seperation Notes Flashcards
What is settling???
Uses gravity to pull denser particles to the bottom of a mixture.
Separates solids from liquids or gases.
The solid which remains behind of the filter paper=residue
The liquid which passes through the paper filter=filtrate
Filtration only works when the particles are big enough to see!
Removing a solid from a mechanical mixture of solids.
Uses a liquid to dissolve one or more of the solids present but leaves others undissolved…
Ideally only two solids will be present so that the desired solid is either.
What is miscible and immiscible???
Miscible: two liquids are miscible if they are mutually soluble in each other in all proportions.
Immiscibile: two liquids are immisible if they are not insoluble in each other ( they are in two phases ).
Uses differences in boiling points to separate two or more liquids.
The liquid with the lower boiling point evaporated first.
The vapour is cooled and collected and called the distillate.
Separates solids or dissolved solids from liquid by removing the liquid.
Used to purify solids.
Dissolve solid in minimum hot solvent possible.
Cool down the solution or evaporate the solvent slowly to cause the solid to reform without the impurities in the solid that were present before.!.!.!!.!.!
Used to separate multiple dissolved solids from a liquid solution.
Mobile phase(developing solution)
Stationary phase(paper)
Analyte(chemicals being analyzed).
How to calculate Rf???
Distance substance travelled
Distance solvent front travelled.