Micro- Nueroanatomy Flashcards
Functions of neurons
Neurons can be classified by their function at a broad level this includes sensory neurons, motor neurons and internuerons.
Sensory neurons transmit information from sensory receptors in the body to the brain for further processing
Motor neurons do the opposite they transmit information from the brain to muscles and organs instructing them on how to function.
Sensory and motor neurons can be very long sometimes spanning the entire length of the body for example a sensory receptor in you big toe is attached to a single sensory neuron that travels the entire length of the body through the spinal cord to your brain.
Interneurons simply transmit information from one neuron to another these make up the majority of the neurons in the brain.
Structure of a typical neuron
Soma or cell body
Where all important processing of the neuron occurs inside the cell body is the nucleus which contains a copy of all you DNA it is the control house of all instructions for how the neurone is structured and needs to function
Dendrites feed into the cell body, they receive information from other neurons the complexity of this is enormous with 100s or 1000s of communicative inputs from other neurons feeding into the dendrites.
Extending from the cell body is the axon with the area connecting the two being called the axon hillock. The axon is responsible for transmitting electrical signals from the cell body through to the terminal buttons.
Terminal buttons is where the information is conveyed to other neurons
Most of the axon is covered by myelin a white fatty substance produced by subtypes of glial cells. It insulated the electrical signal the entire axon is not covered by myelin these interspersed sections are called nodes of Ranvier
With the axon hillock nodes of ranvier are the sections of the axon where action potential occurs the process that propagated an electrical signal allowing information to be transmitted to dendrites of the next cell.
Neurons do not interact through direct contact there is a tiny gap between terminal buttons and dendrites this gap is called synapse which is where chemicals are released from terminal buttons to communicate a new signal to the dendrites of the next neuron
Classifying Neurons by structure
Common way to classify via structure is based on how many projections that are extending from the cell body. There are four different types including unipolar neuron, bipolar neuron, multipolar nuerons and psuedo-unipolar neurons
Unipolar: only one projection can be dendrite or axon
Bipolar: most important in visual system has two projections
Multipolar: prototypical neuron most common type in brain.
Pseudo-unipolar: although only having one projection it still comprised of both dendrites and axon typically the long sensory and motor neurons
Structure seen through brain
Grey matter comprises of cell bodies and dendrites of cell bodies whilst the white matter are the myelinated axons of neurons. The cell body is where all the information processing occurs the grey matter is located in the outside of the brain in the cerebral cortex. The white matter is cromprised if enormous networks of myelinated axons mainly about transmission of information from different grey matter areas. The corpus callosum is entirely white same with the spinal cord as these are both functions of transmitting information
Neuronal communication
The process of Neuronal communication can be broken up into three broad steps.
Step A: within neuron communication dendrites and cell bodies receive input from nearby neurons a form of electrical communication
Step B: within neuron communication process by which information travels from axon hillock along the Axon to the terminal buttons a form of electrical communication
Step C: between neuron communication process by which a signal reaching the terminal buttons causes the release of a chemical signal across the synapse communicating with nearby neurons a form of chemical communication
Intra neuronal communication
Involves the communication of electrical information.
Is the passive movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to low concentration
Electrostatic pressure
Is a passive attraction of oppositely charged ions and repulsion’s if similar charged ions
Inside and outside a brain cell
An important feature of the cell membrane is that it is semipermeable meaning some things can pass through the membrane whilst others can’t. This is made possible through the opening and closing of different ion channels which allow certain ions to pass through easily while preventing others. At rest the intercellular space has an overall negative charge and the extra cellular space has an overall positive this is due to some large negative molecules in the cell that can’t leave. This is called membrane potential testing membrane potential is -70mV
Changing membrane potential
If certain ion channels open and allowed for certain positively charged ions to move wherever they wanted they would be attracted to the inside the cell due to its negative charge (diffusion) the membrane potential will become more positive (-68mV or -66mV)
When other types of channels were to open and close the cell can become more negative (-74mV or -79mV)
If the manipulation effect make the cell more positive then the membrane potential has depolarised. This manipulation is considered an excitatory signal or excitatory potential.
If the manipulation effect make the cell more positive then the membrane potential has depolarised. This manipulation is considered an excitatory signal or excitatory potential.
If the manipulation effect causes the cell to become more negative the cell membrane potential had hyperpolarisrd. This manipulation is called an inhibitory signal or inhibitory potential
Graded potential
A neuron will receive input from nearby neurons via its dendrites and cell body the inputs cause either an excitatory or inhibitory signal. Excitatory and inhibitory signals received by a neuron are called graded potentials. The signals are graded based on how strong they are. The stronger the signal the more the signal will be conducted through the dendrites and cell body and the more the signal will get through. If there is a stronger excitation potential then neuron will depolarise. In contrast if there is more inhibitory potential the neuron will hyperpolarisr
Graded potentials can cancel each other out the sum of these graded potential get a net effect and this would either be excitatory or inhibitory determining what the neuron should do
All graded potentials converge at the axon hillock where it’s determined whether the electrical signal will continue
Action potential
Communication through the axon occurs via an electrical signal called an action potential. An all or nothing process. It is responsible for the electrical communication from the axon hillock, through the axon to the terminal buttons.