ESTAR Flashcards
All Simple Conjugations For Estar (to be, progressive)
I am (right now)
yo estoy
you (familiar) are (right now)
tú estás
he is (right now)
él está
we are (right now)
nosotros estamos
you (plural) are (right now)
vosotros estáis
they are (right now)
ellos están
I was (at that point)
yo estaba
you (familiar) were (at that point)
tú estabas
he was (at that point)
él estaba
we were (at that point)
nosotros estábamos
you (plural) were (at that point)
vosotros estabais
they were (at that point)
ellos estaban
I was (definitively)
yo estuve
you (familiar) were (definitively)
tú estuviste
he was (definitively)
él estuvo
we were (definitively)
nosotros estuvimos
you (plural) were (definitively)
vosotros estuvisteis
they were (definitively)
ellos estuvieron
I will be (-ing)
yo estaré
you (familiar) will be (-ing)
tú estarás
he will be (-ing)
él estará
we will be (-ing)
nosotros estaremos
you (plural) will be (-ing)
vosotros estaréis
they will be (-ing)
ellos estarán
I would be (-ing)
yo estaría
you (familiar) would be (-ing)
tú estarías
he would be (-ing)
él estaría
we would be (-ing)
nosotros estaríamos
you (plural) would be (-ing)
vosotros estaríais
they would be (-ing)
ellos estarían
..that I be (-ing)
..que yo esté
..that you (familiar) be (-ing)
..que tú estés
..that he be (-ing)
..que él esté
..that we be (-ing)
..que nosotros estemos
..that you (plural) be (-ing)
..que vosotros estéis
..that they be (-ing)
..que ellos estén
..that I were (-ing)
..que yo estuviera
..that you (familiar) were (-ing)
..que tú estuvieras
..that he were (-ing)
..que él estuviera
..that we were (-ing)
..que nosotros estuviéramos
..that you (plural) were (-ing)
..que vosotros estuvierais
..that they were (-ing)
..que ellos estuvieran