Sensation and Perception (Pt. 2) Flashcards
Distal stimulus (thing in world) when reflected with light is perceived as…
proximal stimulus (retinal image).
retinal image
stimulation of receptors produce sensations of brightnesses and colors
Light sensations must be interpreted as…
Perception is knowledge of the world and…
experience of objects and events based on sensations.
Perception doesn’t happen in the eye, it happens in…
the brain.
image of object is upside-down on retina
ambiguous (size and distance trade off)
close-up small object has same image size as far-off large object
image is flattened, but objects are three-dimensional solids
Depth perception utilizes…
retinal image + cues along with knowledge structures/inferences.
Depth perception is learned from…
Depth perception was developed by…
Hermann von Helmholtz.
We infer distance of an object using…
retinal image and learned experience (perception).
Form perception ultilizes…
retinal image + innate laws of organization.
Form perception was developed by…
Depth perception asks…
how far away an object is.