Promotions and Reductions, AR 600-8-19 Flashcards
What publication covers Promotions and Reductions?
A: AR 600-8-19
What does AR 600-8-19 cover?
A: Promotions and Reductions.
Para 1-6 What does the acronym PROM stand for?
A: Promotion Work Center.
Para 1-6 What what is a Promotion Work Center (PROM)?
A: It is the BDE or Installation equivalent Promotion Work Center.
Para 1-6 What are the three primary work levels for promotions?
- Unit.
- Battalion (BN).
- Installation or Brigade (BDE) equivalent in the tactical force.
Para 1-8 What are the three ranks that Soldiers are automatically promoted to?
- PV2.
- PFC.
- SPC.
Para 1-8 To get automatically promoted what must be met?
- Time in Service (TIS).
- Time in Grade (TIMIG).
- Unit Commander must Authorize the Promotion.
Para 1-8 What two ranks may be placed on the automatic promotion integration list?
A: SPC and SGT.
Para 1-9 Who is the promotion authority for promotions PV2, PFC, and SPC?
A: Company, troop, battery, and separate detachment CDRs.
Para 1-9 What must be done to promote attached personnel?
A: Attached personnel may be promoted with the concurrence of the parent unit.
Para 1-9 Who has promotion authority to the grades of SGT and SSG?
A: Lieutenant colonel (LTC) or above.
Para 1-10 What are reasons that soldiers PVT-MSG can become Non-Promotable?
(1) Convictions by Court Martial.
(2) Soldier is AWOL.
(3) Soldier is in Chapter Process.
(4) If promotion authority is informed to reclassify a Soldier for inefficiency or disciplinary reasons.
(5) If a Soldier becomes ineligible to reenlist.
(6) Soldier loses Security Clearance.
(7) Solider is ineligible to Reenlist.
(8) A bar to reenlistment is approved.
(9) Soldier was punished under UCMJ.
(10) Soldier has been FLAGGED.
(11) Soldier is Command referred to ASAP.
(12) Soldier has a qualifying conviction for domestic violence.
(13) A Soldier has failed, due to his/her own fault to complete necessary.
Para 1-10 What must units do when Soldiers in the grade of SFC-SGM become Nonpromotable and are on a promotion selection list?
A: CDRs must forward the original FLAGG to HRC.
Para 1-10 What happens is a Soldier on centralized or semi centralized is flagged and they would have made promotion?
A: After Flagg is removed they will be promoted with date of rank of date Flagg was removed.
Para 1-12 How do you determine precedence of rank among Soldiers of the same rank?
- According to DOR.
- By length of active federal service (AFS) in the Army when DORs are the same.
- By length of total AFS when 1 & 2 above, are the same.
- By date of birth when 1, 2, 3 above, are the same. Older is more senior.
Para 1-26 What should be done when Soldiers are eligible for promotion to PV2 through SSG without a waiver (fully qualified) but not recommended?
A: Soldiers must be counseled in writing.
Para 1-27 What are the NCOES requirements for promotion?
(1) Warrior Leader Course (WLC) for recommendation to SSG.
(2) Advanced Leaders Course (ALC) for consideration to SFC.
(3) Senior Leaders Course (SLC) for consideration to MSG.
(4) U.S. Army Sergeants Major Course (USASMC) for promotion to SGM.
Para 2-1 What are the three levels of promotion authority and what grades do they manage?
- Decentralized Promotions; Grades PV2-SPC.
- Semi Centralized Promotions; Grades SGT and SSG.
- Centralized Promotions; Grades SFC-CSM.
Para 2-2 What will determine a Soldiers’ TIS?
A: The Soldiers’ Basic Active Service Date (BASD).
Para 2-3 What are the automatic promotion requirements for PV2-SPC without a waiver and are not flagged or barred?
(1) PV2 requirement is 6 months TIS.
(2) PFC requirements are 12 months TIS and 4 months TIMIG.
(3) SPC requirements are 24 months TIS and 6 months TIMIG.
Para 2-3 What must a Company Commander do to deny an automatic promotion?
A: Submit a DA Form 4187 denying the promotion.
Para 2-3 What must the BN HR do once a Company Commander has submitted a DA 4187 denying an automatic promotion?
A: They must initiate a FLAG.
Para 2-3 What are the requirements for TIS and TIG waiver requirements?
- PV2 may be waived at 4 months TIS.
- PFC may be waived at 6 months TIS and 2 months TIMIG.
- SPC may be waived at 18 months TIS and 3 months TIMIG.
Para 2-3 Can Soldiers that were reduced in grade receive a waiver to retain that grade?
A: No.
Para 2-4 What must the Commander do once they receive the advancement report from the BN HR?
- Select YES for select or NO for denial of promotion.
- Prepare DA Form 4187’s for those denied promotion on automatic promotion date, promoted with waiver, or promoted after the automatic promotion date.
Para 2-4 By what date must the BN HR Input appropriate automated system transactions for Soldiers denied automatic promotion?
A: By the 20th of each month.
Para 2-5 What can units that are only authorized fewer than 10 SPC/CPL positions do for waivers to SPC?
A: They are allowed to promote 1 Soldier to SPC with waiver and must wait until that Soldier reaches their TIS before they can grant another waiver.
Para 3-1 For the semi centralized promotions what is the field level responsible for?
A: board appearance, promotion point calculation, promotion list maintenance.
Para 3-1 For the semi centralized promotions what is the HQDA responsible for?
A: Promotion cutoff scores and the monthly SGT/SSG promotion selection by-name list.
Para 3-2 Who prepares the promotion point worksheets for board appearance?
A: BN HR specialist and the Soldier is Required to be there when it is being prepared.
Para 3-2 When are promotable soldiers required to review and initial the recommended list?
A: Each Month.
Para 3-3 Why may a SGT or SSG’s promotion be delayed?
(1) Probability exists that the Soldier was given promotion consideration in error.
(2) Soldier was granted more administrative points than entitled.
(3) Soldier’s promotion packet was lost and must be reconstructed.
(4) A determination is pending as to whether duplicate credit was awarded promotion points.
Para 3-5 What will the promotion packet contain?
(1) All copies of DA Form 3355.
(2) A copy of approved promotion board proceedings.
(3) All supporting documentation used for reevaluation or promotion point adjustment.
(4) a copy of the recommended list dated no earlier than the previous month.
(5) Any document used to confirm promotion points on the promotion point worksheet.
(6) All documents used to confirm promotion points will be date stamped.
(7) Memorandum signed by the Soldier stating his/her responsibility in the promotion system.
Para 3-10 What is the primary zone for SGT and SSG board appearance?
- SSG: 70 months TIS and 8 months TIMIG.
2. SGT: 34 months TIS and 6 months TIMIG.
Para 3-10 What is the secondary zone for SGT and SSG board appearance?
- SSG: 46 months TIS and 5 months TIMIG.
2. SGT: 16 months TIS and 4 months TIMIG.
Para 3-10 What NCOES level must a SGT complete prior to appearing before a SSG board?
Para 3-10 Can a Soldier in ASAP go to a promotion board?
A: No.
Para 3-10 What is the minimum allowed promotion points for SGT and SSG to be on a promotable?
- For SSG, minimum of 450 points.
2. For SGT, minimum of 350 points
Para 3-10 What are the primary zone requirements for promotion to SGT and SSG?
- SSG: 72 months TIS and 10 months TIMIG.
2. SGT: 36 months TIS and 8 months TIMIG.
Para 3-10 What are the secondary zone requirements for promotion to SGT and SSG?
- 48 months TIS and 7 months TIMIG.
2. 18 months TIS and 6 months TIMIG.
Para 3-11 What must be done for SPC and SGT’s in primary zone that are not being recommended for promotion?
A: BN HR specialist will prepare the DA Form 3355 and forward it to the first-line leader for appropriate counseling.
Para 3-11 When must the BN HR schedule appointments for Soldiers attending a promotion board to complete the DA 3355?
A: No later than the 15th of the month.
Para 3-13 When must promotion boards be completed?
A: Prior to the 15th of each month.
Para 3-13 Can Promotion Boards have Soldiers do “Hands on” tasks during the board?
A: The boards will use question and answer format only. Soldiers will not be required to perform hands-on tasks.
Para 3-13 Prior to sending a Soldier to the board who must ensure that Soldiers are fully qualified in their PMOS prior to?
A: The Commander.
Para 3-13 What is the personnel that can make up a promotion board?
A: An odd number (at least three) of unbiased voting members and a recorder without vote
Para 3-13 Can the board president be a voting member?
A: Yes.
Para 3-13 What will Board members consist of?
(1) If the board members are all NCOs, the president must be a command sergeant major (CSM) or SGM.
(2) Members will be at least one grade senior to those being considered for promotion.
(3) At least one voting member will be of the same gender as the Soldiers being evaluated.
(4) Voting members will include a minority member if reasonably available.
(5) A nonvoting recorder will be from the BN HR specialist.
Para 3-13 How can Soldiers be removed from an automatic integration promotion list?
A: Only by sending them to a Board and the Board Members Voting to Remove the Soldier from the Automatic Integration Promotion List.
Para 3-13 What will identify who the board members are and what the subjects and other important information about the board?
A: The BN will provide a Memorandum of Instruction (MOI).
Para 3-15 What must happen to Soldiers not recommended or not meeting the minimum required points?
A: They will be counseled.
Para 3-17 What are the minimum requirements for a Soldier to be placed on the automatic integration promotion list?
(1) To SGT.
(a) 46 months TIS.
(b) 10 months TIMIG.
(c) Fully eligible IAW AR 600-8-19.
(d) Not otherwise denied by the CDR.
(e) Have 90 days remaining in Army.
(2) To SSG
(a) 82 months TIS.
(b) 10 months TIMIG.
(c) Graduate of the Warrior Leaders Course (WLC).
(d) Fully eligible IAW AR 600-8-19.
(e) Not otherwise denied by the CDR.
(f) Have 90 days remaining in Army.
Para 3-17 What must Commanders do to deny automatic integration list?
- Commander must Counsel the Soldier by the 15th of the month.
- Provide that counseling to the BN HR for processing.
- This will be a Quarterly Requirement unless the soldier is sent to the board and fails.
Para 3-18 What are the two reevaluations?
A: Administrative reevaluations and total reevaluations.
Para 3-18 What is an example of an administrative reevaluation?
A: A Soldier who adds 20 or more new points.
Para 3-18 What is an example of an total reevaluation?
A: Requesting to appear before a new promotion board.
Para 3-18 What are the rules for an administrative reevaluation?
(1) Soldiers who believe they have increased by 20 points.
(2) CDR will sign a memorandum recommending approval or disapproval.
(3) An administrative reevaluation is simply a recalculation of the administrative points.
(4) the promotion clerk will complete a review of the DA Form 3355 and increase or decrease the points.
(5) with a 20 increase.
(6) The date the reevaluation occurs is the effective month.
Para 3-18 What are the rules for an total reevaluation?
(1) the CDR’s recommendation, promotion board appearance, and administrative points.
(2) The results of a total reevaluation take the place of the previous reevaluation.
(3) The Soldier’s application for a total reevaluation must contain the correct statement.
(4) The reevaluation date will be the board date.
Para 3-20 What are the two types of promotion point adjustments authorized?
(1) Correction of a mathematical error.
(2) Adding or subtracting administrative points.
Para 3-20 What is required to be submitted to request for promotion a point adjustment?
A: a memorandum listing all supporting documents.
Para 3-22 What are the only processes allowed for adding or subtracting points?
- Administrative Reevaluations.
- Total Reevaluations.
- Promotion Point Adjustments.
Para 3-24 What are the rules for removing a Soldier from the recommended promotion list?
a. Inform Soldier of removal in writing.
b. Retain promotion packets for 2 years at BN level and 3 years at RHA.
c. Inform Soldier within 5 days of removal.
d. Once removed the action is final.
Para 3-24 What are some adverse actions that require removal from the recommendation promotion list?
(1) Conviction by court-martial.
(2) Article 15, UCMJ.
(3) Initiation of administrative separation.
(4) Memorandum of admonition, censure, or reprimand.
(5) A qualifying conviction for domestic violence.
Para 3-24 Must Soldiers undergoing medical separation be removed from the recommended promotion list?
A: No.
Para 3-24 What are other reasons Soldiers will be removed from the recommended promotion list?
- Failure to qualify or maintain security clearance required for the MOS.
- Failure to reenlist or extend to meet a service remaining obligation.
- Enrolled in the Army Weight Control Program.
- Flagged for adverse action.
- Soldier signs DCSS.
- Soldier is has a Bar to reenlist.
Para 3-26 When may Commanders conduct removal boards?
A: when a Soldier’s substandard performance or inefficiencies warrant.
Para 3-26 What must a Commander provide Soldiers prior to a removal board?
A: Written notification at least 15 duty days prior to the date of the board.
Para 3-26 Who will be on a removal board?
A: The same category of personnel for a promotion board.
Para 3-26 What must the president of a removal board ensure about testimony?
A: that enough testimony is presented to enable the board members to Fully and impartially evaluate each case and arrive at a recommendation.
Para 3-26 Does a Soldier being recommended for a removal board have to appear?
A: No; they can decline, in writing, to appear before the board during any or all-open proceedings.
Para 3-28 What are reasons a Soldier can be reinstated to the promotion recommended list?
- A Soldier promoted in error to the grade of SGT or SSG.
2. A Soldier removed from a list and later completely exonerated from the reason that caused the removal.
Para 3-32 What is the service remaining requirement for SSG promotion?
A: 12 months.
Para 3-40 What are the categories for promotion points?
- Commander’s Duty Performance points.
- Military Training.
- Awards and Decorations.
- Civilian Education.
Para 3-42 How long is weapons qualification good for?
A: no longer than 24 months, unless it is through the Soldier’s own fault
Para 3-42 How many points will a Soldier receive for a waived event on the PT test?
A: 1. 60 points for a waived event.
Para 3-43 How many promotion points will a Soldier that wins competition boards be awarded for each board?
(1) Soldier/NCO of the Quarter, BDE level, 10.
(2) Soldier/NCO of the Quarter, installation/division, 15.
(3) Soldier/NCO of the Year, major ACOMs, 25.
Para 3-43 If a Soldier competes in competition boards and wins every Quarter and Year boards how many points in Awards section can the Soldier receive within 1 year?
A. A Soldier can receive a Total of 205 Promotion Points under the Awards Section within just 1 year.
Para 3-45 How do you convert classroom clock hours on a technical certificate to promotion points?
A: You divide the Clock hours by 16 to get the total semester hours.
Para 3-46 Is a DD Form 214 awarded for previous Military Service a valid promotion point source document?
A: Yes.
Para 4-1 When did the centralized promotion system become effective for the enlisted ranks?
- 1 January 1969 for SGM.
- 1 March 1969 for MSG.
- 1 June 1970 for SFC.
Para 4-2 What the minimum TIS for promotion consideration to SFC, MSG & SGM?
- 6 years for SFC.
- 8 Years for MSG.
- 10 Years for SGM.
Para 4-3 How many members will serve on a Centralized Selection Board?
A: Five.
Para 4-5 Can a Soldier appear in person to a Centralized Selection Board?
A: No.
Para 4-6 What is the list that is posted after a Centralized Selection Board?
A: A Considered/Selected List.
Para 4-6 How are Centralized Sequence numbers determined?
A: Sequence numbers will be based on seniority and will be determined by DOR, then BASD.
Para 4-13 What does the Acronym STAB stand for?
A: Stand By Advisory Board.
Para 4-13 What is the purpose of a STAB?
A: To reconsider records when a material error existed in a Soldier’s OMPF when the file was reviewed by a promotion board.
Para 10-5 What are some of the reasons a Soldier can be reduced for Inefficiency?
- Person cannot perform duties and responsibilities of the grade or MOS.
- Any act or conduct that clearly shows that the Soldier lacks abilities and qualities normally required and expected of an individual of that grade and experience.
- Misconduct.
- Longstanding unpaid personal debts.
Para 10-5 What is Inefficiency?
A: a demonstration of characteristics that shows that the person cannot perform duties and responsibilities of the grade and MOS.
Para 10-5 What may the Commander starting the reduction action present to the reduction authority?
(1) Statements of counseling.
(2) Record of misconduct.
(3) Correspondence from creditors.
(4) Adverse correspondence from civil authorities.
Para 10-18 What are the reasons a Soldier will be administratively reduced or removed from a selection list for NCOES?
- Fail to successfully complete.
- Fail to remain eligible.
- Denied enrollment
- Do not attend their scheduled NCOES class.
Para 11-3 What ranks are eligible for a Battlefield Promotion?
A: SGT and below are eligible for promotion of one grade if selected.
Para 11-3 How many Battlefield promotions to NCO can a Soldier receive?
A: Only 1.
Para 11-3 Can a Soldier without WLC be promoted with a Battlefield promotion to SSG?
A: Yes; they must complete WLC within 270 days from returning from deployment.
Para 11-3 For Battlefield promotions PV2-SPC require that minimum TIS and TIMIG be met before the Battlefield promotion?
A: No.