September 2023 Flashcards
9-2-23 slope = la falda
The town is on the side of a hill.
El pueblo está en la falda de la colina.
9-4-23 fence = la cerca
The garden has a wooden fence.
La huerta tiene una cerca de madera.
9-5-23 eye = el ojo
The doctor examined his eyes.
El médico le examinó los ojos.
9-9-23 course (direction) = el curso
We followed the course of the river.
Seguimos el curso del río.
9-11-23 to do business = negociar
My friend wants to do business with South American firms.
Mi amigo quiere negociar con casa sudamericanas.
9-12-23 box = el cajón
They received a box of books.
Recibieron un cajón de libros.
9-13-23 broken (adjective) = quebrado
Draw a broken line.
Trace una línea quebrada.
9-14-23 reception = la acogida
They got a warm reception.
Tuvieron una calurosa acogida.
9-15-23 coat = el abrigo
Where is the coat?
Dónde está el abrigo?
9-16-23 plan, drawing = el plano
The architect drew a very fine plan.
El arquitecto trazó un plano muy bonito.
9-17-23 gloomy , somber = sombrío
He had a very gloomy expression on his face.
Tenía un semblante muy sombrió.
9-19-23 sand = la arena
There is a lot of sand at the beach.
Hay mucha arena en la playa.
9-20-23 daily = diario
He went out for his daily walk.
Salió a dar su paseo diario.
9-21-23 tiny, small = menudo
She was a very small woman.
Era una mujer muy menuda.
9-22-23 tooth = el diente
I have a cavity in my tooth.
Tengo un diente picado.