Sentences with Advanced Grammar Concepts Flashcards
A pesar de la lluvia, conseguimos terminar el partido de tenis.
In spite of the rain, we succeeded in finishing the tennis match.
Aun no he abierto los regalos.
I haven’t opened the presents yet.
Juan no sabía lo que habia pasado; asi que el no llamo a la policía.
John didn’t know what had happened, so he didn’t call the police.
A pesar de que era muy tarde, los ninos no se fueron a casa.
Despite the fact that it was very late, the children did not go home.
Ni Juan ni Luis había estado con ella.
Neither John nor Luis had been with her.
Tanto Alicia como Pedro visitaron a Roberto en el hospital.
Both Alicia and Pedro visited Roberto en el hospital.
Ademas de tener un yate, Paco tiene un avion.
Besides having a yacht, Pedro has a plane.
Ella no es enfermera, sino médico.
She is not a nurse, but a doctor.
El tiempo estaba horrible; sin embargo, decidimos ir a las montanas.
The weather was horrible; however, we decided to go to the mountains.
La chica con la que me viste en el restaurante es una hermana de Pablo.
The girl with whom you saw me in the restaurant is one of Pablo’s sisters.
Paco didn’t go to the restaurant, since he thought he wasn’t wearing the right clothes.
Paco no fue al restaurante, ya que pensaba que no llevaba la ropa correcta.
Both Felipe and Andrea had to repeat the exam.
Tanto Felipe como Andrea tuvieron que repetir el examen.
Besides working in this hospital, Juan works in a private clinic.
Ademas de trabajar en este hospital, Juan trabaja en una clínica privada.
Either Madrid or Paris will organize the next Olympic Games.
O Madrid o Paris organizarán los próximos Juegos Olímpicos.
We have had this car since we came to live here.
Tenemos este coche desde que vinimos a vivir aquí.
Paco can’t have seen anything, since he wasn’t there at the moment.
Paco no puede haber visto nada, ya que no estaba allí en ese momento.
I don’t have much time; however, I will help you.
No tengo mucho tiempo; sin embargo, te ayudare.
Tomas, who is an architect, will design our new house.
Tomas, quien es arquitecto, disenara nuestra casa.
Mr. Gonzalez, for whom I work, is coming to dinner tonight.
El señor Gonzalez, para el que trabajo, viene a cenar esta noche.
The woman whose husband applied for the job wants to see you.
La mujer cuyo marido solicitó el empleo quiere verte.
Ella nos lo dio.
She gave it to us.
Paco se lo envió a su hermano.
Paco sent it to his brother.
Yo se lo dije a ella.
I told her about it.
El profesor quiere vernos a las siete.
The teacher wants to see you at seven.
Soy yo, Juan. Dejame entrar.
It’s me, Juan. Let me in.
La señora Antunez nos hizo café.
Mrs. Antunez made coffee for us.
Carla nos estaba esperando en la sala.
Carla was waiting for us in the living room.
Juan estaba contandonos un chiste cuando ella le llamó.
Juan was telling a joke when she called him.
Maria estaba explicandoselo.
Maria was explaining it to them.
No quisieron ensenarnoslo.
They didn’t want to show it to you.
They will have to talk with us first.
Tendrán que hablar con nosotros primero.
She didn’t want to come with me.
Ella no quería venir conmigo.
Why doesn’t Patricia want to work with you?
Por que no quiere Patricia trabajar contigo?
You can give it to her.
Tu puedes darsela.
He made it for us.
El lo hizo para nosotros.
I have seen him in the office.
Lo he visto en la oficina.
I have told him that we can’t go with him.
Le he dicho que no podemos ir con el.
She loves soccer.
A ella le encanta el futbol.
I will take you to your room.
Lo llevare a su habitacion.
I can’t stand Pedro!
No soporto a Pedro!
I asked them if they had seen my house and they answered that they had already seen it.
Les pregunte si ya habian visto mi casa y respondieron que ya la habian visto.
I need them now. I can’t read anything without them.
Las necesito ahora. No puedo leer nada sin ellas.
Esta tarde no quiero hacer nada.
I don’t want anything this afternoon.
Habia muchisima gente en la tienda.
There were a lot of people in the store.
Quedan poquisimos osos en este bosque.
There are very few bears left in this forest.
Suelo verles todos los días.
I usually see them every day.
El cartero viene a las diez cada dia.
The postman comes at ten every day.
Cada vez que les veo me pongo nervioso.
Every time I see them I get nervous.
Se han bebido todo el vino.
They have drunk all the wine.
Nadie ha estado aqui esta semana.
Nobody has been here this week.
No hemos podido hacer nada.
We haven’t been able to do anything.
Hay algo extraño en esa mesa.
There is something strange on the table.
Me gustaria ir a algún lugar interesante.
I would like to go somewhere interesting.
No estaban en ningun sitio.
They weren’t anywhere.
We can’t see anything from here.
No podemos ver nada desde aqui.
There aren’t many clients left.
No quedan muchos clientes.
He has a lot of games in his computer.
El tiene muchos juegos en su ordenador.
There were some problems when the strike started.
Hubo algunos problemas cuando empezó la huelga.
I see you have no beer in your glass.
Veo que no tienes cerveza en tu vaso.
Something strange is happening.
Algo extraño está ocurriendo.
Some people think that there are aliens in the government.
Algunas personas creen que hay extraterrestres en el gobierno.
I’m not going to invest any more money in that firm.
No voy a invertir más dinero en esa empresa.
La película que vi anoche es buenisima.
The film I saw last night is very, very good.
Mi abuela esta mucho mejor que la semana pasada.
My grandmother is much better than last week.
Eso es demasiado peligroso para que el niño lo haga.
That is too dangerous for the child to do.
Es la peor obra de teatro que he visto jamás.
It’s the worst stage play I have ever seen.
Mi auto no es tan rápido como el tuyo. El tuyo es rapidísimo.
My car isn’t as fast as yours. Yours is very, very fast.
El alquiler que pagamos por este piso el altísimo.
The rent we pay for this apartment is very, very high.
Nunca he estado en Oriente Proximo.
I have never been in the Near East.
Este autobús es lentillo.
This bus is a bit slow.
Es bueno levantarse temprano.
It’s good to get up early.
Es malo fumar tanto.
It’s bad to smoke so much.
Es muy importante que ellos sepa esto.
It is very important that they know this.
No es necesario que ella limpie las habitaciones.
She needn’t clean the rooms.
It is very urgent that he come at once.
Es muy urgente que el venga de inmediato.
This is too difficult for him to try.
Esto es demasiado difícil para que el lo intente.
It’s the worst book I’ve read in my life.
Es el peor libro que he leido en mi vida.
Your house is much larger than ours.
Su casa es mucho más grande que la nuestra.
It is not very intelligent to do that.
No es muy inteligente hacer eso.
The exam was most difficult.
El examen fue dificilísimo.
The article I read in the paper this morning is very, very good.
El articulo que lei en el periodico esta manana es buenisimo.
They are extremely poor.
Son paperrimos.
That restaurant is rather cheap.
Ese restaurante es algo barato.
She is a lot taller than her sister.
Ella es mucho mas alta que su hermana.
He is not so qualified as his brother.
El no esta tan cualificado como su hermano.
I saw them on the far bank.
Les vi en la otra orilla.
El no es lo bastante fuerte como para poder hacer eso.
He isn’t strong enough to do that.
Juan se comportó con mucha sangre fría.
Juan behaved very cooly.
Si vienen pronto, iremos a jugar al tenis.
If they come soon, we will go and play tennis.
Todo esto es gratis. Ana me lo dio.
All this is free. Ana gave it to me.
Acabo de ver un accidente terrible.
I have just seen a terrible accident.
Mi secretaria es extremadamente precisa.
My secretary is extremely accurate.
Tienes razon. El restaurante esta a la derecha.
You are right. The restaurant is on the right.
Gira a la izquierda en el semáforo.
Turn left at the traffic light.
Solo necesito dos horas para hacerlo.
I only need two hours to do it.
Pedro esta altamente cualificado.
Pedro is highly qualified.
They are likely to arrive later.
Es probable que lleguen más tarde.
The prisoners got clean away.
Los prisioneros se escaparon sin problemas.
She is wrong. Pedro hasn’t just been here.
Ella esta equivocada. Pedro no acaba de estar aqui.
I think he did it in cold blood.
Creo que el lo hizo a sangre fría.
The boss treated me in a very friendly way.
El jefe me trato muy amigablemente.
I’ll lend you my computer as long as you promise that you aren’t going to play with it.
Te prestare mi ordenador siempre que prometas que no vas a jugar con el.
Will it take you long?
Te llevara mucho?
She hasn’t visited us lately.
Ella no nos ha visitado ultimamente.
I think that is fair enough.
Creo que eso es suficientemente justo.
We’ll be here at twelve o’clock sharp.
Estaremos aqui a las doce en punto.