Sensation and Perception Flashcards
Absolute Threshold
A (lowest) point at which a stimulus can detected 50 percent of the time;
Used to determine sensory threshold
Difference Threshold (JND)
Minimum change in stimulation that can be reliably detected 50 percent of the time
Signal Detection Theory
Detection of a faint stimulus in the presence of background stimulation
Sensory Adaptation
Diminished sensitivity as a result of constant stimulation; decline in receptor activity when stimulus is unchanging
Sensory Processing Disorder
High- need more stimuli to react; sensation seeking
Low- sensitive to stimuli; avoid sensory experiences
Not perceived consciously
Fechner’s Law
German Physiologist Gustav Theodore Fechner
Change in a stimulus that will be just noticeable is a constant ratio of the original stimulus (JND is proportional to background stimulus)
Weber’s Law
German Physician Ernst Weber
Comparison of sense sensitivities
Substances involved in the initial processing of scents
Condition where one loses sense of smell
Naturally occurring odorants that send signal to other organisms
Place Theory
Neurons determine pitch by noting the location on the basilar
membrane where the messages are strongest.