Sepsis Flashcards
Sepsis definition
Life threatening organ dysfunction due to dysregulated host response to infection
How to identify septic shock?
- Vasopressor requirement to maintain SBP over 65
- Lactate greater than 2mmol/L in absence of hypovolaemia
Pathophysiology of sepsis
Hallmark is deranged physiology
-Abnormal coagulation, endothelial cell dysfunction, presence of excessive TNF, cell apoptosis, neutrophil hyperactivity, poor glycaemic control, lack of steroid hormones, cytokines…
Sepsis RF
Age, instrumentation or surgery, indwelling line or catheter, alcohol abuse, diabetes mellitus, breach of skin integrity, immunocompromise, medications, males, IV drug use, pregnancy
Sepsis Presentation
Presenting features non-specific and vague
- Previous infection
- Then rapid deterioration despite antibiotics
- Non specific symptoms are common
- Enquire about infection source
- Ask about frequency of micturition in past 18 hours
Sepsis Screening
Sepsis Ix
- FBCs
- Urine dipstick and sample for microscopy, culture and sensitivity
- Renal function
- LFTs
- Glucose
- Clotting screen (incl D dimer and fibrinogen)
- Cultures
- Radiology
- Measures of lactate and 02 sats
- ABG metabolic acidosis is common
Sepsis Complications
DIC, adrenal failure, multi organ failure
Sepsis Management
Sepsis six
- If high risk immediate review, if moderate risk, senior review within 3hrs if cause not identified
- alert senior if after 1hr SBP<90, RR>30, GCS reduced, raised lactate and not dropped by at least 20%
Post Sepsis Syndrome?
Lethargy, muscle weakness, breathlessness, chest pain, oedema, arthralgia, poor appetite, anxiety depression, PTSD