Separate and Secure ( TR 350-6) Flashcards
In what capacity, IMT serves as the foundation on which all soldier and leader training and education is built and serves as the “front door” to the US Army; in the Army Professional Certification
- IMT serves as the foundation on the Army certification continuum
ho is responsible for establishing a DS and AITPSG resiliency program?
- Established in accordance with TR 350-16
Specific for enlisted soldiers, IMT ends when the aspiring Army professional graduates from ** to ** and is determined to be qualified by the branch for functional proponent to perform his/her MOS skills
What form must be completed during each phase of training and must be included in the soldiers training packet upon graduation?
- TRADOC Form 350-6-2-R-E which is the Soldier Assessment Report
** & ** are individuals that are certified and selected to serve in sensitive positions or positions of trust.
The desired end state of IET is a soldier who
- Earns the right to be called a Soldier
Initial entry training is conducted in how many phases?
- 5
Soldiers who met phase 1 requirements are authorized to wear ** on the army combat uniform?
- Army Patch (Army Star Logo)
As a rite of passage, soldiers who have met all BCT graduating requirements are authorized to wear
- Black Beret
What do soldiers earn at the completion of phase 2 training?
- Rifle Marksmanship Badge
What are soldiers authorized to wear at the completion of phase 4 at the discretion of the Brigade Commander on the Army Combat Uniform?
- Individual Unit Patch
What are soldiers authorized to wear on their Army Service Uniform after completing all MOS requirements during phase 5 of training?
- Individual Unit Insignia
How many hours of personal finance training must a soldier complete during AIT and OSUT (phase IV&V)?
- 8 hours
Leaders should provide ** for soldiers to conduct personal hygiene, take prescription medications, perform rehabilitative exercises, and apply ice therapy when directed by medical authorities or appropriate self-care instructions?
- Sufficient time
Upon graduation, all soldiers will remain under the control of the AIT/OSUT command until they **?
- Sign in to their first unit of assignment
Who can determine is an accident is trainee abuse?
- Commander
Trainee abuse and prohibited practices are punitive actions and violations that may subject offenders to judicial or non-judicial punishment under article 92 of the UCMJ?
- True
What two forms must a trainer and trainees sign upon assignment to position or the first day entry level training within explicit and strict command guidance that acknowledges their understanding and responsibilities regarding the policies prohibited, inappropriate behavior, and relations as outlined in DOD instruction 1304.AI?
- DD Form 2982 & DD Form 2983
How long will the signed DD form 2982 be retained in the trainer’s file?
- 1 year after trainer left unit
Which of the following is one of the ways cadre may convey official army information, communication, activities to trainees and is NOT determined to be prohibited practice?
- Social media outlets/networking sites, such as Official Unit Sponsored pages
Cadre are allowed to have a closed door discussion with a trainee as long as a 3rd party is present?
- True
Cadre are allowed to accept goods from a trainee?
- False
How much time (seated) must be allowed for soldiers to eat in order to maintain optimal performance?
- 15 minutes
Through what provisions can an IET soldier voluntarily contribute personal funds in a fundraising event?
- CFC, AER, Chapel Offerings/Officially authorized campaigns
IET soldiers are required or should be encouraged to purchase common use items or cleaning supplies using their own funds?
- False
What must occur for a Commander to have no choice but to suspend a DS/AIT PSG from his or her assigned duties?
- A Serious Incident
When is AR 600-9 body composition standards applicable to IET soldiers?
- 180 days from entry to active service
Soldiers that exceed 180 days of active service who fail to meet the body composition standards in accordance with AR 600-9 are enrolled in the Army Body Composition Program and flagged, and will ship to the gaining installation with a transferable flag?
- True
STO 2 Soldiers are guaranteed a Mandatory Release Date (MRD) for civilian education or employment purposes as part of the enlistment contract?
- False
Who has access to the video monitoring system in the barracks of IET Soldiers?
- Commander, 1SG, and S2
Where will video monitoring be installed in the barracks?
- Public access areas such as entryways and stairwells
How many continuous days will the video recording system be required to record?
- 120 days
What TRADOC regulation covers Risk Management Policy?
- TRADOC Regulation 350-70 and TRADOC Regulation 385-2
CQ runners (same gender battle buddies) are required to be of the same gender as the cadre (CQ) when the CQ is conducting inspections?
- True
Who conducts Command Leadership presence (leader check) after duty hours?
- Only Cadre leadership and their designated representatives
A 3-Line telephone hotline must be established by the commander in a central, accessible location of each IET Soldier barracks where a phone is directly connected to a 24 hour **, 24 Hour **, and one additional line for non-emergency (weather, post information, exact time, etc.)?
- The SARC number, Chaplain number, and one additional line
What is the minimum requirement for combat life save (cadre) and CLS bag per Company in AIT?
- 1 CLS certified PSG or Cadre and 1 CLS Bag
How often should CLS aid bags be inventoried?
- Monthly or replenished as used
When should Soldiers be encouraged to wear a sock liner under the cushion sole sock?
- First 3 weeks of training, new boot break in period, or ruck march over 5 KM
During unit watch, who is required to observe and supervise the IET soldier during the timeframe and conditions set by behavioral health?
- Unit/Cadre will observe/supervise
How often should cadre interact with the soldier’s peers during unit watch as it may be difficult for the soldiers (battle buddies watching the solider under unit watch)?
- Hourly
While in unit watch status, the soldier requires follow-up with the behavioral health care provider within ** days of the implementation of the watch?
- 5 days
At what level is the most important measure to preventing communicable illness?
- Individual level
What is the minimum amount of square feet required for a soldier’s living space?
- 72 SQ FT
Hand sanitizer is an approved substitute for soap to prevent communicable illness?
- False
What is the amount of square feet required for a two man bunk bed with both beds occupied?
- 144 SQ FT
How often should soldier’s laundry and linen be laundered?
- Weekly
Blood donors should not engage in any strenuous physical activity for ** hours after donation?
- 24 hours
How often are soldiers allowed to donate blood after their first donation?
- 8 weeks
Soldiers need a minimum of ** hours of high quality sleep to sustain operational readiness?
- 7 hours
For all MOS and courses open to female soldier’s, IET is gender integrated at the ** level?
- Squad
Soldiers performing extra duty as a portion of punishment under UCMJ will not perform extra duty beyond ** hours or lights out?
- 2130
Soldiers on extra duty may also perform CQ or access control guard in a single night?
- True
In what phase of training are soldiers authorized to wear civilian clothes when on pass?
- Phase 5 and Phase 5 +
All soldiers will be separated in accordance with what regulation?
- AR 635-200
Upon completion of Holiday Block Leave (HBL) Commanders will **?
- 100% Drug Test
What tool will IET Soldiers use to initiate the sponsorship process with their first unit of assignment?
- Army Career Tracker
Separate and secure requirements do not apply to reclassified or prior service soldiers who are housed in a separate building from IET soldiers?
- False
Hometown recruiter assistance program is a ** reward?
- Performance
How many days are soldiers authorized to be in HRAP, including travel?
- 14 days
The five phases of IET are linked to **, and not **?
- Training, and not Privileges
In what phase of training do DS/AIT PSG reduce supervision, provide reinforcement training on common skills, values, traditions taught in BCT and introduction to MOS tasks and characteristics?
- Phase 4 Black Phase
You may distinguish a platoon’s phase of training and recognize the passages of a platoon from one phase to another by using **?
- Phase Banners
Guidon’s are authorized at the platoon level in IET?
- False
In garrison, soldiers are given at least ** hour(s) of preparation time each day to take care of personal needs?
- 1 Hour
In garrison, IET soldiers must have the opportunity for a minimum of ** hours of sleep for night, unless the soldier is scheduled for duty (access control guard, CQ, etc.)?
- 7 hours
On Sundays, activities required for preparing for the next weeks training are conducted after **?
- 1300
Constructive credit authority for an entire class that misses a training event or an individual solider that has missed two or more requirements rests with the **?
- BN Commander
Soldiers are given ** to prepare for an alternate test from the date of the permanent profiles?
- 3 months
Soldiers who cannot complete the final APFT due to a temporary medical profile and have successfully completed a diagnostic APFT during AIT (scored 60 points in each event) may be given credit for having passed the APFT requirement by their commander?
- True
What is DD Form 689 (individual sick slip) intended for?
- Is used by the unit to initiate the Soldiers visit to sick call. It may be used by health care provider to limit activities
What is DA Form 3349 (physical profile) used for?
- It is used for all temporary or permanent conditions not expected to resolve within 7 days, and is the only approved profile form for a physical profile lasting longer than 7 days.
What are the two most precious resources in BCT/OSUT and AIT?
- Trainers and time
** is for soldiers who have demonstrated that they need and would benefit from, additional instruction or practice in a particular skill?
- Corrective Training
** is for non-punitive actions used as a motivational tool by authorized cadre members to immediately address deficiencies in performance or conduct and to reinforce required standards.
- Corrective Action
Who is authorized to employ physical exercise for corrective action?
- Commander, 1SGs, DS, AIT PSG, and Squad Leaders
Commanders, First Sergeants, DSs, AIT PSGs, and Squad Leaders have the authority to employ physical exercise for corrective action?
- True
The selection and certification of Drill Sergeants and AIT Platoon Sergeants is governed by the following regulations?
- AR 614-200 and TR 350-16
The Self-Care program is a tool for the individual soldier to take care of their own minor illnesses and injuries, thereby conserving training time and reduce the demand on the medical system?
- True