Sepsis & Hospital Acquired Infection Flashcards
What is sepsis?
Large immune response to an infection that causes systemic inflammation and life-threstrning organ dysfunction
What is organ dysfunction?
Organ dysfunction can be identified as an acute change in total SOFA (sequential organ failure assessment) score > 2 points consequent to the infection
What does the SOFA questionnaire identify?
Identifies patients with suspected infection who are likely to have a prolonged ICU stay or die in hospital
What factors does SOFAq take into consideration?
Hypotension systolic BP <100 mmHg
Altered mental state
Tachypnoea RR >22/min
What SOFA score suggests a poor outcome?
What are the general features of sepsis?
Fever > 38C presenting as
- Chills
- Rigors
- Flushes
- Cold sweats
- Night sweats
Altered mental status, especially in the elderly
Hyperglycaemia >8mmol/l in the absence of diabetes
What is sepsis 6?
Take 3, Give 3
Blood cultures
Blood lactate
Measure urine output, marker of renal dysfunction
Oxygen aim sats 94-98%
IV antibiotics
IV fluid challenge 30ml/kg
What antibiotics are given in sepsis?
What factors suggest HDU referral requirement?
Low BP responsive to fluids
Lactate > 2 despite fluid resuscitation
Elevated creatinine
Liver dysfunction
Bilateral infiltrates, hypoxaemia
What factors suggest ITU referral?
Septic shock
Multi-organ failure
Requires sedation, intubation and ventilation
What is MRSA?
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a common hospital aquired infection
What antibiotics are used in MRSA infection?
Vancomycin, first line
Linezolid, second line
What is the first line antibiotic for staph aureus infection?
What causes C.Difficile infection?
How is C.Difficile infection managed?
Reduction in broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing, avoiding the 4 C’s
Isolate symptomatic patients
Wash hands between patients as spores resist alcohol rubs
Oral metronidazole if no severity markers
Oral vancomycin if 2 or more severity markers or if does not respond to metronidazole
What organism is the most common cause of central line infections?
Staphylococcus epidermidis
How is anaphylaxis managed?
Administer oxygen and manage airway
IV fluid challenge
Chlorphenamine and hydrocortisone
Attach patient to monitoring
How can anaphylaxis be officially diagnosed?
Serum levels of mast cell tryptase
What is the adrenalin dose for children under 6?
150 micrograms of 1:1000
What is the adrenalin dose for children 6-12?
300 micrograms of 1:000
What is the adrenalin dose for children over 12 and adults?
500 micrograms 1:000
Anaphylaxis can occur as a bi-phasic reaction. Who is most at risk of this and when does it occur?
4-6 hours after initial reaction
Young children
How is influenza managed?
Oral oseltamivir