Sentence Correction Flashcards
Economic VS Economical
- Refers to the economy. Economic determinant = business factors.
- frugal/cost-efficient
Aggravate VS Aggravating
- Worsen
2. Irritating
Known As VS Known To Be
- Named
2. Acknowledged as
Loss of VS Loss in
- No longer in possession of
2. Decline in value
Mandate VS Have a mandate
- Command
2. Have authority from voters
Native of VS Native to
- Person from
2. Species that originated in
Range of VS Ranging
- Variety of
2. Varying
Rate of VS Rate for
- Speed/frequency of
2. Prices for
Rise VS Raise
- General increase
2. Bet or salary increase (American)
Try to do VS Try doing
- Seek to accomplish
2. Experiment with
Should VS Must
- Morally obligated
2. Absolutely necessary
Compare an adverb that ends in -ly by changing the ending to -er.
EX: quickly –> quicker
use MORE instead.
Adrian runs quickly. He runs more quickly than John.
Some adverbs that do not end in -ly can be made into comparatives by adding -er
Adrian runs fast. He runs faster than John.
Do NOT use a comparative adj unless you have a THAN in the sentence.
True. The comparison must be made explicitly.
Wrong: With winter coming, I will have HIGHER energy bills.
RIGHT: I will have HIGHER bills THAN last year.
When to use LIKE?
When to use AS? (what’s the exception for AS?)
LIKE to compare nouns
Like Mary, John likes to dance
AS to compare clause
As Mary does, John likes to dance
Exception –> preposition | As Mary, John went dancing.
Clause. Define.
subject + working verb
Every correct sentence must have at least one ________
independent clause.
Dependent Clause. Define.
Contains a verb, but cannot stand alone as a sentence.
What do MODIFIERS do?
provides additional information in a sentence beyond the core subject & verb.
Essential Modifiers. Define.
When removed from sentence, the sentence’s meaning is compromised.