NCOES Requirements and Procedures Flashcards
What publication covers NCOES and NCOPD?
A: AR 350-1 CH 3&4.
What does AR 350-1 CH 3&4 cover?
What chapter of AR 350-1 covers NCOES?
A: Chapter 3.
Para 3-1 What provides Soldiers, leaders, and the Army civilian corps the attributes and competencies required to operate successfully in any environment?
A: The Army institutional training and education system.
Para 3-1 What are some institutional training contributions for Soldiers throughout their careers?
- reclassification for new MOS transition.
2 .leader development. - training development.
- Distance Learning.
Para 3-2 What is the one Army school system comprised of?
A: Regular Army and Reserve Component schools.
Para 3-2 What is the one Army school system designed to provide?
A: relevant and realistic institutional training.
Para 3-2 What is OASS?
A: OASS is The One Army School System.
Para 3-2 What is the One Army School System based on?
A: a centralized training load inclusive of course content, design, delivery, and quality assurance.
Para 3-2 What is another element of the One Army School System?
A: the creation of Multi-Component NCOAs.
Para 3-2 What does a Multi-Component NCOA improve?
A: the integration of the RA and RC training systems by standardizing training, leveraging resources, and incorporating lessons learned.
Para 3-2 What is the One Army School System is based on?
A: a centralized training load inclusive of course content, design, delivery, and quality assurance.
Para 3-2 What is the Army’s intent for the One Army School System?
A: to prepare for the future by providing trained and ready troops equipped to fight and win our nation’s wars.
Para 1-22 What does ATRRS stand for?
A: Army Training Requirements and Resources System.
Para 3-3 (a) What does TASS stand for?
A: The Army School System.
Para 3-3 (a) What is TASS?
A: a composite school system made up of RA, ARNG, USAR, and Army Civilian institutional training systems.
Para 3-3 (b) What are some of the Army’s training proponents?
Para 3-3 (c) Who conducts MOS reclassification, NCOES, OES, ASI/SQI, and functional courses?
Para 3-3 (g) When can approved classes be cancelled?
A: Approved class cancellations will be announced no later than 46 days before the class start date and posted in ATRRS..
Para 3-3 (g) When can courses not be changed?
A: Course dates and locations may not be changed once they are within 45 days of the scheduled execution.
Para 3-4 Who is the Army’s responsible official for the training and leader development process?
A: Commanding General, TRADOC.
Para 3-5 (a) What is the reason for the Army Quality Assurance Program’s establishment?
A: for all Army learning institutions TRADOC and non-TRADOC schools and centers, military and Army Civilian, RA and RC
Para 3-5 (a) Who is designated as the lead agent for the Army for Army QA Program?
Para 3-5 (a-1) What is the Quality Assurance mission?
A: to assist commanders and commandants in assessing the quality of the institutional Army’s ability to meet the needs of the operational Army.
Para 3-6 What does ATRRS course catalog list?
A: Formal courses offered by Army schools and training centers.
Para 3-6 What does the ATRRS system provide regarding courses?
A: It provides general course descriptions and information concerning course prerequisites, special administrative requirements, frequency of training, and training locations.
Para 3-12 (a) What is the selection of Soldiers for leader training and education courses linked to?
A: Linked to promotions, future assignments, and career management.
Para 3-12 (b) Who will identify Soldiers and make reservations for course attendance in ATRRS?
Para 3-12 (i) What will the Select Train Educate and Promote (STEP) enlisted career management process ensure?
A: It will ensure NCOs have the appropriate skills and knowledge required before assuming the duties and responsibilities of the next higher grade.
Para 3-12 (i) Does selection for NCOES leader development courses represents a considerable resource investment by the Army?
A: Yes selection is a considerable resource investment by the Army.
Para 3-12 (i) What are the guidelines for individuals to be selected for NCOES?
- Individuals must meet course prerequisites. .
- Individuals must be fully qualified to perform tasks at their current skill level, and be recommended by their chain of command.
Para 3-12 (j) What are the training priorities to ensure that the NCOES meets the needs of the Army and the development needs of the NCO?
- The first priority is for Soldiers who have been selected for promotion.
- The second priority is for Soldiers who have been selected for promotion.
- The third priority is for Soldiers who have not been selected for promotion and are pending assignment to a duty position in their primary MOS for.
Para 3-12 (k) What are select specialists (SPC) that have been selected for promotion to sergeant (SGT) placed on?
A: They are placed on the Order of Merit List (OML) by the unit commander.
Para 3-12 (L) Who maintains the OML for Soldiers that have been selected for promotion to SSG?
A: The Commander, HRC will maintain a worldwide OML for AA Soldiers recommended for or promoted to staff sergeant (SSG).
Para 3-12 (n)What must Soldiers selected for NCOES attendance do?
A: Selectees must meet the course prerequisites and standards outlined in the ATRRS course catalog.
Para 3-13 (b) Who will not be selected, scheduled, or attend institutional training?
A: Soldiers flagged for Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) failure or body fat composition will not be selected, scheduled, or attend institutional training.
Para 3-13 (b) What courses is it required to take a record APFT?
A: SSC, USASMA, Joint Special Operation Forces Senior Enlisted Academy (JSOFSEA), CCC, CGSOC, WOAC, WOILE, WOSSE, NLC, ALC, SLC, MLC, and BLC.
Para 3-13 (c) Can Proponents of functional training courses require an APFT, as either an entrance or graduation requirement, regardless of their length?
A: Yes.
Para 3-13 If a Soldier fails the APFT are they allowed a retest?
A: Yes.
Para 3-13 (c 2) If a Soldier is fails an APFT how long must the time be between the first test and the second test?
A: No earlier than 7 days from the first failure.
Para 3-13 (c3) What will happen if a Soldier fails the second APFT?
A: Soldiers who subsequently fail to meet the physical fitness standards will be removed from the course.
Para 3-13 (d 3) What happens if a Soldier fails to meet body fat standards?
A: They are allowed one re-screening no earlier than 7 days after first failure.
Para 3-13 (d 4) What will happen for a Soldier that fails both body fat screenings?
A: They will be removed from the course.
Para 3-13 (e) What will be placed on the DA Form 1059 for those who fail to pass the apft and/or meet body fat composition standards?
A: “failed to Achieve Course Standards.”
Para 3-13 (e) Can a Soldier that fails to achieve course standards be eligible to enroll in any PME courses?
A: Yes,after 6 months of the date of the dismissal.
Para 3-14 (c) Can Soldiers with permanent profiles attend NCOES?
A: Yes. Soldiers with a permanent designator of “2” may attend NCOES.
Para 3-14 Can a Soldier receive a temporary profile while enrolled in NCOES?
A: Yes.
Para 3-15 (b) What are some reasons Soldiers may be removed from NCOES?
- for Personal conduct a violation of UCMJ or regulation.
- if they have a Negative attitude or lack of motivation.
- if they have an Academic deficiency.
- for Illness or injury.
- Compassionate reasons.
- Soldiers that have no intent in remaining in the military.
Para 3-15 (f 1)What should happen to Enlisted Soldiers disenrolled from NCOES for misconduct?
A: They should be Barred from Reenlistment.
Para 3-15 (f 1) What could Commanders do to Enlisted Soldiers who are disenrolled from NCOES for misconduct?
A: Commanders may initiate separation proceedings.
Para 3-15 (f 3) How long must Soldiers disenrolled from BLC for disciplinary or motivational reasons have to wait before they are allowed to be eligible for further NCOES enrollment?
A: six months.
Para 3-16 (a) Why may a Soldier be removed from a course consideration list or course selection lists?
A: For disciplinary reasons or substandard performance of duty.
Para 3-17 What are three categories for NCOES deferment?
- Compassionate.
- Medical.
- Operational.
Para 3-17 What will be a valid reason for medical deferment?
A: when the individual’s physical condition will not allow full participation in the selected course.
Para 3-17 What is the requirement for an operational deferment?
A: Operational deferment will only be granted for unit deployments.
Para 3-17 How many times may enlisted Soldiers be deferred for operational reasons?
A: Enlisted Soldiers may be deferred one time.
Para 3-18 (b) What may happen to a Soldier that declines NCOES attendance?
A: They are subject to AR 600-8-19 and may lose current promotion or current promotable status.
Para 3-19 Are Soldiers allowed to request early release or early graduation from NCOES?
A: No.
Para 3-24 How long must Individual-student training records be maintained by the school?
A: for at least 12 months after the completion of training (24 months for Soldiers dismissed from a course).
Para 3-25 What is the primary source for course completion documentation for the Army?
A: ATRRS is the primary source for course completion documentation.
Para 3-25 What will be issued to all students on successful completion of courses?
A: Diplomas or certificates of completion.
Para 3-25 (d) Where will all individual unit and collective training in units be documented?
A: in individual training records (ITRs) utilizing DTMS.
Para 3-25 What form is used for academic evaluation report?
A: DA form 1059.
Para 3-27 What provides an orderly transition from civilian to military life?
A: Initial Military Training (IMT).
Para 3-51 What does NCOPDS establish?
A: organizational framework to develop the next generation of competent and committed NCOs.
Para 3-51 (d) What does the NCOPDS objectives focus on?
- Provide the Army an adaptable and resilient NCO corps.
- Improve the professionalism of the NCO corps.
- Improve the training and education of the NCO corps.
- Provide challenging training, education, and practical experiences.
- Articulate learning responsibilities and requirements across three domains.
- Improve professional development models and learning curriculums.
- Identify and develop NCO’s to serve at operational and strategic levels.
- PME completion and other required training and education will be incorporated into an individual’s records.
- Leaders will track Soldier training and individual task completion to certify proficiency in technical, tactical, and leadership skills.
3-52 (a) What is the goal of NCO training and the NCOES?
A. to prepare noncommissioned officers to lead and train Soldiers.
Para 3-52 (b) What does the linking of NCOES to promotion to SSG, SFC, MSG/1SG, and SGM ensure?
A: It ensures NCOs have the appropriate skills and knowledge required before assuming the duties and responsibilities of the next higher grade.
Para 3-52 (c) What does NCOES provides noncommissioned officers with?
A: progressive and sequential leader, technical, and tactical training relevant to the duties, responsibilities, and missions they will perform.
Para 3-52 (d) What does NCOES include?
- Basic leadership training.
- squad and platoon-level training, provided by the Advanced Leader course.
- platoon and company-level training, provided by the Senior Leader course.
- Senior-level, staff-level training, provided by the Master Leader course.
- Sergeant Major Course the capstone of enlisted training.
- Strategic-level, provided by the Nominative Leaders Course.
3-54 (a) What is the intent of Structured Self-development?
A. to bridge the operational and institutional domains and set the conditions for continuous growth.
3-54 (a) What will SSD ensure?
A. SSD will ensure learning is continuous and enduring.
3-54 (b) What are the levels of SSD?
- SSD 1.
- SSD 2.
- SSD 3.
- SSD 4.
- SSD 5.
- SSD 6.
3-54 What are the levels of SSD for promotions?
- SSD 1. Sergeant.
- SSD 2. Staff Sergeant.
- SSD 3. Sergeant first class.
- SSD 4. Master sergeant or first sergeant.
- SSD 5. Command sergeant major or sergeant major.
Para 3-55 What does the acronym NCOA stand for?
A: Noncommissioned Officer Academies.
Para 3-55 What doe NCOA’s provide?
A. The NCOAs provide training at the appropriate skill level.
Para 3-55 Who accredits ALC and SLC courses?
A: Final accreditation is determined by the TRADOC QAO and approved by CG, TRADOC.
Para 3-56 What is a branch immaterial course that provides basic leadership training?
A: The Basic Leader Course (BLC).
Para 3-56 What does BLC provide Soldiers an opportunity to acquire?
A: The leader skills, knowledge, and experience needed to lead team level size units.
Para 3-56 What is the Priority of attendance for Soldiers who qualify for BLC and are placed on an OML?
- those who have met the cut-off score.
- Soldiers in a STAR MOS identified by HRC memorandum.
- Soldiers serving in an authorized NCO position and has the highest number of promotion points.
- Soldier on a recommendation list with the most promotion points.
- Second priority are Soldiers in leadership positions and open seats are available in BLC.
Para 3-57 What is the NCOES for those selected for Staff Sergeant?
A: Advanced Leader Course ALC.
Para 3-58 What is the NCOES for those selected for Sergeant First Class?
A: Senior Leader Course SLC.
Para 3-59 What is the NCOES for those selected for Master Sergeant?
A: Master Leader Course MLC.
Para 3-60 What course is the capstone of enlisted education?
A: The U.S. Army Sergeants Major Course.
Para 3-60 What is a requirement for promotion to SGM and appointment to CSM?
A: Successful completion of the Sergeants Major Leader Course SMC.
Para 3-67 What does BSNCOC stand for?
A: Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officer Course.
Para 3-67 Who may attend BSNCOC?
A: SGT through SGM selected for staff assignments.
Para 3-67 What does BSNCOC course provide?
A: The course provides technical and tactical training that is relevant to missions, duties, and responsibilities assigned to staff members.
Para 5-10 What does NCOPD stand for?
A: Noncommissioned Officer Development Program.
Para 5-10 What should a unit’s NCO development program be tailored to?
A: unique requirements of the unit and will support the unit commander’s leader development program.
Para 5-10 (a 1) Who typically manages the NCOPD Program?
A: the CSM or Senior NCO in the organization.
Para 5-10 (a 3) What does NCODP consists of?
A: training programs, formal and informal, one-on-one or groups, involving coaching as well as instruction.
Para 5-10 (a 4) What does NCODP build upon?
A: the contributions of the Army’s EPMS.
Para 5-10 (A 4) Even though NCOES and EPMS build a foundation for NCO’s how do Soldiers become quality NCOs?
A: through the application of knowledge, skills, and abilities in the unit.
Para 5-10 (b 1) What is the goal of NCOPD?
A: The goal of the NCODP is to increase and sustain NCO combat readiness.
Para 5-10 (b 2) What are the objectives of NCOPD?
- Develop and strengthen the skills, knowledge, and abilities to train, deploy, and lead Soldiers in combat.
- Develop NCOs who are self-aware, agile, competent, and confident.
- Realize the full potential of the NCO support channel.
- Foster a unit environment that enhances continued NCO leader development and encourages self-development.
Para 5-10 What will a successful NCODP prepare NCO’s to accomplish?
- Demonstrate the skills of current skill level and duty position.
- Accept the duties and responsibilities of current rank and duty position.
- Enhance combat performance for the current and next higher rank and duty position.
- Enhance combat leadership competencies for the current and next higher rank.
- Train themselves and subordinates to be proficient in individual and collective tasks and associated critical tasks.
- Coach subordinates to be totally committed to U.S. Army professional ethics, Warrior ethos, and the Soldier’s creed.
What does sergeant’s training time develop?
A: junior leaders and builds cohesive teams.
What is the focus of Sergeant’s training time?
A: individual Soldier training which is battle focused, in support of unit METs.
What does Sergeant’s training time recognize?
A: the NCO’s primary role in conducting individual, crew, and small team training.