
Estar present tense
“You are”
Ser past tense
“We were”
Ser past tense
“They are”
Ser past tense
“She was”
Estar present tense
“They are”
Ser past tense
“I was”
Ser present tense
“He is”
Ser present tense
“We are”
Estar past tense
“They were”
Ser present tense
“I am”
Ser past tense
“You were”
You were the girl
Eras la chica
She was here
Ella estaba aquí
You are at the place
Estás en el lugar
I was at the house
Estaba en la casa
They were friends(f)
Eran amigas
He was at a place
Estaba en un lugar
We are here
Estamos aquí
Were you at the place?
¿Estabas en el lugar?
You (formal) were the guy
Usted era el chico
She was a friend
Era una amiga
We were here
Estábamos aquí
We were the girls
Éramos las chicas
The guys are friends
Los chicos son amigos
Are you(formal) here?
¿Usted está aquí?
We are not friends (m)
No somos amigos
They were not at the place
No estaban en el lugar
He is a friend
Es un amigo
I was the girl
Yo era la chica
Are you a friend (f)?
¿Eres una amiga ?
I’m a guy
Soy un chico
They are not here
No están aquí
I’m at home
Estoy en casa
They are from Peru
Son de Perú
Those books are by my favorite author
Esos libros son por mi autor favorito
The problem was that she wasn’t here
El problema era que ella no estaba aquí
You (formal) weren’t in this place, I was
Usted no estaba en este lugar, yo lo estaba
Are you around here?
¿Estás por aquí?
She wasn’t a friend, I was
Ella no era una amiga, yo lo era
He was here in order to be my friend
Estaba aquí para ser mi amigo
Are you the girl’s friend (f)?
¿Eres la amiga de la chica ?
She was around there
Ella estaba por ahí
You (formal) are not the guy, he is
Usted no es el chico, el lo es
They knew we were not present
Ellos sabían que no estábamos
We were from the same city
Éramos de la misma ciudad
We were friends (m) because of being in the same class
Éramos amigos por estar en la misma clase
That was because of my friend (f)
Eso era por mi amiga
The problem is that you (formal) are not here
El problema es que usted no está aquí
They know we are present
Ellos saben que estamos
We are of flesh and bone
Somos de carne y hueso
The issue is that I’m not present
El problema es que no estoy
Were they friends when they were in Bogota?
¿Eran amigos cuando estaban en Bogotá?
That is the girl’s and it’s for the guy
Eso es de la chica y es para el chico
That is for the house
Eso es para la casa
You(formal) were my friend because of being here
Usted era mi amigo por estar aquí
You weren’t present, but they(f) were
Tú no estabas, pero ellas lo estaban
We’re you the guy?
¿Eras tú el chico?
I’m a friend and they are with me
Soy un amigo y ellos están conmigo
What were you for those people?
¿Qué eras tú para esa gente?
The boys were my friends
Las chicos eran mis amigos
It was a sock puppet
Era a puppet de sock
Era un títere de calcetín
We said that you are a friend (f)
Nosotras said (dijimos) que tú eres una amiga
It has to be sent to the girl by this afternoon
It has to be sent a la chica para esta tarde.
They were present at 6:00
Estaban a las seis
I am the boy that found you(m,formal)
Yo soy el chico que lo found (encontró)
I hope they(f) go along this path
I hope que ellas go por this path.
Espero que ellas vayan por este camino
You(formal) aren’t the guy from the picture?
¿Usted no es el chico de la foto?
We(m) are at the place and they (m) aren’t
Nosotros estamos en el lugar y ellos no lo están
We were the girls that saw them!
¡Nosotras éramos las chicas que las vieron
That is because of the book by this author
Eso es por el libro por este autor
You were on the stage
Estabas en the stage
Estabas en el escenario
The problem is that he goes out of the house very late
El problema es que sale de la casa muy tarde
He is here but the girls aren’t
El está aquí pero las chicas no lo están
I know you, you’re my cousin’s (f) godmother
Yo te know(conozco), eres la madrina de mi prima
The house that is my mom’s isn’t around here
La casa que es de mi mamá no está por aquí
You(formal) are from Lima, too?
¿Usted es de Lima también?
I know them(m) because of being here
Yo los conozco por estar aquí
She knows me better than that
Ella me conoce mejor que eso
Why? So that she doesn’t meet her?
¿Por qué? ¿Para que ella no la conozca?
You(formal) and I are friends (m)
Usted y yo somos amigos
Are you with a boy?
¿Estás con un chico?
What is the place for?
¿Para que es el lugar?
They(m) are the friends (m) that know him
Ellos son los amigos que lo conocen
I kept seeing you(f, formal) for several years
Yo la kept seeing por several years
Yo la seguí viendo por varios años
I was the tallest(m) when we were in school
Yo era el más alto cuando estábamos en la escuela
Why was she the friend?
¿Por qué era ella la amiga?
How silly that we have three!
Que silly (tonto) que we have (tengamos) tres!
The problem was that she wasn’t present
El problema era que ella no estaba
I wasn’t here but now I am
No estaba aquí pero ya lo estoy
Being a bank teller is hard, that’s why I quit
Ser bank teller (cajera bancaria) es difícil, por eso I quit (renuncié)