Idioms Flashcards
Right - I value my ability to sing
What’s the difference:
1. The holiday ALLOWS Maria TO WATCH the movie today
2. The demolition of the old building ALLOWS FOR new construction
- permits
2. permits the EXISTENCE of
The holiday allowed Maria the watching of the movie
The holiday allowed for Maria to watch the movie
The holiday allows Maria to watch the movie today
Correct - The holiday allows Maria to watch the movie today
WHILE BEING a child, I delivered newspapers
AS BEING a child, I delivered newspapers
WHILE IN childhood, I delivered newspapers
AS a child, I delivered newspapers
Correct - AS a child, I delivered newspapers
BECAUSE BECAUSE OF the sun, plants grow BECAUSE the sun SHINES, plants grow. Plants grow BECAUSE the sun SHINES Plants grow BECAUSE OF the sun SHINING
-pick the wrong one.
Wrong - Plants grow BECAUSE OF the sun SHINING
The manager has the capability of running the plant.
The manager can run the plant.
The plant has the possibility of causing damage.
The plant can cause damage
The judge considers the law as illegal
The judge considers the law should be illegal
The judge considers the law as if it were illegal
The judge considers the law illegal.
It is EXPECTED that the price will fall
It is EXPECTED that the price should fall
which one is correct?
first one.
It is expected that the price will fall.
Is it OK to say..
The price rose FROM 10 EU UP TO 12 EU
The price fell FROM 10 EU DOWN TO 5 EU
- The price rose from 10 EU to 12 EU
- The price fell from 10 EU to 5 EU
She drank coffee TO STAYawake
She drank coffee FOR STAYING awake
Which one?
She drank coffee to stay awake.
Infinitive “to stay” indicates purpose.
He wrote with pencils rather than with pens
He wrote with pencils instead of with pens
Which one?
Correct - He wrote with pencils rather than with pens
..instead of with pens - “of with” is incorrect.
She REQUIRES THAT her friend does work
Right - She REQUIRES her friend TO DO work.
Right - She requires that her friend do work (subjunctive)
She gave money SO THAT the school could offer scholarships
She gave money so the school could offer scholarships
Which one?
Right - She gave money SO THAT the school could offer scholarships. ( = purpose)
Also consider - She gave money, SO the school was grateful (=result)
I do not know WHETHER I will go
I do not know WHETHER OR NOT I will go
I do not know IF I will go
which one?
Right - I do not know WHETHER I will go
IF requires a consequence
Although I have the ability of doing gymnastic well, this time I fell off the balance beam.
What’s wrong?
ability of doing… use “can” instead
Although I can do gymnastic well, this time I fell off the balance team
Although I have the ability to do (am able to do ) gymnastic well, this time I fell off the balance team
She is expected to be appointed as chairperson
What’s wrong?
Appointed as…
She is expected to be appointed chairperson
The study indicates more men are working in education, traditionally considered as a “female” profession
What’s wrong?
indicates -> indicates that
considered as a… -> considered a…
The study indicates that more men are working in education, traditionally considered a “female” profession
FORBIDS - which one is the correct form?
Forbid X to do Y
Forbid X from doing Y
Correct - Forbid X to do Y.
INSTEAD of A, B - B has to be a ________
B has to be a subject.
Instead of doing his homework, Arthur watched TV.
REGARD - choose the correct one
Regard X as Y
Regard X to be Y
Regard X as Y
what’s the difference between “due to” and “because of”?
“Due to” is used to modify a noun (e.g., His failure was due to his laziness).
“Because of” is used to modify a verb or verb phrase (e.g., He failed because of his laziness).
FAILED - choose the right one
Failed to control
Failed in controlling
Failed to control
list examples - choose the right idiom
such variables as social class and family size such variables like social class and family size
such variable as social class and family size
ATTRIBUTE - choose the right form
attributed Europe’s social and political ills to be the result of
attributed Europe’s social and political ills to result from
attributed Europe’s social and political ills to
Correct - Attributed Europe’s social and political ills to
attribute X to Y
FOR HELP - choose the right form
Many people are turning to stockbrokers for help to buy stocks
Many people are turning to stockbrokers for help in buying stocks
Correct - For help in buying stocks
For help in (doing something)
Choose the correct idiom
…books are to democratic capitalism what Marx’s book is to communism
…books are to democratic capitalism similar to what Marx’s book is to communism
Correct - books are to democractice capitalism what Marx’s book is to communism
X is to Y what A is to B
REQUIRE - choose the right form
The new regulations require that prospective employees be subjected to rigorous screening.
The new regulations require prospective employees to be subjected to rigorous screening.
Correct - The new regulations require that prospective employees be subjected to rigorous screening
Require that X be Y
ESTIMATE - choose the right form
The fossils are estimated at more than 50 million years old
The fossils are estimated to be more than 50 million years old
Correct - The fossils are estimated to be more than 50 million years old
Estimate X to be
PROHIBIT - choose the right form
The ban will prohibit those without adequate identification to buy guns
The ban will prohibit those without adequate identification from buying guns
The ban will prohibit those without adequate identification in buying guns
Correct - The ban will prohibit those without adequate identification from buying guns
Prohibit X from Y
BELIEVE - choose the right form
Astrophysicists believe the recent disturbances in radio transmissions to be a result of solar flares.
Astrophysicists believe that the recent disturbances in radio transmissions to be a result of solar flares.
Astrophysicists believe the recent disturbances in radio transmissions to be a result of solar flares.
Believe X to be Y
CONSIDER - choose the right form
Most musicologists consider Joseph Haydn the father of the sonata.
Most musicologists consider Joseph Haydn to be the father of the sonata.
Most musicologists consider Joseph Haydn as the father of the sonata.
Most musicologists consider Joseph Haydn the father of sonata
CONSIDER XY (no ‘to be’)
EXPECTED - choose the right form
Tax rates are expected to be increasing next year.
Tax rates are expected to increase next year.
Tax rates are expected to increase next year
X expected to Y
Choose the right form
Idioms are NOT ONLY difficult to memorize BUT are ALSO easy to mix up.
Idioms are NOT ONLY difficult to memorize BUT are easy to mix up.
Idioms are NOT ONLY difficult to memorize BUT are ALSO easy to mix up.
Not only, but also
Choose the right form
Just as caffeine can boost arousal so too can vigorous walking.
Just as caffeine can boost arousal vigorous walking can also
Just as caffeine can boost arousal so too can vigorous walking.
Choose the right form
The blue macaw prefers lush tropical habitats to the dry climate found in the southeastern part of Brazil.
The blue macaw prefers lush tropical habitats over the dry climate found in the southeastern part of Brazil.
The blue macaw prefers lush tropical habitats to the dry climate found in the southeastern part of Brazil.
What’s the difference between “Rather Than” and “Instead Of”?
“Rather than” is a conjunction and so can be followed by basically anything, whereas “instead of” is a (complex) preposition – and a preposition should be followed only by a noun
I went in to the cellar rather than in to the attic - correct
I went in to the cellar instead of in to the attic - wrong.
Recent research has indicated that sustainable weight loss is generally a result not of [self-deprivation or adopting an extreme diet, but] a healthy lifestyle that integrates a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a long-term approach.
A. self-deprivation or the adoption of an extreme diet, but of
B. self-deprivation or the adoption of an extreme diet, but
SUSPECT - choose the correct idiom form(s)
He is suspected to have committed the crime
He is suspected of committing the crime
It is suspected that he committed the crime
He is suspected of committing the crime
It is suspected that he committed the crime
CORRELATE - choose the correct idiom form
the incidence of reported neck and back pain correlates positively to the amount of time spent in sitting positions.
the incidence of reported neck and back pain correlates positively with the amount of time spent in sitting positions.
Correct - the incidence of reported neck and back pain correlates positively with the amount of time spent in sitting positions.
Though Frank Lloyd Wright is best remembered today [because of bold designs like the Guggenheim Museum] in New York City, most of his buildings were intended to blend into their surroundings.
Identify the improper idioms and correct them
- remembered FOR.
- designs FOR
- like –> such as | for specific examples
for bold designs such as the one for the Guggenheim Museum
BETWEEN - choose the correct form
You must choose between her or me
You must choose between her and me
Correct - You must choose between her and me
CAPABLE - choose the correct form
He’s capable to do so
He’s capable of doing so
He’s capable of doing so
APPROACH - choose the correct form
Approach math as a creative activity
Approach math like a creative activity
Approach math as a creative activity
SICK - choose the correct form
He is sick with oxygen deprivation
He is sick from oxygen deprivation
He is sick from oxygen deprivation
APPEAR - choose the correct form
Saturn’s main rings appear to be smooth and continuous
Saturn’s main rings appear smooth and continuous
Saturn’s main rings appear as if smooth and continuous
Saturn’s main rings appear smooth and continuous
Proof of something
Proof that something is true
Proof for something
Choose the correct one(s)
Proof of something
Proof that something is true
Because of X.
X has to be a _____ or ____ ______
Noun, Noun Phrase
The idiomatic form for “research” depends on the word being used as a noun or a verb. What’s the correct version for each form?
Noun | He is conducting a research ON/ABOUT X
Verb | He wants to research X
He wants to research on X
Due to X modifies a _____
Her high score was due to diligent study. “Due to diligent study” modifies “high score”
Appear as X
Appear to Y
Appears Z
What PoS do X Y and Z have to be?
X | noun –> She appeared as a witch
Y | verb –> She appeared to be ready
Z | adj (verify) –> The Saturn’s surface appears smooth
Both X as well as Y
Both X AND Y - correct
Not so much X but Y Not so much X but instead Y Not so much X as Y Not X as Y Not X but Y
Not X as Y - Incorrect
Rest is correct
What’s the difference between Lay and Lie?
Lay something; Lie -self
- I lay it down
- I lie down
What’s the idiomatic phrase for “conceive”?
Conceive X as Y
What are the two idioms for “plans”, and when to use each of them?
Plans for NOUN | Plans for the house
Plans to do SOMETHING | Plans to take over the world
What are the two idioms for “equipped”, and when to use each of them?
Equipped for NOUN | Equipped for the apocalypse
Equipped to VERB | Equipped to fight the zombies
The four idiomatic forms related to “distinction/distinguish”
distinguish between A and B
distinction between A and B,
distinguish A from B
the distinction of A from B.
Distinction X has from Y
Distinction of X to Y
As a means ______
What words can fill in the blank? What are the meanings respectively?
X as a means TO Y | X is used in order to reach Y or make Y happen
X as a means OF Y | X is a type of Y
X as a means for Y
Correct/Incorrect? If wrong, what’s correct?
X as a means to Y
X as a means of Y
What are the three idiomatic phrases for “yield evidence”? When to use each of them?
Yield evidence FOR a NOUN | Her poor performance yielded damning evidence for her boss
Yield evidence OF a NOUN | Her poor performance yielded evidence of incompetence
Yield evidence THAT COMPLEX STRUCTURE | Her poor performance yielded evidence that she is not the right fit for the company.
Simultaneously _________
Fill in the blank.
Simultaneously with sth..
[can hardly be said that]
That [X is true] can hardly be said _____
It can hardly be said _____
That [X is true] can hardly be said TO BE Y
It can hardly be said THAT
Idiomatic phrases for “confidence”. When to use what?
Confidence IN NOUN | I have confidence in the economy
Confidence THAT complex phrase | I have confidence that the economy will take off in the next few months.
What’s the correct idiom phrase for “Fashionable”?
Fashionable to be X
It was fashionable to be X
What’s the difference between “Explained as” and “Explained by”?
Explained as | used when you’re trying to connect or equate two things
- A yawn can be explained as a generally involuntary reflex consisting of an intake of air… (Explains what a yawn
Explained by | A result of some cause
- The doctor’s endless yawning can be explained by her lack of sleep (Explains WHY she’s yawning)
What are the two idiomatic forms for [usher]?
I usher X in
I usher X into A
to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region
in… into… redundant.
Choose the correct idiom form below
The goal of doing something
The goal to do something
The goal of doing something
He has the ultimate goal of creating a decentralized internet.