Sentence building blocks Flashcards
I like
j’aime (definite article noun)
j’aime (infinitive verb)
Conjugation of regular RE verbs
je - e tu - es il/elle/on - e nous - ons vous - ez ils/elles - ent
People (in general) - one, we, they
To be I am You are (inf) He/she/one is We are You are (form) They are
Être je suis tu es il/elle/on est nous sommes vous êtes ils/elles sont
to be nationality/profession/religion
je suis australienne
Il est professeur
nous sommes juifs
I am in (city name)
Je suis à + city
I am from (city)
Je suis de + city
I live in (country)
J’habite en + country (fem)
I live in (country)
J’habite au/aux + country (mas/mas pl)
I live in (city)
J’habite à + city
Countries ending in ‘e’ are always nearly feminine, however there are some exceptions. To say you are going to or living in a feminine country use ‘en’.
La France, L’Australie, La Russie, L’Angleterre
Masculine countries - to say you are going to or living in a masculine country use ‘au’.
Le Japon, Le Portugal, Le Canada
Some counties are plural - to say you are in, going to or living in a plural country use ‘aux’.
les Émirats arabs unis, les États-Unis
Negation is formed by placing ‘ne……..pas’ around the conjugated verb. Other negations can be formed using the same model.
Je ‘n’aime pas le sport.
Je ne suis pas contente.
What do we do in (country)?
On fait quoi en/au/aux + country?
Not yet
ne ……… pas encore
ne ……. jamais
not at all
ne ……. pas du tout
not anymore
ne ……. plus
Mais oui!
Of course not!
Mais non!
Of course!
Bien sûr!
No at all!
pas du tout!
I would like to go to (country)
Je voudrais aller en/au/aux + city