Sentences with Past-Tense Verbs Flashcards
Los obreros abrieron el puente tan pronto como llegó el barco.
The workers opened the bridge as soon as the boat arrived.
Mis amigos comían pizza pero yo prefería estudiar.
My friends were eating pizza but I prefered to study.
Su novia decidió romper con el porque no le gustaban sus cigarillos.
Your girlfriend decided to break up with him because she didn’t like his cigarettes.
Mientras íbamos al banco, supinos por la radio que alguien estaba robandolo.
While we were going to the bank, we found out on the radio that someone was robbing it.
Los fanáticos futbolistas quisieron entrar en el estadio, pero los guardias no los dejaron pasar.
The soccer fans tried to enter the stadium, but the guards did not let them pass.
No pudiste terminar la tarea? Que pasa? Es que no quisiste estudiar, no?
Couldn’t you finish the homework? What is wrong? It’s just that you refused to study, isn’t it?
Pasaron varias semanas y por fin ella le contesto con una larga carta, explicandole que no quería casarse con él sino con otro.
Several weeks passed and finally she answered him with a long letter, explaining to him that she did not want to marry him but rather someone else.
Mientras lo niños jugaban en el jardín, su madre subió a la recamara para intentar dormir, pero no pudo.
While the kids were playing in the garden, their mother went up to the bedroom to try to sleep but she couldn’t.
Los bomberos llegaron al incendio y lo apagaron pronto.
The firemen arrived at the fire and quickly put it out.
Mientras volabamos de Madrid a Nueva York, miramos una película.
While we were flying from Madrid to New York, we saw a film.
Los niños se vistieron, salieron a jugar y solo regresaron cuando se ponía el sol.
The children got dressed, went out to play and only returned when the sun was going down.
Era un día fantástico: no hacía calor ni frío, no estaba nublado y yo no tenía nada que hacer.
It was a fantastic day: it was neither hot nor cold, it wasn’t cloudy and I didn’t have anything to do.
Cuando Juan tenía ocho años, su familia se mudo del D.F. a San Antonio.
When John was eight years old, his family moved from D.F. to San Antonio.
Los caminos estuvieron cerrados por varios días, y cuando los abrieron, nadie pudo manejar en ellos a causa de los árboles caídos.
The streets were closed for several days, and when they opened them, no one could drive on them because of the fallen trees.
En el momento en que sus padres entraron, su novio salto por la ventana y se fue.
At the moment her parents entered, her boyfriend jumped out the window and ran off.
Cada trueno hacía reverberar las ventanas; se sentia el frio entrar por debajo de las puertas cuando, de repente, la puerta pareció abrirse sola y entró una figura oscura.
Every thunderclap made the windows rattle; the cold could be felt entering from under the doors when, suddenly, the door seemed to open of its own accord and a dark figure entered.
Eran las cuatro cuando salimos del trabajo, pero no pudimos llegar a casa hasta las nueve a causa del trafico.
It was four o’clock when we left work, but we couldn’t get home until nine because of the traffic.
El sumbarino descendio hasta que llegó a 2.000 pies bajo el nivel del mar, luego se quedó inmóvil por varias horas.
The submarine dove until it was 2,000 feet below water level, then remained still for several hours.
Los políticos hablaban por horas y, como siempre, nadie les creía.
The politicians were speaking for hours and, as always, no one believed them.
El la fiesta anoche, las chicas empezaron a bailar pero los chicos seguían comiendo.
At the party last night, the girls began to dance but the guys kept on eating.
Cuántos años tenías cuando tus padres de dieron permiso de salir sol al cine?
How old were you when your parents gave you permission to go to the movies alone?
El perro dormía cuando el gato se comio toda su comida.
The dog was sleeping when the cat ate all his food.
Cuando me desperté, el desayuno ya estaba listo.
When I woke up, breakfast was already ready.
Podíamos oler el café cuando entramos en el restaurante.
We could smell the coffee when we entered the restaurant.
Cuanto llego mi padre, eran las ocho de la noche.
When my father arrived, it was eight o’clock in the evening.
Había mucha gente que quería asistir al concierto pero muchos no pudieron porque no había suficientes asientos.
There were a lot of people who wanted to attend the concert but many could not go because there were not enough seats.
Where were your friends when you got home last night?
Donde estan tus amigos cuando regresaste a casa anoche?
The driver was sleeping when he lost control of the car.
El chofer dormía when perdió control del carro.
What time was it when you came to my house?
Qué hora era cuando viniste a mi casa?
Was she going to the party when it started to rain?
Iba ella a la fiesta cuando empezó a llover?
The children did not know how to dress themselves.
Los niños no sabían vestirse.
What did you do last weekend?
Que hiciste el fin de semana pasada?
When she learned what was happening at school, she called her friends.
Cuando ella supo lo que pasaba en la escuela, ella llamo a sus amigos.
Did you try to meet him when he came to visit us?
Quisiste conocerlo cuando vino a visitarnos?
It was snowing last week but it was not very cold.
Nevaba la semana pasada pero no hacía mucho frío.
They learned to read when they were seven years old.
Ellos aprendieron a leer cuando tenían siete años.
She was twenty-seven years old when we met.
Ella tenía veintisiete cuando nos conocemos.
She put on her coat and left the house, even though it was raining.
Ella se puso el abrigo y salió de la casa, aunque llovía.
He tried to sell the house, but couldn’t.
El quiso vender la casa, pero no pudo.
I reused to leave my dog alone when I went on vacation last month.
No quise dejar a mi perro solo cuando me fui de vacaciones el mes pasado.
She met me at the university last year.
Ella me conoció a la universidad el año pasado.
They always went shopping together, but they never bought anything.
Ellos siempre iban de compras juntos, pero nunca compraban nada.
I wanted to see the movie, but I couldn’t make it.
Yo quería ver la película, pero no pude ir.
She tried to go to class, but couldn’t make it.
Ella quiso asistir a clase, pero no pudo ir.
They wanted to go to the zoo, but they had to stay home.
Ellos querían ir al zoológico, pero ellos tuvieron que quedarse en casa.
My family used to go to the beach on weekends.
Mi familia iba a la playa los fines de semana.
When he learned that she had gone out with his best friend, he refused to believe it.
Cuando el supo que ella había salido con su mejor amigo, no quiso creerlo.
They were watching TV when the lights went out.
Miraban TV cuando se apagaron las luces.
He and I used to cook a lot.
El y yo cocinabamos mucho.
Teresa and Martha wanted to call me, but their phone was not working.
Teresa y Martha me quieran llamar, pero su teléfono no funcionaba.
My friend’s mother was talking on the phone when I tried to call him.
La madre de mi amiga llamaba en telefono cuando yo quise llamarlo.
Los chicos no querian volver a casa porque se divertian mucho jugando al futbol.
The children did not want to go back home because they were having a lot of fun playing soccer.
Los caballos galopaban por las pampas por varias horas en busca de agua.
The horses were galloping over the pampas for several hours in search of water.
Como te sentías cuando tu hija iba a casarse?
How did you feel when your daughter was going to be married?
Mientras yo escribía estos ejercicios, escuchaba música latina.
While I was writing these exercises, I was listening to latin music.
Yo surfeaba cada tarde por seis hora cuando vivía en Hawai.
I used to surf every afternoon for six hours when I lived in Hawaii.
Para llegar a ser una pianista experta, ella practicaba todos los dias.
In order to be an expert pianist, she would practice every day.
Mi esposa preparaba muchos platos típicos mientras trabajabamos en el jardín.
My wife used to prepare many traditional dishes while we were working in the garden.
El trabajo era muy duro y tomabamos mucha agua todo el dia.
The work was very hard and we drank a lot of water all day.
Aunque lo agarraban siempre que cruzaba la frontera, volvía con las mismas ganas.
Although they used to catch him every time he crossed the border, he would return with the same determination.
Ese muchacho a veces me ganaba los partidos de ajedrez que jugabamos.
That boy sometimes beat me at the chess matches we used to play.
Esa pareja antes bailaba toda la noche, pero ahora son un par de viejos enamorados.
That couple used to dance all night, but now they are and old couple in love.
Poco a poco, íbamos penetrando en una región desconocida de la selva amazónica.
Little by little, we moved along, penetrating deeper into an unknown region of the Amazon jungle.
La luna salió por el horizonte acuático a mi derecha mientras yo, a los 21 N., contemplaba la Osa Mayor.
The moon was rising over an aquatic horizon to my right while I, at 21 N., contemplated the Big Dipper.
Cuando yo era niño, tenía la mala costumbre de echarle mucha sal a la comida.
When I was a little boy, I had the bad habit of putting too much salt on my food.
En la Edad de la Piedra, no había carros ni aviones.
In the Stone Age, there were neither cars nor planes.
While they were traveling through the desert, they observed the many varieties of cactus.
Mientras viajaban por el desierto, veían los muchos tipos de cactus.
It was around two in the morning and they were reading.
Era alrededor de dos de la mañana y leían.
Did you used to eat only vegetables when you lived in India?
Comias solamente legumbres cuando vivias en la India?
Her friends used to believe that she was able to dance well.
Sus amigas creian que ella podía bailar bien.
We used to go to the movies nearly every night when we were living there.
Íbamos al cine casi todas las noches cuando vivíamos allí.
While we were flying, none of the flight attendants was able to rest.
Mientras volábamos, ninguna de las asistentes de vuelo podía descansar.
He was preparing the dinner and she was mixing the salad.
El preparaba la cena y ella mezclaba la ensalada.
Every time they would come to our house, we would play cards until midnight.
Siempre cuando ellos venían a nuestra casa, jugabamos a los naipes hasta la medianoche.
There used to be no crime in this city.
Antes no había crimen en esta ciudad.
When they were fourteen or fifteen years old, they used to sleep on the beach.
Cuando ellos tenían catorce o quince, dormían en la playa.
In the distance, I could hear the train that was traveling to Chicago.
A lo lejos, yo podia oir el tren que iba para Chicago.
He was reading but they were writing.
El leia pero ellos escribian.
He was famous.
El era famoso.
There were five people in the restaurant last night at eleven o’clock.
Había cinco personas en el restaurante anoche a las once.
Did they want to go with you?
Querian salir contigo?
La leche se estropeó después de tantos días en la refrigeradora.
The milk spoiled after so many days in the refrigerator.
Las tropas entregaron las armas después de perder la batalla.
The troops surrendered their weapons after losing the battle.
Los peces tropicales murieron de una intoxicación de cobre en el tanque.
The tropical fish died from copper poisoning in the tank.
No quise estudiar química en la escuela.
I refused to study chemistry in school.
Sus padres insistieron en ir a ver el drama de Navidad con los vecinos.
His parents insisted on going to see the Christmas play with the neighbors.
La acompanaste hasta su casa, no?
You accompanied her back to her house, didn’t you?
La madre defendio a su hijo.
The mother defended her son.
Ellas le pidieron un pastel al mesero.
They ordered cake from the waiter.
Mis amigos decidieron abrir una cuenta bancaria en Suiza.
My friends decided to open a bank account in Switzerland.
Buscaste el perro por cuantas horas anoche?
You looked for the dog for how many hours last night?
Le pegó un rayo, provocando un incendio que consumió todo el edificio.
A lightning bolt struck it, which caused a fire that consumed the entire building.
El se durmió en clase.
He fell asleep in class.
A quien le diste los pendientes? A Maria o a Cristina?
To whom did you give the earnings? To Maria or to Christina?
Lo metieron en la cárcel por desfalco de fondos.
They put him in jail for embezzlement.
Empecé a cantar y mis amigos se taparon los oídos.
I started to sing and my friends covered their ears.
Tuvimos un examen en la clase de geometría esta mañana.
We had an exam in geometry class this morning.
La niña apenas se cayó del columpio hace un minuto.
The little girl fell from the swing just a minute ago.
Conocí a mi esposa en 1990.
I met my wife in 1990.
Ellos condujeron a San Diego, tomando turnos de seis horas por tres dias seguidos.
They drove to San Diego, taking six-hour shifts for three days straight.
Quien me trajo este sombrero?
Who brought me this hat?
We went to Vegas last month.
Fuimos a Vegas el mes pasado.
She and Teresa translated this article.
Ella y Teresa tradujeron este artículo.
I found out that she is honest when she told me the truth about her brother.
Supe que ella es honesta cuando me dijo la verdad sobre su hermano.
Did you try to open the door?
Quisiste abrir la puerta?
He and I came home very late last night.
El y yo regresamos a casa muy tarde anoche.
I looked for them for an hour.
Yo los busqué por una hora.
She failed to start the car.
Ella no pudo arrancar el carro.
Did you and John go to the cafeteria this morning?
Fueron tú y Juan eal cafetería esta mañana?
She met her present husband at Juanita’s party last December.
Ella conocio a su esposo actual el pasado diciembre en la fiesta de Juanita.
They broke the window.
Ellos rompieron la ventana.
The waitress served us the sangria and the tapas.
La mesera no sirvió la sangría y las tapas.
We couldn’t find the suitcase.
No pudimos encontrar la maleta.
I paid the cabbie and went to my hotel room.
Le pagué al taxista y fui a mi cuarto de hotel.
They tried to find us.
Ellos trataron de encontrarnos.
It started to rain as soon as the game began.
Empezó a llover tan pronto como empezó el partido.
She and I met him at the soccer game.
Ella y yo lo conocimos en el partido de fútbol.
We refused to buy the car.
No quisimos comprar el carro.
They tried to climb the mountain.
Ellos intentaron escalar la montana.
He saw the movie three times.
El vio la película tres veces.
They climbed the steps to the cathedral.
Ellos subieron las gradas de la catedral.
Se nos ha roto el arado.
Our plow has broken.
No le ha dicho la verdad a su novio.
She has not told her boyfriend the truth.
Visto el espectáculo, se fueron de la carpa.
Having seen the spectacle, they left the tent.
Debido a la tormenta, se ha caido un arbol enorme en el parque.
Due to the storm, a huge tree has fallen in the park.
Ella se ha casado con Juan.
She has married John.
Estan cansados los niños porque han jugado toda la tarde.
The children are tired because they have played all afternoon.
No he visto maravilla, pues; porque no he ido a Sevilla nunca.
So, I have not seen a marvel because I have never gone to Seville.
Ha habido tantos que han sido encarcelados en los últimos años que hay una nueva prisión construida en otro pueblo cercano.
There have been so many people who have been imprisoned recently that there is a new prison built in another nearby town.
Tu amigo, ha hecho la tarea?
Has your friend done the homework?
Tenemos la casa abierta desde las cuatro de la tarde hasta las seis, durante el verano.
We have the house open from four in the afternoon until six, during the summer.
He puesto un nuevo CD de flamenco en el tocador para escucharlo.
I have put a new flamenco CD in the CD player so I can listen to it.
Ellos dicen que el problema ha sido resuelto, pero que la máquina dañada todavía esta en el sitio de construcción.
They say that the problem has been resolved, but that the broken machine is still at the construction site.
El concierto ha empezado.
The concert has begun.
Pandora ha abierto la caja.
Pandora has opened the box.
Esa pareja vecina que peleaba tanto ha roto relaciones.
That neighbor couple that used to fight so much has broken up.
Has visto jamas tal desfachatez?
Have you ever seen such affrontery?
Hemos oído hablar mucho de ese político y no nos cae bien.
We have heard a lot about that politician and he does not impress us.
El boxeador se ha caído por tercera vez.
The boxer has fallen for the third time.
No se lo que has hecho, pero ha causado muchos problemas.
I don’t know what you have done, but it has caused a lot of problems.
Maria se ha enamorado locamente de el.
Maria has fallen madly love with him.
The teacher has brought us the cake. The teacher has brought it to us.
La maestra ha traído el pastel. La maestra nos lo ha traído.
The cat has eaten the bird. The cat has eaten it.
El gato se ha comido el pájaro. El gato se lo ha comido.
We have written the letters to our customers. We have written them to them.
Les hemos escrito las cartas a nuestros clientes. Se las hemos escrito.
The managers have given him a promotion and a raise. The managers have given them to him.
Los gerentes le han dado un ascenso y un aumento de sueldo. Los gerentes se los han dado.
The driver of the cab has taken me to my favorite hotel.
El taxista me ha llevado a mi hotel favorito.
The secretaries have put the documents in the file. The secretaries have put them in the file.
Las secretarias han puesto los documentos en el archivo. Las secretarias los han puesto en el archivo.
I have listened to the song.
He escuchado la canción. La he escuchado.
The judge has died.
El juez se ha muerto.