Septation Flashcards
septum primum grows towards what
endocardial cushions
ostium secundum (second opening) forms where
septum primum
which side of septum primum does septum secundum develop on
right side
ostium secundum maintains L-R OR R-L shunt
R-L shunt
septum secundum expands and the residual foramen is called
foramen ovale
atrial septum is formed by the opening or closing of foramen ovale
semilunar valves (aortic valve and pulmonary valve) derive from
endocardial cushions of outflow tract
Mitral/tricuspid valves
Derive from
endocardial cushions of the AV canal
Aorticopulmonary Septum - separates
aorta & pulmonary arteries
spiraling and fusion of which ridges lead to the formation of aorticopulmonary septum
truncal ridges and bulbar ridges
fetal oxygenated blood travel how
Umbilical vein -> ductus venosus -> inferior vena cava -> right atrium ->
foramen ovale -> left atrium
fetal Deoxygenated blood
Superior vena cava -> right atrium -> right ventricle ->
main pulmonary artery -> ductus arteriosus -> descending aorta -> umbilical arteries
first breath: Decrease resistance in the pulmonary vasculature leads to
increase R atrial pressure compared to L
first breath:increase R atrial pressure compared to L leads to
foramen ovale closes and becomes fossa ovalis-> increase in blood oxygen and decrease in prostanglandins (from placental serparation)
first breath: increase in blood oxygen and decrease in prostanglandins (from placental serparation) ->
closure of ductus arteriosus (become ligament arteriosum)