July 2024 Flashcards
7-1-24 sister = la hermana
My sister is crazy.
Mi hermana está loca.
7-3-24 to quarrel = pelear
They are friends, but they often quarrel.
Son amigos, pero pelean mucho.
7-4-24 study, small living room = el gabinete
The house has a dining room, a bedroom and a study.
La casa tiene comedor, alcoba, y gabinete.
7-5-24 slow = lento
Cook it over a slow fire.
Cocínelo sobre fuego lento.
7-6-24 to stand in line = hacer cola
I have been standing in line for over 2 hours.
He estado haciendo cola más de 2 horas.
7-7-24 mine (excavation) = la mina
The workmen didn’t go down into the mine that night.
Los obreros no bajaron a la mina aquella noche.
7-9-24 pain, ache = dolor
He took a sedative for his toothache.
Tomó un calmante para el dolor de muelas.
7-10-24 gifted = dotado
He’s a very gifted boy.
Es un muchacho muy bien dotado
7-12-24 farm = la granja
The cat lives on the farm.
El gato vive en la granja.
7-13-24 much = mucho
He hasn’t much strength.
No tiene mucha fuerza.
7-14-24 saturday = el sábado
Today is not Saturday.
Hoy no es sábado.
7-16-24 postal, mail = postal
Do have mail service here?
Tienen ustedes servicio postal aqui?
7-19-24 crumb = la miga
She brushed the bread crumbs from the tablecloth.
Quitaba las migas del pan del mantel.
7-21-24 to pierce = atravesar
The bullet pierced his arm.
La bala le atravesó el brazo.
7-22-24 drawing, cartoon = el dibujo
The program was selected as the best cartoon of all time.
El programa fue elegido como el mejor dibujo animado de todos los tiempos.