Sentence Production Flashcards
What occurs at the a) Functional and b) Positional levels of Garret’s Model of sentence production?
a) Functional level
- semantic retrieval
- determination of argument structure
- assignment of lexical items to predicate-argument structure
b) Positional Level
- phonological retrieval
- syntactic planning
- insertion
In both agrammatism and paragrammatism, where do the impairments lie?
- disturbances affecting the realisation of thematic roles
- disturbances of generating syntactic form
- disturbances of production of ‘grammatical’ vocabulary elements
List some characteristics of agrammatism
- reduced length of utterances
- structurally impoverished verb-argument structure
- simplified syntactic structures
- omissions/substitutions of free and bound morphemes
- omissions of function words
- paucity of verbs, so content words predominate, especially nouns (‘serial naming’)
List some characteristics of paragrammatism
- juxtaposition of unacceptable sequences
- confusion of verb tense
- errors in pronoun case and gender
- incorrect choice of prepositions
- substitutions of morphological elements with free standing function words
- omission of function words and bound morphemes
List some tests for the assessment of sentence production and state what they assess
TRIP - thematic roles in production
- compares retrieval of the same item across single-word and in sentence contexts, which take 1,2 and 3 arguments
VAST - Verb and Sentence Test
- examines the ability to retrieve words from the lexicon, use them in sentences and to form various types of sentences
NAVS - Northwestern Assessment of Verbs and Sentences
- comprehensive assessment of verb and sentence production, with to argument structure and canonicity
NAT - Northwestern Anagram Test
- designed to assess non-verbal production of canonical and non-canonical sentences
BAPPA-F - Battery for the assessment of plural processing in aphasia
- assesses capacity to produce number markings in spoken word productions
BOTH FREQUENCY AND REGULARITY are assessed in the four tests:
1. picture naming (spoken or written)
2. reading aloud
3. repetition
4. written word-picture verification
List the four types of sentence production therapy
- verb therapies
- mapping/argument structure therapy
- treatment of the underlying form
- remediating production of verb tense morphology
What 4 levels should a verb therapy target? List how they would be treated.
- lexical level (action naming - response to naming)
- Syntactic level (retrieval of infinitive in sentence - picture + written sentence with verb omitted; client fills in verb)
- Morphosyntactic level (retrieval of finite verb in sentence - inflected verb: tense, agreement)
- Sentence construction (constructing a grammatical sentence in response to a picture)
What is the principle of treatment of the underlying forms therapy?
- training underlying, abstract properties of language will generalise to untrained structures that share similar linguistic properties
- generalisation is enhanced when the direction of treatment from more to less complex sentences
Discuss the process of TUF, which clients are suitable to this kind of therapy and the nan-canonical constructions targeted in this therapy.
Treatment targets the tops of the hierarchical syntactic tree
- treatment improves both production and comprehension
Suitable for:
- mild-moderate agrammatic aphasia
- agrammatic output with better lexical comprehension than sentence comprehension
- negative effects of noncanonicity and reversibility
- more severe clients may not benefit as much
Treatment of:
- object cleft
- object relative
- object wh-