Sensation And Perception Flashcards
Sensation vs perception
Sensation is the awareness resulting from the stimulation of a sense organ (the physical effects of an environmental stimulus on our nervous system)
Perception is the organisation and interpretation of sensations (the psychological effects that the environmental stimulus has on us)
Sensory transduction
Is the process in which physical energy from the environment is converted into neural activity which can be interpreted by the nervous system
Specialised sense organise and sensory receptors
Sensory transductions is performed by a special class of cells called sensory receptors. These receptors have dendrites which have been fundamentally modified to make them highly and selectively responsive to a very narrow band of environmental stimulation. Specialised to the sensory organ to gain information about a specific domain of environment.
Anatomy of the eye
Vision is made possible by the specialised receptor cells contained within the eyes which transducer light energy from the environment
The cornea sits at the front of the eyes and is involved in bending light from the environment into the eye. Behind the cornea is a space filled with a jelly-like substance called the aqueous humour. Behind that u will find the iris, the pupil and the lens. The pupil allows light to enter the inside of ur eye called the posterior chamber so it can be detected by the receptors within the eye. The posterior is also filled with a jelly like substance called the vitreous humor. The specialised receptor cells adapted to transducer light energy are found in the black layer of cells at the back of the eyeball called the retina. The retina is where specialised receptor cells called rods and cons where the receptors have evolved to transduce light energy into the perception of colour and light
Sensory transduction in the visual system
Light is made up of photons of electromagnetic energy that oscillate with a particular wavelength. The wavelength of light determines its perceived colour and its amplitude determines its energy level or perceived intensity.
Photoreceptors called rods and cons transduce electromagnetic energy (photons of light) into neural activity. When photons of light strike these receptors it can result in a chemical reaction that’s caused the cell to change its electrical potential. Cones allow the visual system to detect and compare the colour content of a visual image. Cones come in three types each most sensitive to a particular wavelength of light, specifically capable of detecting blue, green or red. Cones are densely packed on the retina particularly in the central part of the retina meaning they provide a higher resolution neural response to a visual image. In contrast rods are more sensitive to light particularly to flickering light and are more prevalent in the periphery of the retina making them useful at night when light levels are low and when looking at something out of the corner of our eyes.
Light is focused by the cornea entered the eye through the pupils and is focused again by the lens to cast a clear and focused image onto the retina at the back of the eye. Cornea is more optically powerful than the lens but the lens has the property of being able to adjust thickness thereby altering refractive power rendered to as accomodation. The rods and cones reside in the deepest layer of the retina light reaching them is transduced into neural activity affecting the activity of retinal ganglion cells retinal ganglion cells are in the uppermost layer of the retina. The axons of ganglion cells carry visual information as neural impulses from each eye to the brain by the optic nerve. The optic nerve are bundles of axons of the retinal ganglion cells.
Visual information from the optic nerve of each eye is relayed through the thalamus to the visual cortex
For axons to leave an area of the eye is left without retinal cells and is thus blind each eye has one. Often our brain fills this in and it is unnoticeable
The neurons of the occipital lobe involved in processing visual information are part of the primary visual cortex the neurons of the visual cortex use the activity received from the eyes to signal our brains the presence of basic visual features such as location, orientation, width and direction of motion of objects in the environment. These neurons receive and interstate inputs from many thalamic cells which allows us to perceive highly complex visual information including colour, depth and motion
Visual sensory disorders
Some visual disorders are due to the anatomy of the eye. Including issues with the optics that prevent light from being focused properly onto the retina. If the cornea or lens is too strong it makes someone near sighted (myopia) only clearly seeing objects near them if the cornea or lens is too weak the person is said to be far sighted (hyperopia) accomodation is important because as an object moved closer a person is able to change the refraction of light coming off the object keeping it in focus. Presbyopia where accomodation is decreased with age making it harder to see objects close to us as we age.
Other ocular problems relate to the functioning of the retinal cells. For example not everyone has three types of properly functioning cones influencing a person ability to see colour. One in fifty mostly males is deficient in their red or green cones making it difficult to distinguish between reds and greens
Perception if colour
Trichromacy theory states the colour we perceive an object depends on the relative activity of our three types of cone. That is the relative activity of red, green and blue light being emitted from an object can uniquely code for 16 million different colours. Like the theory that every colour can be made with the primary colours red yellow and blue.
In contrast opponent process theory states the colour we perceive an object depends on the relative activity of the three pairings of colour sensitive neurons in which the activity of one member of each pair inhibits activity if the other. The pairing are red-green, blue-yellow (yellow as the combination of red and green) and black-white. Opponent processing means for example that the redness of an object can be increased by increasing the amount of red light emitted by that object or by decreasing the amount of green light emitted by that object
Perception of depth
Determining relative distance is tricky because the world is three dimensional while the inner surface of our eyes is flat so condensed information to two dimensions. Various principles guide the way in which visual informations works to enable 3D perceptions some of these using one eye hence monocular depth cues
One clue to relative depth is relative motion. With things further away from us moving perceptively slower than things closer to us.
Another clue is occlusion which means to block or obstruct which refers to whether one object partially or fully blocks the view of another object.
Depth information can also be inferred by comparison of the information received between the eyes which are called binocular cues. Convergence and divergence refer to the extent to which our eyes need to cross for us to focus on an object is a cue to our brain for the distance of that object. Binocular disparity (or retinal disparity or stereopdid) comes from comparison of visual information between eyes when fixating on an object the image will be projected into the same spot on the Regina of each eye: the dead centre
However objects further or closer from the fixation point will not fall on dead centre the locations of those two images on your retinas would start to diverge or converge respectively. There are specialised neurons in the visual cortex that compare the inputs received from each eye and they respond best when their preferred stimulus is at a particular distance from wherever it happens to be you are looking at thus how strongly these neurons in the visual cortex respond to the information from the left vs right eye can help determine the relative depth of objects in the environments
Perception of depth
Determining relative distance is tricky because the world is three dimensional while the inner surface of our eyes is flat so condensed information to two dimensions. Various principles guide the way in which visual informations works to enable 3D perceptions some of these using one eye hence monocular depth cues
One clue to relative depth is relative motion. With things further away from us moving perceptively slower than things closer to us.
Another clue is occlusion which means to block or obstruct which refers to whether one object partially or fully blocks the view of another object.
Depth information can also be inferred by comparison of the information received between the eyes which are called binocular cues. Convergence and divergence refer to the extent to which our eyes need to cross for us to focus on an object is a cue to our brain for the distance of that object. Binocular disparity (or retinal disparity or stereopdid) comes from comparison of visual information between eyes when fixating on an object the image will be projected into the same spot on the Regina of each eye: the dead centre
However objects further or closer from the fixation point will not fall on dead centre the locations of those two images on your retinas would start to diverge or converge respectively. There are specialised neurons in the visual cortex that compare the inputs received from each eye and they respond best when their preferred stimulus is at a particular distance from wherever it happens to be you are looking at thus how strongly these neurons in the visual cortex respond to the information from the left vs right eye can help determine the relative depth of objects in the environments
Perception of motion
Motion is another fundamental perceptual feature of our visual system. There are neurons in visual cortex called motion detectors that only respond when they detect something is moving in a particular direction and at a particular speed. One illusion that demonstrates this is the beta effect in old cartoon shows artists present a series of still images in quick succession with the location of each image changed ever so slightly frame to frame. Doing this quick enough creates the illusion of fluid motion.
We can also perceive motion using the phi phenomenon, if two seperate images are alternated on and off in quick succession we will perceive the illusion of motion between the two images. Compelling even when the two images are markedly different in their shake size and colour. In both illusions the perception of motion happens automatically without cognitive intervention simply because the pattern of visual stimulation activates the motion detectors in the cortex. The activity if these neurons explains persistence if vision.
Hearing and the auditory system
Specialised receptor cells within the ears sense vibrational energy emitted from objects in the environment and transduce these vibrations to determine sound that the object is making. Sounds are vibrational energy in the form of pressure waves emanating from some vibrating object. The pressure waves can be carried by any compressible medium but most commonly for us humans are carried by air molecules. When these pressures enter the ear canal the vibrations can be transduced by the receptor cells inside the ear to be converted to the rich tapestry of sounds humans are capable of hearing.
Properties of sound waves
Amplitude: the amplitude of the wave corresponded to the intensity of a sound this is measured in decibels and is perceived as the loudness of a sound
Frequency: the frequency of the sound is measured in cycle per second in Hertz and correspond to the perceived tone or pitch or a sound. Sound waves with higher frequency are higher in pitch. Humans can hear sounds frequencies ranging from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
Properties of sound waves
Amplitude: the amplitude of the wave corresponded to the intensity of a sound this is measured in decibels and is perceived as the loudness of a sound
Frequency: the frequency of the sound is measured in cycle per second in Hertz and correspond to the perceived tone or pitch or a sound. Sound waves with higher frequency are higher in pitch. Humans can hear sounds frequencies ranging from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
Anatomy of the human ear
The fleshy structure on the side of our heads is called the pinnae the outermost section of the ear. This outer layer plays a role in directing vibrational energies from the environment into our middle ear so that vibrations can be transduced into auditory information by the inner ear. Sound waves are focused via the pinnae (or auricle) causing the ear drum (tympanic membrane) to vibrate. Three delicate interconnected bones of the middle ear, the hammer (malleus), anvil (incus) and stirrup (stapes) collectively referred to as the ossicles amplify the vibrations of the ear to compensate for the large loss of mechanical energy. The cochlea receives the vibrational energy in the form of push pull pulsations from the stirrups of the middle ear into the oval window of the cochlea. The vibrational energy passes down along the cochlea in the form of oscillations of the basilar membrane and tectorial membrane which sit one above the over within the cochlea. The vibrational energy is transduced into neural signals which can be processed by the auditory system into sounds. Which occurs through specialised sensory receptors called hair calls called this as they have little hairs (cillia) sprouting from the top. Which is what is sensitive to vibrational energy.
Sound waves entering the cochlea create shearing forces between the basilar membrane (where hair cells sit) and tectorial membrane (where hairs are embedded) the back and forth shearing movements of these membranes (one per Hz of sound wave) results in neural impulses that correspond to frequency of the sound source. As the membranes oscillate the hair cells between the membrane are jerked back and forth resulting in electrical pulses
Anatomy of the human ear
Pinnae is the outer structure of the ear and directs and focuses sound waves and vibrational energies into our middle ear so that the vibrations can be transduced into auditory information by the inner ear.
The sound waves focused via the pinnae are directed into the ear canal, causing the ear drum (tympanic membrane) to vibrate. Three interconnected bones of the middle ear, the hammer (malleus), anvil (incus) and stirrup (stales) collectively referred to as the ossicles amplify the vibrations of the ear drum to compensate for any mechanical energy loss. Push pull pulsations from the stirrups are received by the cochlea onto the oval window which are attached to the stirrups. The vibrational energy passes down along the cochlea in oscillations of the basilar membrane and tectorial membrane with one sitting above the other in the cochlea
The vibrational energy is transduced by specialised sensory receptors called hair cells, called this as they have little hairs (cillia) sprouting from the top. These hairs are what is sensitive to the vibrational energy and serve to transduce the energy into a neural signal. This occurs by sound waves entering the cochlea create shearing forces between the basilar and tectorial membranes. This shearing movements (one per Hz of sound wave) results in neural impulses that correspond to the vibrational frequency of the sound source. When the basilar and tectorial membrane oscillate the hair cells are jerked back and forth each push can result in an electrochemical impulse being sent from the hair cell. These electrochemical signals result in impulses being sent along axons collectively referred to as the auditory nerve to the brain.
Information from each auditory nerve is sent to the brain stem then relayed via the thalamus to the auditory cortex for processing. Neurons of auditory cortex integrate inputs from numerous thalamic cells, typically selectively responding to pure tones of sound, the sound of a particular frequency (pitch). The neurons of auditory cortex are arranged tonotopically, meaning neurons are sensitive to progressively higher frequency as we move further along the cortex towards the back of the brain.
Perception of location
Similar to visual information auditory information exists on a 3D space yet out basilar membranes are 2D surfaces. Using input from both ears through binaural perceptual ability which is the ability to compare auditory input from each ear. The first region of the brain that receives input from cochlea nerve immediately combines the input. Combing the information allows us to detect differences from the left and right ear with differences in intensity inputs allowing us to estimate sound location. these differences are called temporal differences.
Perception of location
Similar to visual information auditory information exists on a 3D space yet out basilar membranes are 2D surfaces. Using input from both ears through binaural perceptual ability which is the ability to compare auditory input from each ear. The first region of the brain that receives input from cochlea nerve immediately combines the input. Combing the information allows us to detect differences from the left and right ear with differences in intensity inputs allowing us to estimate sound location. these differences are called temporal differences.
Perception of pitch
Frequency theory states the frequency of oscillation of the basilar membrane corresponds to the frequency of the original sound source. A frequency of 50 Hz will produce vibrations of the basilar membrane creating neural impulses from hair cells of 50Hz. This does not explain our ability to hear frequency over 100Hz because our hair cells are only able to fire up to 100 times per second.
According to Volley principle a group of hair cells each sampling the sound intermittently and then combining efforts can sufficiently capture information about a wider range of vibrational frequencies. Ensembles if hair cells firing in response to vibrational sound energy collectively detect and code for frequency of sounds between 100 and 4000Hz
Place theory states the base of the basilar membrane is stiffer than the apex of the basilar membrane. Medium frequency sounds tend to crest greater oscillations in the apex of the cochlea where as very high frequency sounds tend to create greater oscillations in the base of the cochlea. This means the location of the hair cells along the basilar membrane can serve as crude code for frequency allowing us to register frequencies up to 20,000 Hz. If the auditory system can determine which hair cells are most active in response to vibrational energy the approximate frequency of the sound can be inferred.
Auditory sensory disorders
Can be due to mechanical problems that prevent conduction of sound waves from outer and middle ear to the cochlea and or due to neural problems at the site of sensory transduction. Conductive hearing loss can result from inability if the tympanic membrane to vibrate sufficiently or from inability of the ossicles to transmit these vibrations to the cochlea. Sensorineural hearing loss can result from damage to cillia of hair cells caused by prolonged loud noise.
Tinnitus is a buzzing or ringing sensation that can be idiopathic or can result from known damage to the cillia of hair cells. In can be induced temporarily after brief exposure to loud noise. A cochlea implant is a tiny strip of electrodes that can bypass damaged cillia electrodes are implanted alongside the basilar membrane and directly/electrically stimulate cochlea nerve cells
Taste and smell
Sense of smell is processed cha the olfactory system and sense of taste is processed via the gustatory system. These sensory systems share similarities in how they transduce information. Taste and smells are detected in the form of chemicals which are dissolved in our salvia or carried as airborne molecules. The specialised receptors that transduce this information are called chemoreceptors. Chemoreceptors make up taste buds on our tongue and transduce the presence of chemicals dissolved in saliva into neural impulses. Chemoreceptors in the olfactory membrane of each olfactory bulbs if the brain transduce the presence of chemicals in the air we inhale into neural impulses.
Taste and the gustatory system
The mouth and in particular the tongue hold chemoreceptors for transducing chemicals into tastes. Taste buds are embedded mainly on the surface of the tongue and are exposed to chemicals dissolved within saliva. When an object enters your mouth molecules from the object will be dissolved into the saliva the saliva will carry these molecules to the taste receptor cells. These gustatory receptors are organised into barrel shaped structures that somewhat resemble flower buds (taste buds)
Each taste bud is made up of several receptor cells along with supporting cells. The receptors and supporting cells each constitute seperate but interconnected segments of the taste bud. Embedded in the tongue containing a small opening called the taste pore. A fluid filled funnel into which the finger like extensions (microvilli) of the underlying taste receptor cell extend into. This is where receptors are exposed to dissolved chemicals. Chemoreceptors are selective for specific chemicals and can discriminate between different basic chemical features or tastes sweet, salty, sour, bitter, piquancy (spicy) and umami (savoury). The chemoreceptors transduce the molecules into neural signals which are then sent via afferent nerve fibres through the brain stem and thalamus to the gustatory cortex located in the frontal lobe.
Smell and olfactory system
Certain objects emit molecules which can combine with air molecules that can be carried to your nose. When you inhale air you bring airmolecules mixed with molecules of objects in the environment into your nasal cavity. Which comprises the upper part of the respiratory tract and functions to clean, moisten and want the air we inhale. It is lined with mucous and tiny hairs designed to trap dust and other pathogens which can be expelled by sneezing.
Two olfactory bulbs (the outermost part of the olfactory nerves) extend directly into the brain on into each nasal cavity. Olfactory receptor cells represent the extensions of the olfactory nerves into the olfactory membrane of each bulb. At the end of each olfactory receptor cell are numerous bedevils that extend out of the epithelium. This is where receptor sites can be binded too by airborne molecules potentially triggering a neural impulse. The neural signals transduced by our olfactory receptor cells sent this information via the olfactory tract directly to the olfactory cortex located in the temporal lobe.
There is a wide diversity of types of olfactory receptors (in the hundreds) which is how we can discriminate thousands of different odours. Even tho we have less sensitive smell than other animals we lack vocabulary to even describe many different smells we perceive leading people to think we don’t have a keen sense of smell.
Chemoreceptors: lock and keys
Individual receptors in our tongue and inside our nose respond selectively to particular chemicals enabling differentiation between different chemical features that correspond to different tastes and smells. The mechanism of action in taste and snell is lock and key in the sense that individual molecules chemically bind to sites on the taste buds or olfactory membrane and in doing so initiate electrochemical impulses.
Chemoreceptors in mouth and nose produce short lived response to chemicals and the lock and key mechanism is inefficient method due to that chemicals often get stuck in the receptor site meaning the lock gets clogged up. Chemicals can even permanently alter the functioning of the receptor for this reason taste buds and epithelial cells in our mouth are regularly recycled and replenished to make sure we don’t lose our capability if detecting certain tastes. They are done if the shortest lived but also fastest growing cells in our adult body.
Taste and smell work together
Our sense of smell informs our sense of taste and vice Versa. Both the gustatory cortex and the olfactory cortex are located within the temporal lobe and are adjacent to each other allowing them to interconnect and communicate. Much of our perception of taste is actually formed by the combination of sensory information about taste and smell being communicated back and forth between the cortexs.
Taste and smell are connected with location, memory and emotion
Gustatory and olfactory cortical regions interconnect and interact with brain regions which process spatial information and memories. These are brain regions involved in generating emotional responses to stimuli and producing emotions which explains why smell can trigger such strong emotional responses or produce vivid memories.
Evolutionary this link makes sense. Neurons of the primary olfactory and gustatory cortex interact with brain regions that specialise in processing spatial information they allow us to locate and remember the location of smells and tastes. The odour producing object may be far away locating the source of an odour which is unknown to us can have important survival benefits for example if we are starving and smell a delicious odour finding the location of the odour may lead us to food. Alternatively if we smell something disgusting locating the origin allows us to avoid exposure to dangerous pathogens. Link of location to taste is unimportant.
The strong emotional link to smell and taste especially disgust and fear is a powerful behavioural adaptation which allows us to learn and recognise contaminated foods or unripe/ripe fruit. It can help us recognise our infant among many other similar looking infants, recognise a blood relative to a stranger and the reproductive readiness and fitness of a potential mate all survival advantages.
Touch, pain and balance
Unique in the fact it does not involve a single specialised sensory organ and don’t transduce only one type of environmental energy into a neural signal.
Involved the body being able to detect a variety of energy sources including mechanical energy, thermal energy and chemical concentration through a diverse range of mechanoreceptors in the skin that transduce pressure, vibration, stretch and texture.
One function is experiencing touch sensations when part of our body is touching an object.
Another less obvious function is receiving feedback about the location and orientation of our limbs and body parts even when not actively touching an object.
Special mechanoreceptor systems called proprioceptors within the muscles, tendons and joints respond to the position movement and strain experienced by body parts. Most important of these are muscle spindle organs that sit within normal muscle and respond to changes in length of muscle and golgi tendon organs that sit within tendons and respond to tension/strain in the tendon.
Involved the body being able to detect a variety of energy sources including mechanical energy, thermal energy and chemical concentration through a diverse range of mechanoreceptors in the skin that transduce pressure, vibration, stretch and texture.
One function is experiencing touch sensations when part of our body is touching an object.
Another less obvious function is receiving feedback about the location and orientation of our limbs and body parts even when not actively touching an object.
Special mechanoreceptor systems called proprioceptors within the muscles, tendons and joints respond to the position movement and strain experienced by body parts. Most important of these are muscle spindle organs that sit within normal muscle and respond to changes in length of muscle and golgi tendon organs that sit within tendons and respond to tension/strain in the tendon.
Like touch there is no specialised organ. Only nociceptors in the form of free nerve endings in the skin and throughout much of the body. Sensory transducers throughout your skin and underlying epidermal layers will detect damage to your body tissues directly as mechanical energy in instances of impact or as chemical changes via activity of chemoreceptors resulting from tissue damage. We experience activity of nociceptord as pain. Nonciceptors transduce energy into neural signals up the spinal cord through the thalamus and the brain
Many diverse regions of the spinal cord, subcortical areas and cortical areas of the brain process pain signals. Spinal cord receives inputs from mechanoreceptors and proprioceptors which will primarily convey to the somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobe. Information is used to perceive pain and infer location and potential damage allowing us to seek out ways to deal with the injury. Not all signals from receptors proceed to the brain instead thr information may be utilised by the spinal cord to generate a quick automatic reflex
Gate control theory
Gate control theory states neuronal signals for pain compete along the way to the brain with those of touch, pressure and vibration. The consequence of this is that the presence of non painful touch stimulus can inhibit a simultaneously presented painful stimulus. There is limited sensory information our body can perceive by touching an injury the brain needs to process information relating to multiple aspects of touch the added information provided by the hand including pressure, warmth, texture and movement may decrease the pain signal for us to perceive other sensations
Placebo and nocebo effects
Our experience of pain is not merely sensory inputs but also reflects context and our expectations. Subjective pain is reduced when we are distracted, aroused or when endorphins are released. It is also influenced by expectations most common example is placebo effect in which the expectation of pain relief from day swallowing a pill that have been told contains pain relief results in subjective pain relief regardless of contents of the tablet. The converse the nocebo effect is the experience of pain due to mere anticipation administration of a painful stimulus.
Possible via the activity of mechanoreceptors if the vestibular system in our inner ear right next to the cochlea. Three small fluid filled loops or canals which make up part of the vestibular apparatus. The fluid is called endolymph which moves in different directions due to the movement of our head information relating to this movement is sent to the brain to help us determine the orientation of our head
The important of the vets tubular system has demonstrated importance on balance due to when getting an ear infection people experience dizziness, vertigo and loss of balance. The infection influences the movement of the endolymph disrupting our brains ability to infer our heads orientation which in turn impacts our balance. Vestibular areas of the thalamus and cortex receive and process information about head movement and orientation in order to better control movement and gaze