Sentences Flashcards
Kāore āno te whānau kia wehe
The family hasn’t yet departed
Kua pakapaka te kai
The food has been burnt
Kāore āno ngā tamariki kia horoi.
The children haven’t bathed.
Kua kai koe?
Have you eaten?
Kua piki te tama i te rākau
The boy has climbed the tree
Kāore āno ia kia oma
She hasn’t run.
The bird has flown.
Kua rere te manu
Haven’t you eaten yet?
Kāore āno koe kia kai?
Has the cat been hurt?
Kua whara te ngeru?
He hasn’t been available
Kāore āno ia kia wātea
The children played
I tākaro ngā tamariki
The old man fell over
I hinga te koroua
I kai koe I ngā ika?
Did you eat the fish?
I hīkoi au ki te tāone
I walked to town.
Kāore koe i tōmuri
You weren’t late
The family didn’t return
Kāore te whānau i hoki mai
The family didn’t return
Kāore te whānau i hoki mai
Kāore te hau i pupuhi
The wind didn’t blow
The sun didn’t shine
Kāore te rā i whiti
The tree didn’t grow
Kāore te rākau i tipu
Ka oma ia āpōpō
She’ll run tomorrow
The children will laugh
Ka kata ngā tamariki
Ka menemene te kuia
The old lady will smile
The tree will fall
Ka hinga te rākau
Ka pōuri a Mere
Mere will be sad
I will not speak
Kāore au e kōrero
Kāore te wahine e karanga?
Will the woman not call?
The birds won’t sing
Kāore ngā manu e waiata
Kāore au e riri
I won’t be mad
She won’t win
Kāore ia e toa
Kāore au e haere ki mahi
I will not go to work
Koia kei a koe
So it is with you
(Great job, as always)
Kino kē koe
(You’re too much)
Taputapu (kē) (rawe)
(Cool, neat!)
a colloquialism complimenting the listener(s) on something they have done or achieved.
He did not buy houses
Kāore ia i hoko i ngā whare
Kāore ia e heke ana i te maunga
She isn’t descending the mountain
Kāore a Rihari e mahi i taua mahi
Rihari won’t work that job
Kei te tunu ia i te kai
She’s cooking the food
The family has left the building
Kua wehe te whānau I te whare
Kei te whakapai koe i tō taiwhanga moe?
Are you cleaning your bedroom?
Kua horoi ngā tamariki i ngā tihi
The children have washed the dishes
Mere will write the speeches
Ka tuhituhi a Mere i ngā kōrero
I haven’t yet drunk the milk
Kāore āno au kia inu i te mirika
E hia ngā āporo?
How many apples are there?
There are five fingers
E rima ngā matimati
Kotahi te hōiho
There’s one horse
There’s one remedy
Kotahi te rongoā
There are six books
E ono ngā pukapuka
E whā ngā waka rererangi
There are four airplanes
Tokohia ngā tāngata?
How many people are there?
Tokohia ngā wāhine o tēnei kapa?
How many women are on this team?
There are seventy four players
E whitu tekau mā whā ngā kaitākoro
Kei te moe rāua
Those two are asleep.
I’m going to the park with Hēni
Kei te haere māua ko Hēni ki te papa rēhia
E hari ana au i te paramanawa ki te papa rēhia
I’m taking snacks to the park
What are your parents doing?
E aha ana ō mātua?
Are you two hungry?
Kei te hiakai kōrua?
Ka kata rāua
Those two will laugh
Kua kai māua
She and I have eaten
You and I will win
Ka toa tāua
Kāore koe i waea atu ki i ia?
Didn’t you phone her?
Kua tae a Hēni ki tō whare?
Has Hēni arrived at your house yet?
Tokohia āku tamariki?
How many are my children?
He has a good teacher.
He kaiako pai tōna
Do you(1) have a car?
He waka tōu?
He whare tōna
She has a house
Does she have tickets?
He tīkiti āna?
He kai āu?
Do you have food?
He ngeru tāu
You have a cat
I have one cat
Kotahi tāku ngeru
E hia ā koutou kōura?
How many crayfish do you 3 have?
He pōtae ō tāku iramutu
My nephew has some hats
Kua tae mai tō māua hoa
Our friend has arrived
How many books do we (3) have?
E hia ā mātou pukapuka?
Ka mātua I tēnā
And that’s it/that’ll do
Ehara i te tī (k) 🪂🏂🫦
You only live once/no second chances
Kia ahatia
So what
(let it happen)
He whakaaro ō kōrua?
Do you have any thoughts?
Kāore ōku hiahia
I have no wants.
They(2) have no grandchildren.
Kāore ā rāua mokopuna
Do you(1) have anything to say? 🗨️
He kōrero tāu?
Kāore ā rātou pātai
They have no questions
You(3) don’t have any cars
Kāore ō koutou waka
Do they(3) have cats?
He ngeru ā rātou?
Ka mau te wehi!
How amazing! Awesome!
How terrible! How frightening!
(Fear takes hold)
Kua pau te hau
I’m beat; I’m exhausted; I’m stuffed!
I’m going to your (3) house
Kei te haere au ki tō koutou whare
He paraikete ō rāua?
Do they have blankets?
We’ve eaten all our(3) food.
Kua pau ā tātou kai
Anei tō tātou hoa! Kua tae mai ia!
Here’s our friend! He’s arrived!
Here’s our (3) friends! They’ve(3) arrived!
Anei ō tātou hoa! Kua tae mai rātou!
Titiro ki ō koutou kākahu paru
Look at your dirty clothes.
Ruapehu is our mountain.
Ko Ruapehu tō mātou maunga.
She’s running to your(3) house.
E oma ana ia ki tō koutou kāinga.
Ka mātakitaki rātou i tā mātou pouaka whakaata.
They’ll watch our TV.
Kāore āku mahere, engari e mōhio ana au kei hea.
I don’t have a map but I know where it is.
What are we(2) doing today?
Kei te aha tāua I tēnei ra?
Kua tae ngā mokopuna a tō māmā?
Have your mother’s grandchildren arrived?
We(2) went to my mom’s house.
I haere tāua ki te whare o tōku māmā
Kāore āu pukapuka akoako
You don’t have any study guides
We have no grandchildren
Kāore ā tāua mokopuna
They(3) don’t have any cats
Kāore ā rātou ngeru
Kei kōna au!
I agree! I’m with you there.
Hoea tō waka
Paddle your own canoe; you’re on your own
Kāti te patu taringa!
Stop beating (my) ears! Shut up already!
Ehara i te mea māku te pouaka āporo
The box of apples isn’t for me.
This coat isn’t for you
Ehara i te mea mōu te koti
Ehara i te mea mō te whānau te waka hou
The new car isn’t for the family
The pencils aren’t for Mere
Ehara i te mea mā Mere ngā pene rākau
Ehara I te mea mō te koroua te whare.
The house isn’t for the old man
Mā rātou te waireka
The juice is for them
The cat is for us (2)
Mā tāua te ngeru
The car is for you(2)
Mō kōrua te waka
The bag of food is for them(3)
Mā rātou te pēke kai
Māu te punua kurī
The puppy is for you
The cell phone is for me
Māku te kawe reo
Mā tātou ngā pukapuka
The books are for us
The bike is for you (1)
Mōu te pahikara
He aha mō te whānau?
What is for the family?
What is for the girls?
He aha mā ngā kōtiro?