Sentences 3 Flashcards
Pai tū pai hinga nā wai, nā oti
Through trials and tribulations the work will be complete.
Kei te taurangi ahau te whakaruruhau i a koe.
I promise to protect you.
Koirā pakō! (k) 👍💣
That’s the bomb!
[kua] taka te kapa
the penny has dropped, I should have realised, I get it now, I get the picture - an idiom adopted from English to indicate that someone has just realised something that should have been obvious from earlier signs
Kua kēhi.
case closed, done and dusted, done deal, check mate, game set and match, that’s settled - an idiom to suggest that a matter is settle
Tēnā pōhēhē tēnā.
you’re so mistaken, that’s totally incorrect, that’s a load of rubbish, you’re so wrong, yeah right - an idiom suggesting that in the opinion of the speaker the statement is incorrect. Pōhēhē can be replaced by other similar words, e.g. whakaaro, rūkahu, wawata, kimikimi
Tō [tamariki] ai.
And yet you’re so [young].
(kīwaha that usually has a negative connotation.)
Wehe ana [au] i te rekareka.
[I’m] delighted - an idiom used to show delight due to an achievement
Ka tuwhera te tāwaha o te riri , kāore e titiro ki te ao mārama. (wh)
Bloodlust takes over reason. Be in control of your anger.
He mahi pai noa iho. (k)
easy as, it was no problem, it is no problem, it will be no problem, it’s a piece of cake - a statement used by a speaker to suggest that a task is an easy one
(Ka) nui atu.
That’s enough, the plenty.
He aha hoki!
no way! not a chance! says who! not on your nelly! that will be the day! doubt it! it was not! whatever! yeah right! hell no! - an idiom used to disagree with another’s comment, sometimes with an element of scorn.
Pōuri atu! (k)
Get out of my way, make way, excuse me
(also pōuri ake)
Āta koia!
well! you don’t say! really! indeed! - an idiom expressing surprise or amazement