Ser Flashcards
All Simple Conjugations For Ser (to be)
I am
yo soy
you (familiar) are
tú eres
he is
él es
we are
nosotros somos
you (plural) are
vosotros sois
they are
ellos son
I was (in the past, regularly)
yo era
You (familiar)
were (in the past, regularly)
tú eras
he was (in the past, regularly)
él era
we were (in the past, regularly)
nosotros éramos
you (plural) were (in the past, regularly)
vosotros erais
they were (in the past, regularly)
ellos eran
I was
yo fui
you (familiar) were
tú fuiste
he was
él fue
we were
nosotros fuimos
you (plural) were
vosotros fuisteis
they were
ellos fueron
I will be
yo seré
you (familiar) will be
tú serás
he will be
él será
we will be
nosotros seremos
you (plural) will be
vosotros seréis
they will be
ellos serán
I would be
yo sería
you (familiar) would be
tú serías
he would be
él sería
we would be
nosotros seríamos
you (plural) would be
vosotros seríais
they would be
ellos serían
..that I be
..que yo sea
..that you (familiar) be
..que tú seas
..that he be
..que él sea
..that we be
..que nosotros seamos
..that you (plural) be
..que vosotros seáis
..that they be
..que ellos sean
..that I were
..que yo fuera
..that you (familiar) were
..que tú fueras
..that he were
..que él fuera
..that we were
..que nosotros fuéramos
..that you (plural) were
..que vosotros fuerais
..that they were
..que ellos fueran